Hidden in Plain Sight


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1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Hidden in Plain Sight. Deception by Perception

How does an evil killer hide in plain sight while everyone around him is looking for him? This is the question that many people have asked regarding the BTK killer. This is also a question that many believers will be asking after the Final Great Gentile Leader or Anti-Christ has destroyed countless millions of lives. How? How? How? How did they miss the BTK killer? How did they miss him?

Well the answer to this question is actually quite simple. The BTK killer became a member of the community. He went to church in the community. He ate, helped, talked, laughed, and played with the people in the community. So when it came time to find out who was killing people in the community, it never dawned on the people to look amongst themselves.

This is one of the oldest techniques known to man. This is called deception by perception. All intelligence agents are taught this craft for covert operations. You see man has a tendency to be biased toward those whom they perceive to be their own. They overlook their own whenever a question arises regarding improper actions. We always think and say “Oh Johnny would never do such a thing,” or “Oh no not our Johnny.” I have seen many people in the face of overwhelming evidence declare the innocence of a loved one. This is called denial.

What many have failed to realize is that external familiarity tends to bring a false sense of assurance. By not seeing the spirit of an individual most of us are left to judge by external images. The problem with this is that external images are pliable. They can be easily bent, folded, twisted, and manipulated to fit a particular purpose. Let’s use an example that we may be familiar with. What could a person do in order to convince someone that they are a Christian? Well that’s quite simple. Since you are not with the individual 24hrs a day 7 days a week, all that he or she would have to do is manipulate their image. He or she can manipulate their image by going to church, memorizing scriptures, say that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior (remember saying is not believing), make Christian-like remarks, and associate with other people who look and sound “Christian.” Manipulating ones image is not hard to do. There are some agents who are accomplishing this in many of these chat rooms.

This is why Paul states in 1 Corinthians 2:11 (For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.) You see man is able to manipulate his physical surroundings, but his spirit will stay the same. The spirit of a man can not lie, but his image can. The spirit of a man is like his DNA. It is 100.0 % accurate in identifying his true motives and intentions.

If the people of Kansas would have used their spiritual radars and looked at the spirit of Dennis Radar they would have identified him a long time ago. This same statement will be said about Christians one day. If the Christians would have looked at the spirit of the Final Great Gentile Leader or Anti-Christ they could have helped prevent the deaths of millions

"If you continue to swim in De-Nile, the croc will eventually get you.

2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
Kind Regards, Mindonfire.

I am not certain what to make of your post...

What could a person do in order to convince someone that they are a Christian? Well that’s quite simple. Since you are not with the individual 24hrs a day 7 days a week, all that he or she would have to do is manipulate their image. He or she can manipulate their image by going to church, memorizing scriptures, say that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior (remember saying is not believing), make Christian-like remarks, and associate with other people who look and sound “Christian.” Manipulating ones image is not hard to do. There are some agents who are accomplishing this in many of these chat rooms.

May I presume that includes you?
Good evening Mind,

In order for a community of humans to function as a community, they must have inherent trust. That means we generally trust eachother, until we are given reason not to trust, and sometimes that comes at a price.

We can pray for protection, and be alert (as is our responsibility), but tragedy can still strike. That is the nature of life, and God is aware of it.

History shows that even the most vigilant of tower watchmen, can be distracted by a ruse, and the enemy still gets into the city.

What you are also implying is that we judge each and every person we meet, each and every day...over and over again, including our own kin...

You've identified a problem, but the solution you present is impossible (humanly impossible), to accomplish, without destroying the very fabric of society.

On a side note I wish to point out that some of the most ruthless killers (of adults), have also been some of the most staunchest advocates for protecting children. Why? Children are innocent in their clouded minds. Adults on the other hand are fair game. How does one judge them?

Humans are complex, and many faceted. To say that Jesus is the answer without pulling self up from the boot straps is to be in denial of personal responsibilities. God never said He would do it all for us.


juantoo3 said:
Kind Regards, Mindonfire.

