Hidden in Plain Sight

Kindest Regards, Mind!
Mindonfire said:
First off all you make a false assumption when you assume that I have a computer. I could be using or borrowing a friends computer or someone could have given it to me as a gift. Having a computer does not mean that you are privileged.
Whether a gift or not is irrelevent, if it is in your possession and ability to use. Even a "loaner" means you have access that the truly poor do not have. That you have the knowledge and ability to use it means education, that costs money, that the truly poor do not have.

Secondly I did not say give all to the poor.
You are correct, you did not say it. I did. Because it is the natural conclusion to where you were heading, whether you understand that yet or not.

You are distorting my words.
No more so than you distorting mine.

My question is What is wrong with a system that works for everyone.
When you find that system, clue me in. In my travels I have yet to find a perfect govenmental or economic system devised by humanity. When the millenial reign is established, then I believe we will both find what we are looking for. Until then, the best we can do is work with what we have in front of us.

Why do we have some people with two and three houses while their brother has none. Why do we have people living in 20 million dollar houses when there are people who can't even get a descent meal.
Again I will say that wealth is God's blessing. Who am I to say who God should bless and who He should not? What a person does with their wealth is none of my concern. My concern is what to do with what blessings God gives to me personally. I cannot save any other person, nor can they save me. Some people are content with little, some are content with much, some learn to be content with what they are given. Some are not content with any amount, little or much.

Maybe you don't have a problem with it, but I have a problem with a society where only a few are wealthy and the majority are poor.
I have a few things to add.
What do you define as "poor?" The poorest people in the states, with the possible exception of Native Americans on a reservation, are still much wealthier than many people considered well off in third world countries. The genuinely poor in Mexico alone risk death to cross the border illegally to gain access to the American system. A typical American looks down on these people with disdain and thinks they are very poor and stealing jobs from Americans, yet these illegal immigrants are grateful for the opportunity to work and earn a living that allows them even to send money to relatives back home. This is but one example, I could list many many more. People complain about American companies going overseas to hire workers for pennies on the dollar. What these same people fail to realize is that Americans shopping at Walmart are not willing to pay the prices that would be required if the products were made in the US. $20 sneakers, for example, would cost more like $50, because of the added cost of unionized labor and benefits commanded by US workers. The complaint continues that those foreign workers are being exploited by being paid so little. Yet if one were to actually ask those workers, those pennies on the dollar per hour actually makes them relatively well off where they are at because their cost of living is much lower. In reality, their living standard is improving! Where before they had little to no money, now they have some, which is much more than they did have. So, there are benefits to shifting manufacturing overseas that are ignored by the American workers who lose their jobs. Yes, these Americans must retrain in order to move into the service economy, but these are the dynamics in a nutshell of the current situation. The American manufacturing worker has priced themselves out of the market.

Now, I could say to an extent that I agree with you when movie stars and sports stars are paid millions for what amounts to very little work compared to the average 40+ hour a week joe. But there is this little thing called supply and demand. If people are willing to shell out $50 a ticket or more, by the thousands to fill a stadium, then why shouldn't an athlete command or receive a handsome salary? And if people are willing to shell out $10 a ticket by the millions to watch a movie (like Star Wars, for example), then why shouldn't the actors and production companies make big bucks? By contrast, if all you do is make 5 cent widgets all day long for a living, and only so many people have a need for widgets, you are not going to make millions. The demand is not there. If all you do all day long is take tickets at the movie theatre, what do you do to justify being paid a handsome salary?

The underlying premise to your complaint is that life is not equal, it is not fair. Guess what? Life isn't fair, and people are not equal, Political Correctness notwithstanding. If a person has poured their blood, sweat and tears into building a company, long hours of sacrifice and hard work, not to mention the risk element of failure and bankruptcy, why should they not be paid better, much better, than a person who sits around moping all day collecting welfare and hitting a crack pipe? So, while I may think you are right in crying about how some people are overpaid (actors, rock stars and sports stars), I think a person who has worked hard to build a company has every right and entitlement to their earnings. If they then choose to buy two or three or thirty or a hundred $20 million houses with their earnings is none of my concern. I am happy for them.
i think mindonfire is just trying to figure some of these things out. so let's give him/her a chance & see what happens. i used to kind of think the way he does, but have adjusted quite a bit over the years on some of these things.:)

i had to look up what a widget is:)

A standardized on-screen representation of a control that may be manipulated by the user. Scroll bars, buttons, and text boxes are all examples of widgets.
Kindest Regards, Bandit!
Bandit said:
i think mindonfire is just trying to figure some of these things out. so let's give him/her a chance & see what happens. i used to kind of think the way he does, but have adjusted quite a bit over the years on some of these things.:)
Yes, I agree, which is why I backed off a notch.

i had to look up what a widget is:)
Thanks for the definition. I have heard that there is an actual "widget," but in my business text the term was often used as a non-descript generic "something" that was being made, and used as an example for teaching purposes. That is how I intended the term to be used.
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

Thanks for the definition. I have heard that there is an actual "widget," but in my business text the term was often used as a non-descript generic "something" that was being made, and used as an example for teaching purposes. That is how I intended the term to be used.

ok I gottcha. for some reason I pictured myself in the Bahamas sitting in the hot sun making tiny little straw baskets.
i kind of thought you meant a non descript 'something or other'.:)
Kindest Regards, Bandit!
Bandit said:
for some reason I pictured myself in the Bahamas sitting in the hot sun making tiny little straw baskets.
You'd have to make and sell an awful lot of little 5 cent straw baskets to afford living in the Bahamas! It would be better to wrap a $2 cocktail in that 5 cent basket and sell it to the tourists for $15! THAT'S Capitalism! And that is how the system can work for anybody that applies themselves.
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

You'd have to make and sell an awful lot of little 5 cent straw baskets to afford living in the Bahamas! It would be better to wrap a $2 cocktail in that 5 cent basket and sell it to the tourists for $15! THAT'S Capitalism! And that is how the system can work for anybody that applies themselves.

