Greetings to all, I'm new here so heres a bit about myself: I've always wondered about the ultimate question: the meaning of life, its bothered me my whole life and I tried to avoid it, but now I think kabbalah can give me the answer. I've been studying kabbalah with Bnei Baruch for the past six months.
We say that kabbalah is a science, not a religion or form of mysticism because kabbalah studies universal truths empirically, and does not deal with speculative or metaphysical concepts. Kabbalists tell us the Creator is completely altruistic and rules the world in complete benevolence. He created the entire universe with one thought: to delight his creations. The creation consist of entirely opposite qualities to the creator is it is to have free choice in receiving the pleasure, this is because the greatest pleasures come from altuism, so the creator must choose to want to change his property of absolute selfishness into that of absolute altruism. He created one universal soul called Adam HaRishon (the first man) as a vessel to receive pleasure and gave it pleasure. However, this created in Adam, a sense of shame at being the receiver rather than the giver. Similar to the way you feel if someone gives you a huge gift and you have nothing to give in return. Adam wants to give something but he has nothing to give. This cause the First Restriction (tzimtzum) in which Adam cannot receive the Creator's light unless it is with altruistic intention. There is no lack in the Creator, so the only way to give is to receive in order to bestow. Since the Creator wants to delight me, I will receive his light, but only for his sake, not because I want to please myself. Adam's soul was split into 600,000 parts, which descended to our world in dressed in bodies where they have no sensation of the Creator. They can only correct their egoic properties in this world. The science of Kabbalah teaches people to build a Masach (screen) which only allows the person to receive pleasure if it is for altruistic reasons. If a person corrects themselves, they can begin to sense the spiritual world, of which our world is a mere shadow. Kabbalists are not able to percieve the Creator's essence, but are able to perceive Ein Sof (Hebrew, literally "no end") which is the Creator's desire to delight his creation. Kabbalists who reached a high level, were able to see that the Creator is the only power in this world, that all is done out of his desire to delight us and that Olam HaZeh (this world) is only a small shadow of the true reality in which only 3 things exist: the creator, the light of the creator and the souls that He created. All of the pleasures experienced in this world are small amount of light from Ner Dakik (the small candle) which gives us only a tiny amount of pleasure when compared with the pleasure we will receive from Gmar Tikkun (final correction). It is said that even the slightest pleasures received from creating the Masach are greater than all of the pleasures experienced ever experienced by all of humanity combined from Ner Dakik, the small candle. Money, power, fame, sex are but a trickle of the Creator's light. Suffering is sent to further our correction and to get us to the goal of receiving infinite delight. If a person corrects their selfishness to bestowal, they will see that all the wrongs ever done to them, that they though were coming from other people or from blind nature or chance were actually gifts sent by the Creator so that they would correct themselves and realize that outside of them, exists a state of perfection that they can exist in only by equalizing form with it which means becoming 100% altruistic.
Kabbalah was once limited to only certain people, until the Ari said that from his time onwards, all people of all races, genders, ages etc could and should and MUST study it. The only prequesite is a DESIRE to study it.
Bnei Baruch is a nonprofit group based in Israel, but with students all around the world. It was founded by Micheal Laitman who was originally from the soviet union and a scientist in the field of bio-cybernetics. He later emigrated to Israel and became the student and personal assistant to Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag, the son of Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag who was considered by many to be the greatest kabbalist of modern times.
The only books we study kabbalah from are the writings of the Ari (Isaac Luria), Yehuda Ashlag (Ba'al Hasulam), Baruch Ashlag and some commentaries by M. Laitman. We are only concerned with correcting our inner qualities and revealing the Creator's light. We do not concern ourselves with magic, good luck charms, red strings or anything of the sort, like some other organizations coughcoughKabbalahCentrecoughcough are. I've explained a little bit, but this is really just some of the basics of Kabbalah, so go to the main site to find out more, if you are interested.
We say that kabbalah is a science, not a religion or form of mysticism because kabbalah studies universal truths empirically, and does not deal with speculative or metaphysical concepts. Kabbalists tell us the Creator is completely altruistic and rules the world in complete benevolence. He created the entire universe with one thought: to delight his creations. The creation consist of entirely opposite qualities to the creator is it is to have free choice in receiving the pleasure, this is because the greatest pleasures come from altuism, so the creator must choose to want to change his property of absolute selfishness into that of absolute altruism. He created one universal soul called Adam HaRishon (the first man) as a vessel to receive pleasure and gave it pleasure. However, this created in Adam, a sense of shame at being the receiver rather than the giver. Similar to the way you feel if someone gives you a huge gift and you have nothing to give in return. Adam wants to give something but he has nothing to give. This cause the First Restriction (tzimtzum) in which Adam cannot receive the Creator's light unless it is with altruistic intention. There is no lack in the Creator, so the only way to give is to receive in order to bestow. Since the Creator wants to delight me, I will receive his light, but only for his sake, not because I want to please myself. Adam's soul was split into 600,000 parts, which descended to our world in dressed in bodies where they have no sensation of the Creator. They can only correct their egoic properties in this world. The science of Kabbalah teaches people to build a Masach (screen) which only allows the person to receive pleasure if it is for altruistic reasons. If a person corrects themselves, they can begin to sense the spiritual world, of which our world is a mere shadow. Kabbalists are not able to percieve the Creator's essence, but are able to perceive Ein Sof (Hebrew, literally "no end") which is the Creator's desire to delight his creation. Kabbalists who reached a high level, were able to see that the Creator is the only power in this world, that all is done out of his desire to delight us and that Olam HaZeh (this world) is only a small shadow of the true reality in which only 3 things exist: the creator, the light of the creator and the souls that He created. All of the pleasures experienced in this world are small amount of light from Ner Dakik (the small candle) which gives us only a tiny amount of pleasure when compared with the pleasure we will receive from Gmar Tikkun (final correction). It is said that even the slightest pleasures received from creating the Masach are greater than all of the pleasures experienced ever experienced by all of humanity combined from Ner Dakik, the small candle. Money, power, fame, sex are but a trickle of the Creator's light. Suffering is sent to further our correction and to get us to the goal of receiving infinite delight. If a person corrects their selfishness to bestowal, they will see that all the wrongs ever done to them, that they though were coming from other people or from blind nature or chance were actually gifts sent by the Creator so that they would correct themselves and realize that outside of them, exists a state of perfection that they can exist in only by equalizing form with it which means becoming 100% altruistic.
Kabbalah was once limited to only certain people, until the Ari said that from his time onwards, all people of all races, genders, ages etc could and should and MUST study it. The only prequesite is a DESIRE to study it.
Bnei Baruch is a nonprofit group based in Israel, but with students all around the world. It was founded by Micheal Laitman who was originally from the soviet union and a scientist in the field of bio-cybernetics. He later emigrated to Israel and became the student and personal assistant to Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag, the son of Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag who was considered by many to be the greatest kabbalist of modern times.
The only books we study kabbalah from are the writings of the Ari (Isaac Luria), Yehuda Ashlag (Ba'al Hasulam), Baruch Ashlag and some commentaries by M. Laitman. We are only concerned with correcting our inner qualities and revealing the Creator's light. We do not concern ourselves with magic, good luck charms, red strings or anything of the sort, like some other organizations coughcoughKabbalahCentrecoughcough are. I've explained a little bit, but this is really just some of the basics of Kabbalah, so go to the main site to find out more, if you are interested.