I am not certain what to make of your post...

May I presume that includes you?
Exactly it can include me. You don't know me from a branch on a tree. But yet people immediately put their trust into an individual who comes along and tells them what they want to hear. "OOh I'm a Christian come trust me and follow me, I'm a good guy everyone else is evil"
Quahom1 said:
Good evening Mind,

In order for a community of humans to function as a community, they must have inherent trust. That means we generally trust eachother, until we are given reason not to trust, and sometimes that comes at a price.

We can pray for protection, and be alert (as is our responsibility), but tragedy can still strike. That is the nature of life, and God is aware of it.

History shows that even the most vigilant of tower watchmen, can be distracted by a ruse, and the enemy still gets into the city.

What you are also implying is that we judge each and every person we meet, each and every day...over and over again, including our own kin...

You've identified a problem, but the solution you present is impossible (humanly impossible), to accomplish, without destroying the very fabric of society.

On a side note I wish to point out that some of the most ruthless killers (of adults), have also been some of the most staunchest advocates for protecting children. Why? Children are innocent in their clouded minds. Adults on the other hand are fair game. How does one judge them?

Humans are complex, and many faceted. To say that Jesus is the answer without pulling self up from the boot straps is to be in denial of personal responsibilities. God never said He would do it all for us.



Thats a dangerous way to live. You just can't go around trusting people you meet.
You first have to be wary of yourself. I don't trust myself. I am always tryiing to watch myself so I don't fall. 2 Peter 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Maybe the very fabric of society needs to be destroyed. The worlds system is not working.
Kind Regards, Mind.

You don't know me from a branch on a tree.
Nor do you, me.

But yet people immediately put their trust into an individual who comes along and tells them what they want to hear. "OOh I'm a Christian come trust me and follow me, I'm a good guy everyone else is evil"
A wise person is gullible only once, and then they learn. I think you give people in general a lot less credit than they deserve. Most people in my experience have already been burned at least once by a "fake" Christian. Some turn their backs on Christianity because of it.

Of course, it may be a bit harsh on my part in using the term "fake." Even Christians make mistakes. Fake would only apply to those who deliberately do what they know is wrong, such as lie, cheat or steal from an "unbeliever," which can easily include other Christians. Deliberate or unintended, mistakes happen, and people see and are influenced in their opinions and attitudes. So the trick is in how you deal with the mistakes you will make, especially regarding other people.

I suspect where you are trying to lead the conversation in into the anti-christ "one world religion" thing. One question I have for you, what makes you believe it is a branch or form of Christianity that will be made a traitor? Personally, I think all branches of Christianity will be sucked in, that is how subtle the deception will be.

So I do not follow any man. I follow my God, and my heart, and the teachings of Yashua the Messiah. The rest is just mental exercise.

I do have to agree with Q tho'. Trust is necessary for living in a society. To a point, we all need people in our lives we can trust. Do you trust your mom?

Having said that, I would not trust your mom, nor my mom for that matter, to get me to heaven. I will trust other people in other things in my life, that is called a relationship. But I do not trust anybody else with my soul. That is my own personal journey, no one else can walk the steps I must take, so why should I surrender that responsibility?

Maybe the very fabric of society needs to be destroyed. The worlds system is not working.
Not working? I'd say that for an awful lot of people it seems to be working, very well, thank you. So, a lot depends on what it is you actually mean by the words you are using.
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Mindonfire said:
But yet people immediately put their trust into an individual who comes along and tells them what they want to hear. "OOh I'm a Christian come trust me and follow me, I'm a good guy everyone else is evil"
trust is gained today. the years of people & everyone caring is gooble goop. people love there video games more than people.

i am just the opposite. i do not trust anyone new that i meet & guess what? I dont get bit ever. once in awhile someone comes along where you hit it just right from the start. people today are not the same they were through the last century & the murder stats alone show this to be true that people are not thinking right today.

people cant even get a job today without being tested for drugs & going thru all kinds of background checks.

everyone is friendly when you meet. have a drink, shoot the shingles:rolleyes: . even the church gossip lady is friendly.

good friends make mistakes. but a good man will come to you & say "I am sorry, forgive me" while the rotten keep rotting & cant even give the respect of a phone call as to why they did not show up.

but what? i cant change it & i am not even going to try to change people who do not care.

do i trust you Mindonfire? NOPE! but i might :)
juantoo3 said:
Kind Regards, Mind.

