Kindest Regards, Paul James!
I can't say that I have heard of Chuck Missler, but I have heard of many different theories on the connection of the Nephilim and aliens. Some say that a long time ago the Nephilim (aliens) came to earth and taught humans about technology. Not that I believe in it, but I do find it a little interesting about where they get all of this information from. Anyone care to say?
I haven't heard of Chuck Missler either, so I don't know where he's coming from.
I need to break out my concordance to double check, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that there is an association between angel (messenger) and alien (stranger). Same root or something.
About coming to Earth and giving technology to humans, I have heard of a number of stories.
The archeological evidence points to the agricultural revolution being the advent of the most recent explosion of knowledge, short of perhaps only our own past century. But the explosion then was more like a paradigm shift in how the brain seems to work. Humans reasoned previously, but not nearly on the level that agriculture took humans to. It is difficult to say why. I began reading an article suggesting that humans actually became addicted to how cereals made them act, but I lost the article and didn't get to read it. I have seen connection with ergot spores on rye affecting populations, such things as the French revolution and even in connection with the Salem, Mass witch trials. I did not personally research these things, but if the authors are telling true, it can make a person wonder...
Biblically, I see this period of time as the time of Nimrod, pretty much immediately post Flood, leading into Babel and the Tower. Some stories of Nimrod make him to be a very bad guy, at least in Monotheistic terms. It is possible, I suppose, that his mother and father, consorted with Nephilim or their angelic cousins.
There are also stories of Hermes Trimesgistus (sp?), said to be from Atlantis in some stories I have heard, and taught the Egyptians to build the pyramids. Some ascribe this Hermes to Cush, Nimrod's daddy. Others do not.
Nimrod and his mother, Semiramis, are said in these same stories to be the beginning of the multi-god pagan pantheon, and thus were set at odds with the chosen lineage that became the Monotheistic races. Remember, those of us who come after are grafted into the vine, we are included by the spirit of adoption. Any can be adopted. So it is important to remember that a great many of us could be said in one form or another to be from some of these same "outside" lineages, most not even knowing or caring.
As for Nimrod and Semiramis, were they product and consort of Nephilim? Your guess is as good as mine. But whatever started back then has shaken the world ever since.
Food for thought. Why was Adam created? What does the Bible say about the matter, in Genesis?