eternal life

didymus said:
Now I agree with you. He was looking for more than just eternal life in the future. he wanted something now not just 20-30 40 years away. He wasn't being fulfilled as much as he would have liked by just obeying the commandments. Jesus offered him more than eternal life, he offered him heaven on earth, the kingdom of God.
But Heaven on earth would cost him the pennies he'd earned...yeah how hard it is to see the "gold" being offered for the pennies one has. However, you are asking people to see beyond what they are currently capable of...that isn't something that may fly with all. ;) That kind of thinking takes time (most likely a life time). You are also implying that one must trust completely in Christ while healthy and alive and well...found that yet? I think with few exceptions, not likely...


Yes we are to obey the commandments to inherit eternal life.. no this is not possible.. with Jesus it is possible because he died on the cross so our sins could be forgiven.. so the sin debt could be paid. Jesus is the ONLY way.. We can never be "good" enough.

Im having a really hard time with your questions and your posts didymus.. you come across as being highly confrontational and rude. I find it disrespectful and extremely unpleasant. Why would you want to post on a forum in which you have nothing but contempt for the beliefs and the believers? You can say that you do not feel this way but im willing to bet that a few others would agree with me.
Faithful, I am debating a point of interpretation here. I do believe. I also have been led to read the Bible in a way that is considered unorthodox by many here. You see I take what Jesus said with the upmost sincerity. I do not discount one thing he said. I am seeing different interpretations in what he said. Noone can take this away from me. If I come across as rude it truly isn't my intention. Maybe what you sense is frustration on my part because I am excited about what I read and I haven't found anybody yet who has siad, " gee, I never saw it that way before ", or "wow, maybe Jesus did mean that when he said such and such."

Are you familiar with the reformation? Martin Luther took the scriptures out of the hands of the church and advocated personal interpretation and meditation on scriptures by the people. That is all I am doing. But if I see something that doesn't match, such as my discussion of John the Baptist in the 4 gospels I am not afraid to point it out.
Hi didymus,

I'm not interested in debating this issue about the distinction between the Kingdom of God and eternal life that you draw from the passage under discussion. By debating I mean going at each other with verse after verse and logic upon logic trying to pound the other into submission. No, let's not do that.

However, you are trying to share your insight with us and I, for one, am interested in trying to understand what that is. You see this distinction and now what I am wondering is what comfort you draw from this and where you are going with this line of thought.

I'm not trying to frustrate you and you don't need to respond. By the way I wanted to thank you for the chance to think more deeply about this passage.

Luna, for me this is an attempt to go deeper into the meaning of the things Jesus spoke of. Until 2 days ago I never noticed that Jesus spoke so strongly of the Kingdom being here on earth. I had previously taken it as a futuristic event at the end of the ages only. I'm not saying that this isn't also an interpretation of that, but I do see that Jesus spoke of the kingdom inmore of a present tense.

For me it was a revelation to read Jesus' answer regarding the man's question of eternal life. When I read that it blew me away. It was simple and to the point. This propelled me further to study what other things Jesus said that I have missed over the years. Taking only the verses about the kingdom and focusing on them in their whole context has illuminated my understanding and I have found great peace as a result of it.
Ahhh, I think I understand. Yes, it's exciting and wonderful when the Spirit gives us new and deeper insights. Enjoy!

Peace and Happy Easter!

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. (john 17;3)

John 17:4-5 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.