Nor do you, me.

A wise person is gullible only once, and then they learn. I think you give people in general a lot less credit than they deserve. Most people in my experience have already been burned at least once by a "fake" Christian. Some turn their backs on Christianity because of it.

Of course, it may be a bit harsh on my part in using the term "fake." Even Christians make mistakes. Fake would only apply to those who deliberately do what they know is wrong, such as lie, cheat or steal from an "unbeliever," which can easily include other Christians. Deliberate or unintended, mistakes happen, and people see and are influenced in their opinions and attitudes. So the trick is in how you deal with the mistakes you will make, especially regarding other people.

I suspect where you are trying to lead the conversation in into the anti-christ "one world religion" thing. One question I have for you, what makes you believe it is a branch or form of Christianity that will be made a traitor? Personally, I think all branches of Christianity will be sucked in, that is how subtle the deception will be.

So I do not follow any man. I follow my God, and my heart, and the teachings of Yashua the Messiah. The rest is just mental exercise.

I do have to agree with Q tho'. Trust is necessary for living in a society. To a point, we all need people in our lives we can trust. Do you trust your mom?

Having said that, I would not trust your mom, nor my mom for that matter, to get me to heaven. I will trust other people in other things in my life, that is called a relationship. But I do not trust anybody else with my soul. That is my own personal journey, no one else can walk the steps I must take, so why should I surrender that responsibility?

Not working? I'd say that for an awful lot of people it seems to be working, very well, thank you. So, a lot depends on what it is you actually mean by the words you are using.

So who is this worlds system working for. You say that it is working for an awful lot of people, so I guess that means we forget those who it is not working for. To hell with those people in the 3rd world countries, It works for you, to hell with those people in Iraq, it works for you. Lets not try a new system because this one is working just fine for me and some people. Lets not get a system that works for everyone. Lets continue to capitalize on the poor. Lets cotinue to be parasitic. Jesus believed in capitalizing on people after all or did he? That was a pretty selfish remark wether you realize it or not.
Bandit said:
trust is gained today. the years of people & everyone caring is gooble goop. people love there video games more than people.

i am just the opposite. i do not trust anyone new that i meet & guess what? I dont get bit ever. once in awhile someone comes along where you hit it just right from the start. people today are not the same they were through the last century & the murder stats alone show this to be true that people are not thinking right today.

people cant even get a job today without being tested for drugs & going thru all kinds of background checks.

everyone is friendly when you meet. have a drink, shoot the shingles:rolleyes: . even the church gossip lady is friendly.

good friends make mistakes. but a good man will come to you & say "I am sorry, forgive me" while the rotten keep rotting & cant even give the respect of a phone call as to why they did not show up.

but what? i cant change it & i am not even going to try to change people who do not care.

do i trust you Mindonfire? NOPE! but i might :)
I don't want you to trust me because I might let you down. I don't even trust myself, that is why i watch myself before i watch anyone else. It is so easy to think that I would never do this, or this would never happen to me. Look at what happened to Peter. Jesus told him to watch himself because he was going to deny him. Peter's attitude was, who me i would never do that everybody else might but not me. He was the first one to deny Messias. So I watch myself first before I watch anybody else

