Alchemy: The Lost Science

alchemy is combination of science and religion

of which astrology was an integral, foundational part. the 3 crosses of cardinality, mutability, and fixity [in which taurus and scorpio are the 'sex' or creative signs - genitalia/throat], cross of manifestation.
All interested in alchemy I wish to invite to hear the Toccata in F S.540 by J.S. Bach and see all the amazing symbolism related to this work, which indicates it is the clearest and greatest example of alchemical music ever written. Truly transforming; a spiritual journey in music!
go to
or google: Bach, Chakras, Tarot: J.S. Bach's Toccata in F Major (S. 540) is an image of the kundalini!
I think, Alchemy is primarily spiritual science that has been veiled in the West as a physical transmutation because of the Holy Inquisition.
But, in the Eastern countries, there wasnt any Inquisition, texts are uncovered.
See you for example The secret of the golden flower, translation by R. Willhelm. Chinese Taoists alchemy book. And very good is compare this text with Chakrayoga (Sat chakra nirupana, Shiva samhita, A. Avalon The serpent powewr...), and with medieval European alchemy text
The book of Lambspring.
Texts are mostly free on the net.
Alchemy is a secret science of spiritual transformation, the base metal means unenlightened people, whereas the enlightened persons aura is golden colored - of course, it had to be hidden, so took on the charade of being actual science.

The most famous modern organization practicing alchemy is probably the freemasons, at least in the West. Really, any initiative school which practices meditation can be considered one, though.

It isn't really very interesting today since this stuff is more public now, it used to have to be done in secrecy.

I am not sure why this is posted in the Pagan forums though...
Great response Chela...well put, and good for many people to know because I'm quite sure that most (including me) have never had a clue about this subject.

I just have one addition though about your explanation of the origin of the word Alchemy:

Alchemy is Al-Chemy. Al is Allah, or El, the God of Light. Therefore, Alchemy is the Chemistry of God.

Any reference to "Chemistry" in Alchemy came much later...after the industrial revolution. This is probably because Alchemists were performing what today would be construed as "chemistry". However, what this means is that the word "chemistry" originates from the word "alchemy", and not the other way around.

Egypt was not called "Egypt" in ancient times. The ancient Egyptians, and other cultures around them during those times, referred to Egypt as "Khemet". Khemet was in reference to the black soil that appeared along the Nile after the flood seasons, and is what was so important for growing their food.

After the Arab (and Islamic) conquests of "Khemet" the word was still used, and anything that originated in "Khemet" was called Al (or El) Khemet, meaning "from Egypt" in Arabic. This term, especially in Europe, later evolved into "Al Chemie", with the same meaning...and in English this was spelled "Alchemy", in reference to where the spiritual practice originated.

What this means is that the term "Alchemy" did not have much to do with "chemistry", at least not in the beginning. The term simply became synonymous with "chemistry" (and vice versa) much later, and is still mistakenly referred to chemistry by the scientific community today. This is probably because science has little time for spirituality, and will not entertain the thought of investigating that aspect of alchemy simply because spirituality is not yet something that science can investigate. Unfortunately, if science cannot prove or disprove something, that "something" will simply be ignored.

However, our current English word for "chemistry" certainly did originate from the term "Alchemy".
_Z_, it is my understanding that Hermeticism, which is really an earlier form of Gnosticism and what became the practice of alchemists, was practiced throughout Europe long before Christianity arrived; hence, there is probably quite a lot of similarity between Druidism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism and Alchemy.
Wil, I think if you dig a little deeper you will find that Jesus was a Gnostic (most of his disciples' works only appear in the Gnostic Gospels)...and Gnosticism is basically the spirituality that the alchemists were practicing.
Lunitik...the main reason Alchemy was so secret (and Freemasonry too for that matter) is because if it wasn't "secret" when it was first reintroduced into Europe, those caught practicing it would have been burned at the stake. It is for this reason too that Gnosticism (which is where Alchemy really originated) was practiced in secret for hundreds of years...because it was declared "heretical" by the church in AD 325, and openly practicing that spirituality after that time would have been a guaranteed death sentence.
Notice, Canuck57, most of your posts here are unanswered because everything before your post is at least 22 month old. Do not expect much of a response.