This by the way, isnt my words, but the Bible's.
(Perhaps, but the implication is that those who disagree with your personal interpretation are amiss -jt3)
Honestly, there is ONLY ONE interpretation of the Bible -- God's interpreatation. If we let the scriptures interprete itself, we will be OK.
(Do you honestly think that others here do not allow the scriptures to speak to them? -jt3)
Because, while he was the most tolerant man ever, he remained intolerant towards religion and other ways. Jesus knowing that he IS THE ONLY way to God, said it because he desiers to save men.
(Perhaps, but do you not find it ironic then that a religion is based on Jesus, if Jesus is intolerant towards religion?-jt3)
We're all born sinners because of the sin DNA in us.
(I must have missed this in the genome sequence, -jt3)
The fact is, unless they repent and put their trust in Jesus (Born again), they remain unsaved, and thus end up being sincerly wrong!
(Your opinion is not the same as fact, -jt3)
We Christians dont try to save ourselves by good deeds, but instead, we repent, and put our trust in Jesus, the one that paid our fine. Knowing and excepting this truth, has made us redeemed children of God, who now have a relationship with God, and not a religion.
(Again, this is your opinion. This subject has been discussed numerous times throughout this board, and not ALL Christians agree with your conclusions, even "born again" Christians, -jt3)
here's what I propose. Take Jesus on his word. Repent (STOP sinning), ask him into your life, and read the Bible.
(Proselytising is not acceptable in this community. Do you really think for even a moment that other Christians here have not already done these very things? -jt3)
God's words tell me so.
(Again, your opinion, or interpretation, of God's word unless you have some exclusive connection to the Almighty, which I seriously doubt. -jt3)
those that never come to Jesus never get redeemed.
(It might do you well to consider Romans chapter 2, beginning around verse ten. Then do an indepth study of the sixth day and eighth day of Creation in Genesis. Perhaps you might come away with a slightly different perspective, a much more tolerant one at that. -jt3)
Instead, people seek to find their own way, leaning on their own understanding,
(Including yourself? -jt3)
Try Jesus!
(Once again, proselytising, which is not acceptable here. -jt3)
Actually, God's Laws were first given to the Jew; for his own reason, but are ment for the whole world!
(Your opinion, and there are countless millions of God loving and truth seeking people who would disagree with you. -jt3)
Are you a good person? Have you ever lied, lusted, stole something, called God's name in vain, wanted what someone else wanted?
(Are you? Have you? -jt3)
Come to Jesus that you may know true righteousness!
(Unacceptable, -jt3)
The truth that ALL need a Savior is written on your heart. Look at yourself in the mirrior of God's Devine Law -- The Ten Commendments. Jugde yourself with the Law, and listen to your conscience.
(Considering the Ten Commandments do not even mention Jesus, and the FACT that the Gospels claim Jesus said there are only two commandments, means this is your opinion. -jt3)
I want to remind you that Jesus said time and again that Salavation is ONLY through him. This is the underlining mesesage of the WHOLE Bible, incidentially.
(Considering that Jesus makes His debut in the New Testament, are you implying that the Jews, let alone any of the rest of God's creation, are not "worthy" of salvation? If not, it sure seems that way. Rather judgemental, don't you think? -jt3)