Trust God not man
Mindonfire said:
I don't want you to trust me because I might let you down. I don't even trust myself, that is why i watch myself before i watch anyone else. It is so easy to think that I would never do this, or this would never happen to me. Look at what happened to Peter. Jesus told him to watch himself because he was going to deny him. Peter's attitude was, who me i would never do that everybody else might but not me. He was the first one to deny Messias. So I watch myself first before I watch anybody else

Trust God not man
right. trust God not man because God cannot fail but we can. there will be times when we learn to trust each other & build trusting relationships with brothers & sisters & friends. so in that, trust itself is not a bad thing & we do need each other. it just takes time & is one of the hardest things to get back when someone purposely ruins trust.

mistakes & failure is a little different i think & does not necessarily mean that you wont be able to trust. but trust itself is still gained.

i say, if we can get to the end with God & have 10 really good friends that we can count on to the end, (mistakes happen) then we did very well.:)
i forgot to say welcome to CR Mindonfire:)

it took me a long time to find a nice balance with this & i think i am still balancing it. i am glad you brought the topic up because it has been on my mind lately also.
it is not always easy trying to stay in the middle of the road you know?
Mindonfire said:
Thats a dangerous way to live. You just can't go around trusting people you meet.
You first have to be wary of yourself. I don't trust myself. I am always tryiing to watch myself so I don't fall. 2 Peter 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Maybe the very fabric of society needs to be destroyed. The worlds system is not working.
To thine own self be true.

Lean not on thine own judgement, but on every word that comes from God.

Be wise as serpents but as innocent as doves.

Where I've been in life, I've had to trust people I never met, until after it was over. I don't have to be wary of self. I know exactly who I am. I know what I'm weak in and know what I'm strong in, and know when the two can be switched.

What you describe above, could be construed as borderline paranoia...but I'm sure that is not what you meant. ;)


Kind Regards, Mind.
Mindonfire said:
So who is this worlds system working for. You say that it is working for an awful lot of people, so I guess that means we forget those who it is not working for. To hell with those people in the 3rd world countries, It works for you, to hell with those people in Iraq, it works for you. Lets not try a new system because this one is working just fine for me and some people. Lets not get a system that works for everyone. Lets continue to capitalize on the poor. Lets cotinue to be parasitic. Jesus believed in capitalizing on people after all or did he? That was a pretty selfish remark wether you realize it or not.
If I may, let us return to your original comment:
Maybe the very fabric of society needs to be destroyed. The worlds system is not working.
Taken with your other post, am I to presume you mean to say Jesus is for destroying society(s)?

That is what I took issue with.

Jesus is not the destroyer.

Now, I could go on into great depth and detail concerning capitalist and communist systems, and economics in general, but this is not the place. And frankly, since I have already spent a great deal of time in another thread doing just that, I would rather not waste my efforts. Was Jesus a communist or a capitalist? I don't believe He was particularly concerned with economics...but I also do not believe He was out to destroy any of it either.

Besides, the fact you have a computer means you too, are part of the "privileged" crowd. Are you willing to first give all you have to the poor before judging others about doing the same? Personally, I do not see wealth as inherently evil. Wealth, properly managed, is a source from which to draw in order to do good deeds. It is difficult to give if you have nothing, and are struggling for your next meal. If you have, then you can feed those that are struggling. Wealth is God's blessing, it is what people do with it that can make it into a curse.
juantoo3 said:
...Besides, the fact you have a computer means you too, are part of the "privileged" crowd. Are you willing to first give all you have to the poor before judging others about doing the same? Personally, I do not see wealth as inherently evil. Wealth, properly managed, is a source from which to draw in order to do good deeds. It is difficult to give if you have nothing, and are struggling for your next meal. If you have, then you can feed those that are struggling. Wealth is God's blessing, it is what people do with it that can make it into a curse.
Something about being Good Stewards with what the Master has given one responsiblity over...? ;)

I know I read that somewhere...


juantoo3 said:
Kind Regards, Mind.

If I may, let us return to your original comment:

Taken with your other post, am I to presume you mean to say Jesus is for destroying society(s)?

