Theological problem.


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Theo in Greek means God and logy is also Greek from the word logia meaning sensible thought. Of course now theology means the study all religions or anything to do with practises relating to God / Gods.

How can you have one religion stating you go to heaven and an other telling us you will reborn as an other living thing?

So really any human with a reasoning mind will understand that there are really only 4 options of which would make universal sense.

1) This theological contradiction proves that religion is a human creation.

2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.

3) Both heaven and reincarnation are correct?

4) The question is Incomprehensible

Which would you agree with?
You left out an option - like any study, scholars may disagree. And that's the option I agree with - given an absence of evidence around a hypothesis, it cannot be disproved (strictly, no hypothesis can be proved - it can only be shown to be supported by the available evidence, since more evidence may arise that is contrary to it). Theology is one of the areas of study with no independently validatible evidence, so there's no way to really discuss which is right independent of the base assumptions - in this case, single-pass incarnation vs multiple-pass. No evidence either way that can be validated, so both theories hold up well. Which is right? Could be either, or both, or neither.
I tend to think that with all the theologies out there that it is impossible for there to only be one true and right way. I think we all have a part of the universal truth and if combined with each other would make up a bigger portion of the truth. Much remains to be seen yet. by no means do we as humans have it all figured out yet.
brucegdc I'd have to say I agree with you :)

I'd say incomprehensible :D If my body is limited, so is my thinking.
didymus said:
I tend to think that with all the theologies out there that it is impossible for there to only be one true and right way. I think we all have a part of the universal truth and if combined with each other would make up a bigger portion of the truth. Much remains to be seen yet. by no means do we as humans have it all figured out yet.
I completely agree. My own personal belief is in both, but it is of course belief and not proven, as anything to do with the afterlife must be.
Ya know....most of us try so hard and look so deep for the part of religion that will make us suddenly say "ureka",and I am as bad as anyone, and maybe worse than most at this. But what if, when we all get to heaven, reincarnated, reach nirvana, or simply pass from this life, we suddenly learn that it was really not as complecated as we thought it was?

the janitor
Kindest Regards!
Postmaster said:
How can you have one religion stating you go to heaven and an other telling us you will reborn as an other living thing?

So really any human with a reasoning mind will understand that there are really only 4 options of which would make universal sense.

1) This theological contradiction proves that religion is a human creation.

2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.

3) Both heaven and reincarnation are correct?

4) The question is Incomprehensible

Which would you agree with?[/color]

Hmmm. Another consideration, strictly speaking philosophically, is that heaven is a way point on the way to the next incarnation. I think this coincides with Bruce's point.

Another might be that heaven is the ultimate destination of all the incarnations.
Kindest Regards, janitor!
janitor said:
Ya know....most of us try so hard and look so deep for the part of religion that will make us suddenly say "ureka",and I am as bad as anyone, and maybe worse than most at this. But what if, when we all get to heaven, reincarnated, reach nirvana, or simply pass from this life, we suddenly learn that it was really not as complecated as we thought it was?

Indeed! :D
After years of searching and beating myself up for sinning and climbing back on the horse and falling off again, I have come to realize something. The truth is within me. I never allowed that truth to come forth and be heard because of fear and distractions. I think that what i was chasing was others beliefs. Beliefs that I thought were "orthodox" and "acceptable". Beliefs that I could go home and tell my Christian mother about and she wouldn't look at me funny. I wasn't true to myself.

Deep down i never believed there was one correct religion. I forced myself to believe this and allowed fear to keep me there. Inside I always thought,"Buddhism of the devil? it can't be". "Muslims are going to burn in hell because they don't believe in the Christian way?" I knew these people sought after God and truth. It never made sense to me. When you decide to put your foot down and take a stand for what you believe you will be amazed. God will be there to greet you with open arms. When you surrender and stop allowing fear to dictate your beliefs you are free to see the beauty in all religions, and they are beautiful.
2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.

none of us have any control over the family we are born into and how we are raised as children. its our parents that teach us to follow christianity, judaism, buddhism..etc. when we reach the age of reason, some of us will question what we have learned, or seek more, and some people wont. many people are satisfied with what they have been taught and have no need to further explore. some people are open minded, some closed. God gave us all free will to choose our path and one day we will all stand before God in judgement.

modern scientists have finally come to the conclusion that all the systems created on earth and in the universe are to complex and must have a sustainer, a Creator. God.

of course God would have left mankind true guidance, a true path to follow. i believe Satan is very real and misleads many.

maybe its how we turn to God, what do we pray for? do we pray for wisdom and understanding? do we ask God sincerely from our hearts to guide us on his straight path? to bring us nearer to him? Do we ask God for knowledge?
2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.

