New Member
Here's a dilemma.... I have such a hard time keeping my spirit strong all day long. I can achieve inner peace in the morning, and in the evening when I'm by myself. But I just get so distracted by the ins and outs and comings and goings of every day. Its hard because I'm so much happier when I feel present and I just seem to lose that sometimes. My intentions are good, but its hard to stay positive and peaceful when the world can be so harsh. Also, I was born into a Roman Catholic family. My mom still goes to church all the time. I, however, am much more experimental with my beliefs. I'm fascinated by Buddhism and by enlightenment. I love the Power of Now, and I think that there is more then just that one path to Being. I don't know if I should be picking one certain religion to follow or not. I kind of lost touch for a while during my first two years in college, but I'm starting to feel happy again, and any insight would be greatly appreciated