
Conscience said:
LOL.. Wow, OK...The ants are heading for a grave danger (pick something thats extremly terrible). That said, if you was the creator of the ants and you couldnt talk to them, how would you save them?

LOL! Why would I create ants that I can't communicate with? What would have been my purpose for creating these ants? Humankind are creators. Nothing like God, of course, but we are indeed creators. And usually we don't create without a purpose. You don't create anything that you don't have control over, and I think that we don't see God as omnipotent if we believe that God can not communicate with his creation.

Anyhow, if the ants are heading for a grave danger and they couldn't hear me (because I don't see myself not being able to talk to my own creation), then I would eradicate the danger and leave the ruins so they would know what danger they could have been in.
Hahahaha! You guys are very funny. We'll end the anology here, and I'll post the point of it later. I sure hope it doesnt get earsed like some of my other post.
Oh, I had a pretty good idea of your point from the beginning. But you asked me what I would do, you didn't post a "point" you were trying to make. So we're free to have our fun with this one. ;)
Conscience said:
Hahahaha! You guys are very funny. We'll end the anology here, and I'll post the point of it later. I sure hope it doesnt get earsed like some of my other post.
The point is, the analogy doesn't work. The "Creator" can (and does) communicate with creation. So in your ant example, the loving Creator would communicate the wisdom his ants need.

So then you tried to change the question. You added that the ants had apparently done some act of disobedience that prevented the Creator from communicating with them. However, that would not prevent a loving Creator from communicating with the object of Love. It is axiomatic that God is not bound by his own laws, unless you see the "Law" as exclusively the "law" of Love (which it is). In which case God is not "bound" by it, but rather his Love for his creatures compels God.

Thus, a violation of the stroke or letter of some written rule called the "law" could never get in the way of God's Love (this concept is all over the place in the Bible - I daresay, it's the whole point of the New Testament). Likewise, it should never get in the way of love between God's creatures. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control are the direct result of God's revelation of the law of Love in our hearts. Not adherence to the "law."
Sugar water, and sugar crystals. Simply put them where you want your ants to be, and they will unerringly go there. The ant's sole purpose is to maintain the collective. Food (sugar), is what they are searching for, so give it to them. ;)

Furthermore, if you do this repeatedly on a regular schedule, you will immediately establish a kind of communication with the ants. They will eventually sense your particular presence and associate it with food, and eventually will begin to anticipate your arrival, and be waiting for you ahead of time. Gotta think like an ant, not make the ant think like you...:D

But then we aren't ants, now are we.


Conscience said:
I think my point not being made by asking. Later, I'll tell u what Im trying to convey. Im tired!
If you are trying to make a point, why not just make a statement that makes the point, rather than asking a question? Then everyone can read your point and take it as they will, and you can save yourself from becoming exhausted and frustrated when other people don't reply to the question with the "correct" answer, or don't think the same way that you do.

Quahom1 said:
Sugar water, and sugar crystals. Simply put them where you want your ants to be, and they will unerringly go there. The ant's sole purpose is to maintain the collective. Food (sugar), is what they are searching for, so give it to them. ;)

Furthermore, if you do this repeatedly on a regular schedule, you will immediately establish a kind of communication with the ants. They will eventually sense your particular presence and associate it with food, and eventually will begin to anticipate your arrival, and be waiting for you ahead of time. Gotta think like an ant, not make the ant think like you...:D

But then we aren't ants, now are we.



How about that? Gotta think like a human, not make the human think like you... God in his infinite wisdom. I'm glad He picked up on that!!
truthseeker said:
How about that? Gotta think like a human, not make the human think like you... God in his infinite wisdom. I'm glad He picked up on that!!
Well, ok, but we've never actually spoken with ants. God speaks with us (or at least He did). Maybe that's because we aren't as smart as ants now...



path_of_one said:
Heh- but you know some modern druids and many indigenous shamans would claim they have spoken to ants. ;)
yes, thats how I got them to look for the sugar in the first place...:D