I was thinking about the homosexuality post and I thought I'd create this one. I'm going to open with a quote from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's new book, Judaism with Feeling. This is from the chapter on Shabbat, the Sabbath, under a section that deals with the mitzvah (usually commandment) to make love with one's spouse on Shabbat in a way that came to be understood as deeply spiritual and meaningful and symbolic. He says:
"I once got into a conversation about masturbation with a bar-mitzvah boy I was teaching. Try waiting until Shabbos comes around, I suggested, and don't be a stranger from God; make sure to let God into it."
I have posted this in part because it is peculiarly jarring, I think, to read from an 80 year old rabbi with a traditional ordination, to have him tell a twelve or thirteen year old that he should connect masturbation with a holy day and make sure God is a part of it. But I agree with him that God should be a part of it. And it actually seems quite wise to tell the child to wait until Shabbat. This will make masturbation a sacred and holy activity. But I think all non-destructive sexual activity can become sacred, and perhaps "destructive" can be interpreted quite a bit.
I know many will disagree strongly based on scriptural evidence. As a source, I would dispute Onan as anti-masturbation but I'll state my reason why later. So what is your opinion?
"I once got into a conversation about masturbation with a bar-mitzvah boy I was teaching. Try waiting until Shabbos comes around, I suggested, and don't be a stranger from God; make sure to let God into it."
I have posted this in part because it is peculiarly jarring, I think, to read from an 80 year old rabbi with a traditional ordination, to have him tell a twelve or thirteen year old that he should connect masturbation with a holy day and make sure God is a part of it. But I agree with him that God should be a part of it. And it actually seems quite wise to tell the child to wait until Shabbat. This will make masturbation a sacred and holy activity. But I think all non-destructive sexual activity can become sacred, and perhaps "destructive" can be interpreted quite a bit.
I know many will disagree strongly based on scriptural evidence. As a source, I would dispute Onan as anti-masturbation but I'll state my reason why later. So what is your opinion?