That is what I took issue with.

Jesus is not the destroyer.

Now, I could go on into great depth and detail concerning capitalist and communist systems, and economics in general, but this is not the place. And frankly, since I have already spent a great deal of time in another thread doing just that, I would rather not waste my efforts. Was Jesus a communist or a capitalist? I don't believe He was particularly concerned with economics...but I also do not believe He was out to destroy any of it either.

Besides, the fact you have a computer means you too, are part of the "privileged" crowd. Are you willing to first give all you have to the poor before judging others about doing the same? Personally, I do not see wealth as inherently evil. Wealth, properly managed, is a source from which to draw in order to do good deeds. It is difficult to give if you have nothing, and are struggling for your next meal. If you have, then you can feed those that are struggling. Wealth is God's blessing, it is what people do with it that can make it into a curse.
Good Day
First off all you make a false assumption when you assume that I have a computer. I could be using or borrowing a friends computer or someone could have given it to me as a gift. Having a computer does not mean that you are privileged.
Secondly I did not say give all to the poor.You are distorting my words. My question is What is wrong with a system that works for everyone. Why do we have some people with two and three houses while their brother has none. Why do we have people living in 20 million dollar houses when there are people who can't even get a descent meal.
Maybe you don't have a problem with it, but I have a problem with a society where only a few are wealthy and the majority are poor.
Mindonfire said:
Good Day
First off all you make a false assumption when you assume that I have a computer. I could be using or borrowing a friends computer or someone could have given it to me as a gift. Having a computer does not mean that you are privileged.
Secondly I did not say give all to the poor.You are distorting my words. My question is What is wrong with a system that works for everyone. Why do we have some people with two and three houses while their brother has none. Why do we have people living in 20 million dollar houses when there are people who can't even get a descent meal.
Maybe you don't have a problem with it, but I have a problem with a society where only a few are wealthy and the majority are poor.
Purely assinine. You have access to the internet, hence you are priviliged.

Why people with two or three houses? Because they can. Who are you to determine what they can and can't have...GOD?

This is a game you do not really want to play. Like how much do you give? Well I give more...no you don't, yes I do...and it gets worse.

How much is given? Nonya.

If I had my way, I'd kill this thread...

Quahom1 said:
Purely assinine. You have access to the internet, hence you are priviliged.

Why people with two or three houses? Because they can. Who are you to determine what they can and can't have...GOD?

This is a game you do not really want to play. Like how much do you give? Well I give more...no you don't, yes I do...and it gets worse.

How much is given? Nonya.

If I had my way, I'd kill this thread...

Having access to the internet makes one privileged? That's new to me. I know lots of homeless people who can go to the library and access the internet. I guess they are very privileged.

Because you can does not mean that you do. I can go out there and sleep with a different woman every night, so I should just because I can. That very intelligent

By the way why are you so angry?
Mindonfire said:
Having access to the internet makes one privileged? That's new to me. I know lots of homeless people who can go to the library and access the internet. I guess they are very privileged.

Because you can does not mean that you do. I can go out there and sleep with a different woman every night, so I should just because I can. That very intelligent

By the way why are you so angry?
I deal with people everyday, who sound just like you. Intelligent with an attitude.

Be nice, I've had a hard day.


Mindonfire said:
Good Day
First off all you make a false assumption when you assume that I have a computer. I could be using or borrowing a friends computer or someone could have given it to me as a gift. Having a computer does not mean that you are privileged.
Secondly I did not say give all to the poor.You are distorting my words. My question is What is wrong with a system that works for everyone. Why do we have some people with two and three houses while their brother has none. Why do we have people living in 20 million dollar houses when there are people who can't even get a descent meal.
Maybe you don't have a problem with it, but I have a problem with a society where only a few are wealthy and the majority are poor.
the world is like it is because it is lieing in the power of the wicked one (satan the devil)but not for much longerbecause his rulership will be cast out
Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out John 12;31
