Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:Some interesting information I got concerning one of my greetings:
I spoke with one of my many former professors about greetings a while ago (he was my Gaelic professor) and he told me something rather interesting: Gaelic (Irish) tends to invoke G!d at the beginning of most greetings, followed by Mary, then each Irish saint starting from Patrick then.... Anyway, the Irish also say "Cead mille failte", which translates to "One hundred thousand welcomes" (which I believe is about how many saints the Irish Catholics claim [I know. Shouldn't say that.]) Anyway, cead mille failte has some "accent" marks (for correct spelling/pronunciation), but my computer is acting up on the international alphabet keyings.
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Heh, heh, It gets worse than that...