This is a fascinating website www.bibleufo.com
The Work on the website includes the following:
The prime purpose of this work is to present evidence concerning a glaring deception concerning the return of the Christ. The Bible clearly presents evidence that the God of the Bible, and the beings associated with God, travel in flying vehicles strikingly similar to those witnessed in our skies, which are known in this modern age as UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects. We believe that the enemy of God, now on this planet, is rapidly convincing its inhabitants that these UFOs are either his own vehicles, thus making them appear evil, or are controlled by an aggressive alien force. This deception, as predicted in scripture and will result in the rejection of the "Second Coming" of the Christ by the world.
It is also our purpose to identify the true deception that will result in world dominance by a corporate empire, controlled and inspired by the forces of Satan, which will bring the entire world to the brink of destruction. As the churches of this world are described as participating in that deception and control, we have presented the doctrines of the church and exposed glaring contradictions in comparison to true biblical doctrine. Ancient megalithic structures, evidence of ancient technology, modern phenomena, anomalous artifacts, and the wonders of the human creation are also brought into the equation.
Our research has revealed much more than a vague possibility that God and UFOs are connected. It is important to state at this point that, where we make definitive statements it is from evidence, were we speculate, and that is always stated, it is from careful consideration and applied logic. We are always open to correction where the solid evidence warrants. We have organized the main points into brief statements, with links to the pages that contain the conclusions of our research by category.
This could make for a wonderful discussion when we have time.
Love beyond measure
kim xx
The Work on the website includes the following:
The prime purpose of this work is to present evidence concerning a glaring deception concerning the return of the Christ. The Bible clearly presents evidence that the God of the Bible, and the beings associated with God, travel in flying vehicles strikingly similar to those witnessed in our skies, which are known in this modern age as UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects. We believe that the enemy of God, now on this planet, is rapidly convincing its inhabitants that these UFOs are either his own vehicles, thus making them appear evil, or are controlled by an aggressive alien force. This deception, as predicted in scripture and will result in the rejection of the "Second Coming" of the Christ by the world.
It is also our purpose to identify the true deception that will result in world dominance by a corporate empire, controlled and inspired by the forces of Satan, which will bring the entire world to the brink of destruction. As the churches of this world are described as participating in that deception and control, we have presented the doctrines of the church and exposed glaring contradictions in comparison to true biblical doctrine. Ancient megalithic structures, evidence of ancient technology, modern phenomena, anomalous artifacts, and the wonders of the human creation are also brought into the equation.
Our research has revealed much more than a vague possibility that God and UFOs are connected. It is important to state at this point that, where we make definitive statements it is from evidence, were we speculate, and that is always stated, it is from careful consideration and applied logic. We are always open to correction where the solid evidence warrants. We have organized the main points into brief statements, with links to the pages that contain the conclusions of our research by category.
This could make for a wonderful discussion when we have time.
Love beyond measure
kim xx