First of all Mandina I agree. But I would like for everyone to consider a few things.

Early on in life we are instilled with an attitude of following the crowd. I can remember coming up in school, and often making the statement to my parents when I got in trouble or did poorly on a test, that all my friends were their or that everybody got a bad grade. In the end I would hear those famous words " If everybody jumped off a bridge are you going to?" Many thimes we would join groups to be apart of the "in crowd", no one wanted to be the kid that was left out or always picked last. And we would feel more comfortable and confidant when we had are boys backing us up, there was a sense of safety in numbers. If a party was not packed we would leave. We rarely would speak up about things that could be considered contoversal, in fear of scutny.

What I am getting at is this. I have found many people often do things because alot of people are doing it. And with respect to religion it is no different. Many people often say that they can't find a religion that meets their belifs, or rather their compromises.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a compromising world, the reason for the creation and acceptance of so many different religions is that we have tailored them to what is convient for us, rather than tailor our lives beliefs and practices towards God's plan and the examples he has given.

So I challenge everyone to seek out the truth, for it is not the popular path to follow, because the truth is, that millions of people are just following the crowd. I believe their is a "True Church"
Obviously, the answers postmaster seeks are not to be answered in the same state of conciousness that asks them. I say this with all gentleness and respect, but I do not think we can trancend dualistic thought with more of the same. Perhaps a meditation on the Hegelian dialectic would help. You might recall that it posits: Thesis, Antithesis, and synthesis.

I think Ambassador makes good point, in that there is an ultimate reality, and if we focus on that instead of why there seems to be so many conflicting ideas perhaps an inner knowingness can be reached.

Greetings Paladin,
Thank you for producing an ultimate truth in the realisation that we are able to move from one state of consciousness to another. When we come to a still place of connection within ourselves, more is revealed than a thousand questions of how or why.
Heaven is here now if only we allow it time for being.
Ciel said:
Heaven is here now if only we allow it time for being.
Nicely said. Thanks, Ciel.

That reminds me of my favorite line from the Gospel of Thomas:

"The Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the Earth, but men do not see it."
sorry, just testing because i am having problems posting and just lost a long message into a black hole
ambassador said:
2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.

First of all Mandina I agree. But I would like for everyone to consider a few things.

Early on in life we are instilled with an attitude of following the crowd. I can remember coming up in school, and often making the statement to my parents when I got in trouble or did poorly on a test, that all my friends were their or that everybody got a bad grade. In the end I would hear those famous words " If everybody jumped off a bridge are you going to?" Many thimes we would join groups to be apart of the "in crowd", no one wanted to be the kid that was left out or always picked last. And we would feel more comfortable and confidant when we had are boys backing us up, there was a sense of safety in numbers. If a party was not packed we would leave. We rarely would speak up about things that could be considered contoversal, in fear of scutny.

What I am getting at is this. I have found many people often do things because alot of people are doing it. And with respect to religion it is no different. Many people often say that they can't find a religion that meets their belifs, or rather their compromises.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a compromising world, the reason for the creation and acceptance of so many different religions is that we have tailored them to what is convient for us, rather than tailor our lives beliefs and practices towards God's plan and the examples he has given.

So I challenge everyone to seek out the truth, for it is not the popular path to follow, because the truth is, that millions of people are just following the crowd. I believe their is a "True Church"
yes i agree with this , so did Jesus
Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it(matthew7;13-14)

Postmaster said:

How can you have one religion stating you go to heaven and an other telling us you will reborn as an other living thing?

You could be reborn in a desirable or undesirable place. You could experience pleasant and unpleasant (heaven/hell) sensations wherever you are. BTW, Christianity taught rebirth, so did Judaism.

There are plenty of paradoxes in science (involving Relativity), that does not
make it wrong. Make sure to have the right pov.

1) This theological contradiction proves that religion is a human creation.
No contradictions, just views from different viewpoints.

2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion.
What is wrong 'religion' and what is right religion? A better statement would be to ask "which is the best path?"

3) Both heaven and reincarnation are correct?