Kindest Regards, Faithfulservant!
Faithfulservant said:
Why is it that every belief in Christianity is accepted except that Jesus is the only way and the inerrancy of the bible? Even on this forum they both are disregarded at times as legitimate beliefs and looked on as intolerance or unacceptable. This troubles me and I would like to discuss it.
First, I can't help but think a portion of this comes from my recent action. It is only fitting I respond.
If one looks through all of the threads here, they can see that there are a
lot more differences of opinion than just the two you mention. Biblical inerrancy is a valid discussion that has been gone over more than once here as well.
Since I can see that my moderating might leave the impression that I sometimes question whether Jesus is the only way, it is because my study of God's word leads me in that direction. I don't expect you to agree or even understand, and I don't make it an issue. I leave that to the individual when I quote or refer to Romans chapter 2.
Jesus is the way, for Christians. That is, he pointed out the way. He lived by example.
What of the countless millions who lived and died never hearing of Jesus? I'm not talking of those who heard and refused, I am talking of those who were never given the opportunity. Are they to rot in hell because of an accident of birth? I REALLY don't think so. God said the sixth day creation was not just good, it was
very good. Adam and the garden did not come about until the 8th day. So, personally judging others to hell because of non-belief is actually standing against what God himself called VERY GOOD.
God created all of humanity. With each of their cultures, languages, religions and beliefs. They will not be held accountable for what they do not know. It is wrong of us to assume we know God's mind. When we get to heaven, there are going to be a lot of surprises, people we thought should be there will not be, and those we thought would be damned will be there. That is why being judgmental is wrong.
Of course, I could be mistaken, but that is where God has led me to. Which brings me to tolerance.
I hope one day to write this in greater detail, but I will try to give a brief. The guys who highjacked the airliners on 9/11 were intolerant fundamentalist bigots. Timothy McVeigh was an intolerant bigot. Eric Rudolph was an intolerant bigot. Adolph Hitler was an intolerant bigot. The list goes on...
What all of these people have in common, is their unshakable belief that they (and those who think exactly like them) are the only ones who know right from wrong. And they commit heinous crimes against humanity for that belief, some even thinking they do God a service. Remember Paul when he held the coats of those who stoned Stephen to death? Paul recanted, and regretted his action, and went on to do great work for God. Most intolerant bigots do not. They never come to realize the hatred they hold for everyone else, convincing themselves they do so out of love. For so-called "love" of God they go to war with anybody who disagrees with them. That war may not be with weapons, but all too often it is. It also manifests as prejudice and discrimination, verbal abuse, and violence. Ironic, that in their minds it is in service to God, who is none of these things.
God loves us. He wants us to love Him in return. He could force that love, but has chosen not to. It wouldn't be real love if it were forced. Love is patient and long-suffering, even and especially with those who we disagree with. That is the nature of tolerance. In a way, you could say love equals tolerance, hate (no matter what it is called) equals intolerance. One more thing about tolerance, it is not acceptance. One does not have to accept a view one disagrees with, but I do believe we are called to be respectful in our disagreement.
Somebody said Jesus was intolerant. I disagree. Jesus walked among the scum of the earth, the dregs of society, offering hope to those who had none. What Jesus was intolerant towards is certain behaviors. There are people in this world who live their lives behaving in ways I disagree with; murderers, whore-mongers, thieves, drug addicts, etc. But I am still commanded by Jesus to love even these people. He did.