Elat Chayyim, as a Jewish Renewal affiliated program, is very hippyish. I think it's all vegeterian food, and some fish. Big emphasis on being eco-friendly. Spiritually they focus on experiential spirituality. Each day begins with meditation and then either prayer or yoga. I'm not sure how the days end. Mornings in silence, as I said. The meditation retreats are entirely silent, except for Q&A and such with instructors. Shabbat has special programming. This is their site:
As an idea of what happens there for those who don't want to bother with the link, these are some of the course offerings, which are completely detailed on the site:
Jewish Studies out in nature: Enjoying the view
Sh'ma: Listening as a spiritual path
Oowee!-- My soul sings electric
An Introduction to Jewish Evolutionary Astrology
Meeting the prophets: selected haftorah portions
The mystical psychology of post-modern kabbalah
Sacred Dance: Embodied Prayer
The Organic Talmud: Stringing words like pearls
The Life Guiding Wisdom of Mussar
Kabbalistic Meditative Ecstacy
The Joy of Spiritual Drumming
Yoga: Standing before the Holy One
So I think that selection gives some idea of the type of stuff offered. Since some more traditional Jewish guests had asked, there is one week that will be geared more towards them. There are also different types of weekends, like the lgbt weekend, weekends with certain teachers, meditation weekends, the singles retreat, some dealing with specific content like conflict resolution, and then they also have some intensive, longer-term part-time training programs. There's a woman who recorded her experiences at elat chayyim on her blog, which I discovered just a few days ago. You can read it here. She also has some more recent entries on going there as well, but this is the first and clearest, also I think the only one from a week-long trip.
edit: My plan is to keep a journal during the time I'm there. I'm not good at keeping journals but I think this experience will give me ample material.
that sounds awesome. What are you going to be working on? Is this what you're going to school for?