Hi AdD,
Just to clarify, I'm not trying to defend (or attack) fundamentalism no matter how one defines it. And, the attitude and methods described in the article are dangerous and destructive. But I still don't see where the author says he's talking only about a certain type of fundamentalist. In religion fundamentalism is a contemporary reaction to liberalism and specifically it is claimed by those Christians who fully accept the tenents of religion laid out in the pamphlets called The Fundamentals issued between 1910 and 1915. This included the five dogmas: 1) inerrancy of scripture, 2) the Virgin Birth of Christ, 3) Christ's atonement of our sins on the cross, 4) his bodily resurrection, and 5) the objective reality of his miracles. I think it is misleading to imply that fundamentalism typically leads to bombing abortion clinics or even shrill streetcorner preaching. But it sometimes does.
Just to clarify, I'm not trying to defend (or attack) fundamentalism no matter how one defines it. And, the attitude and methods described in the article are dangerous and destructive. But I still don't see where the author says he's talking only about a certain type of fundamentalist. In religion fundamentalism is a contemporary reaction to liberalism and specifically it is claimed by those Christians who fully accept the tenents of religion laid out in the pamphlets called The Fundamentals issued between 1910 and 1915. This included the five dogmas: 1) inerrancy of scripture, 2) the Virgin Birth of Christ, 3) Christ's atonement of our sins on the cross, 4) his bodily resurrection, and 5) the objective reality of his miracles. I think it is misleading to imply that fundamentalism typically leads to bombing abortion clinics or even shrill streetcorner preaching. But it sometimes does.