truthseeker said:
Interesting view, Quahom.
Wasn't it that Eve ate the fruit and then just gave a piece to Adam? Did he know from which tree he was eating (unless, of course, the 'fruit' that the tree bore was it's namesake)? And if you are without knowledge, how do you know you are recieving it?
Well, one has to take it on "faith", that if Adam was quick enough to name every animal on earth as God brought them to him, and spry enough to know that Eve was "flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone", He most likely knew what Eve had done, and deliberately chose to fall from grace, by accepting the fruit from her hand. He did not (in my opinion), want to abandon his own flesh and blood to the wilds of the unknown. Or, perhaps he thought God would destroy part of him, for the error she commited, and banked on hedging bets by standing with her. I also presume, that as intelligent as the two were, he didn't have much time to decide actions, and had no past history for reference to assist in his decision.
Eve's sin was giving in to desire (sound familiar?). Adams' was giving in to idolatry I think. He placed his own flesh and blood above the mandates of God. His second sin, was placing blame on someone else, for his own actions (probably a kneejerk manuever), none the less, Adam commited two sins. However, Adam in his initial actions, acted in a way that I think pleased God, and gave pause to the Creator. He used himself and his relationship with God to protect his woman.
I'm sure much of his afterthoughts consisted of "what the hell have I just done?". (Again this is my take on things, and NO OFFENSE to women intended).
But God did give us a warning/promise. Man will rule over Woman, and woman will desire after man...I don't think that meant sex was going to be heavenly...(though it is)...
It is happening just as God promised/warned.
In the NT, God gave us new orders. Really they are old orders, however He re-emmphasised them in the NT. Submit to eachtother, and respect the roles that eachother have.
We each want our cake, but we don't want to give the other their due.
So today we have "kings of the castle", with empty halls, and "Queens of Home and Hearth", with no king for a protector/provider...tough stuff to deal with.
Before someone goes crazy about my post. There are women that can do it all, and men that can forego the family life...granted. But that is not the majority of men and women. It isn't the rule, rather it is the exception to the rule.
Fiercely independent souls are around, but rare. Mostly broken hearts and broken spirits abound, due to broken vows.