I cannot prove that you who read this exist. I do, however, assume that you do.
It seems like a safe assumption to me.
Safe because, even though my senses may be being fooled, even though it is a very real possibility that I am mad, locked in a prison, or, Matrix-style, asleep in a watery cocoon, the world I live in is consistent.
Natural law (physics, biochemistry, et cetera) has been explored and fleshed out (sic) to an amazing degree of refinement. Your existence is consonant with natural law, so I am confident that my assumption of your existence is sound.
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Some of us assume that God exists, some of us doubt that he does.
Does anyone reading this thread assume that God doesn't exist?
Regardless of your position on this issue, I posit that we all, either consciously or non-, assume what seems to be consistent with what we see in the world.
Is this an accurate statement, in your view?
Assume, for a moment, that God exists. Does doing so violate natural law in any way?
Assume, for a moment, that God doesn't exist. Is there anything in the world that doesn't make sense due to the absence of a supreme being?
Underlying these questions is another assumption: that the word, God, means -- well, something.
To avoid getting caught in the trap of semantics, for the present argument, I am assuming (there's that word again) that God means an omnipotent being capable of bringing the universe into being, i.e., capable of creating what we call existence itself.
I am not including in this definition a personality, a sense of loving or caring.
Please, if this offends you, that I would divorce God's power from his care and concern for his children, remember that this is but a thought experiment. I'm attempting to get down to fundamentals. God may, if he exists, be a loving and caring father figure, but the only thing required of a being for it to be classed as a God is that it have superhuman power.
Is that a fair assumption?
That word again -- we often differ because of our assumptions.
Anyway, my point, rambling though I have on my way to it, is this:
We may not be able to prove with hard fact that God exists, but we can make assumptions based on the evidence we see in front of us each day.
What evidence do you see in the world that supports the existence of God?
What evidence do you see that supports the belief/assumption that there is not a God?
In other words, evidence for God's existence is a much more productive discussion topic than proofs for God's existence.
I look forward to your thoughts on these ideas.