:D that is exactly what i was thinking too Juan, & nice demonstration.
we can do the same thing with the coconut shells. or what was that years ago.. Pet Rock? LOL
Maybe the thread went a tiny bit off track in trying to understand our dear mindonfire. His original thought sound like the pain of those who are gifted with spiritual discernment.
But everyone isn't developed there. and those who are aware of this gift may be more or less developed in the gift than others.

And where the conversation went - the privileged, and not privileged, and the world's system not working...
Well, this is the society that we live in. Everyone still has troubles. The poor man must struggle to have and the rich man must struggle to keep. I like to think of it as the mark of the beast. Credit cards and bank accounts that monitor your spending activity and becomes your set of footprints. A man who truly wants to be free just doesn't indulge in this kind of activity. But if you want to be part of this society, which is on the very last stages of becoming a world system, then you will indulge in this activity and act like you love it.
Yeah, people are pissed about it. Different political parties and representatives try to voice this thing. The Iraqis who fight back against the change going on in their country feel this same way - in their own cultural way. So be it.
Hope I didn't get off track, especially with this being on the Christianity board...
No more so than you distorting mine.

When you find that system, clue me in. In my travels I have yet to find a perfect govenmental or economic system devised by humanity. When the millenial reign is established, then I believe we will both find what we are looking for. Until then, the best we can do is work with what we have in front of us.

When and how do you think this millenial reign is established?

Again I will say that wealth is God's blessing. Who am I to say who God should bless and who He should not? What a person does with their wealth is none of my concern. My concern is what to do with what blessings God gives to me personally. I cannot save any other person, nor can they save me. Some people are content with little, some are content with much, some learn to be content with what they are given. Some are not content with any amount, little or much.
What a person does with his wealth may not be your concern but it will affect you and your progeny sooner or later.

I have a few things to add.
What do you define as "poor?" The poorest people in the states, with the possible exception of Native Americans on a reservation, are still much wealthier than many people considered well off in third world countries. The genuinely poor in Mexico alone risk death to cross the border illegally to gain access to the American system. A typical American looks down on these people with disdain and thinks they are very poor and stealing jobs from Americans, yet these illegal immigrants are grateful for the opportunity to work and earn a living that allows them even to send money to relatives back home. This is but one example, I could list many many more. People complain about American companies going overseas to hire workers for pennies on the dollar. What these same people fail to realize is that Americans shopping at Walmart are not willing to pay the prices that would be required if the products were made in the US. $20 sneakers, for example, would cost more like $50, because of the added cost of unionized labor and benefits commanded by US workers. The complaint continues that those foreign workers are being exploited by being paid so little. Yet if one were to actually ask those workers, those pennies on the dollar per hour actually makes them relatively well off where they are at because their cost of living is much lower. In reality, their living standard is improving! Where before they had little to no money, now they have some, which is much more than they did have. So, there are benefits to shifting manufacturing overseas that are ignored by the American workers who lose their jobs. Yes, these Americans must retrain in order to move into the service economy, but these are the dynamics in a nutshell of the current situation. The American manufacturing worker has priced themselves out of the market.

Does it make i right that these workers are paid so meagerly

The underlying premise to your complaint is that life is not equal, it is not fair. Guess what? Life isn't fair, and people are not equal, Political Correctness notwithstanding. If a person has poured their blood, sweat and tears into building a company, long hours of sacrifice and hard work, not to mention the risk element of failure and bankruptcy, why should they not be paid better, much better, than a person who sits around moping all day collecting welfare and hitting a crack pipe? So, while I may think you are right in crying about how some people are overpaid (actors, rock stars and sports stars), I think a person who has worked hard to build a company has every right and entitlement to their earnings. If they then choose to buy two or three or thirty or a hundred $20 million houses with their earnings is none of my concern. I am happy for them.

Life isn't fair and I know that. But guess who makes life unfair?
we can't change the world but we can make a little difference here & there for the better. so we have complaints & issues, but complaining too much is not going to help either.:)
Kindest Regards, Mind!
Mindonfire said:
When and how do you think this millenial reign is established?
Begin with Revelations, then Isaiah, then Daniel, then the other Old Testament prophets.

What a person does with his wealth may not be your concern but it will affect you and your progeny sooner or later.
We all affect each other. Again, it is what we do with our blessings that matters.

Does it make i right that these workers are paid so meagerly
Which tells me either you did not read what I wrote, or you do not understand. If your rent is $50 dollars a month, you do not require $20 an hour to live. If a gallon of milk, or a culturally acceptable substitute like soy milk, is available for $1 a gallon, you do not need to make $20 an hour. Did you ever notice how quickly prices rise in the US at the first hint of a wage increase?

Life isn't fair and I know that. But guess who makes life unfair?