
Abogado del Diablo said:
I recognize alot of this from the ideas of the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky.

Is that the source for this?

Madame Blavatsky didn't always use source material. Some of her information came through "channeling." My "channeling" claims her "channeling" is wrong and I have geological data to back me up. Go figure.
Nogodnomasters said:
Madame Blavatsky didn't always use source material. Some of her information came through "channeling." My "channeling" claims her "channeling" is wrong and I have geological data to back me up. Go figure.

It all depends on whether you take it literally.
Re: Atlantis/Blavatsky-Mahatmas

Origins ...

The sources of Blavatsky's "channeling" (and this term is not preferred by Theosophists) can be met, in person, if one so wishes. They were primarily the three Mahatmas (`Great Souls') DK, KH, and Morya. Notwithstanding such absolute bunk as K. Paul Johnson's faux-exposes, much has been written by sources both Theosophical and otherwise as to the veracity of such figures. Of course, HPB has been slandered horribly over the years.

Countless individuals in India, Tibet, Europe, Russia, the UK, and America, have either met one of these three Teachers in person, have experienced a temporary manifestation/materialization of the same (a mayavirupa), or have contacted them in a dream/meditation experience. Perhaps millions more have managed to contact a thought-form of their Master - which is not the same, but at least gives a sort of reality to them.

The Secret Doctrine was primirily dictated to HPB in the same way you might dictate a letter to another person from the next room (except that the author was around the globe, in Tibet). For this reason, Blavatsky is often referred to as the amanuensis, or secretary, of the Master DK. Later, Alice Bailey performed a similar role (from 1919-1949). Plenty of Theosophists squabbled over such a possibility, as if they somehow had a monopoly on Truth, or were the sole spokespiece for the Great Ones. Sounds so much like Xian Fundamentalism. :(

Alice Bailey was thus not entirely popular with many Theosophists, though anyone open to the Truth would surely have recognized her as the Messenger she was. Both Blavatsky and Bailey have been recognized worldwide by those with spiritual discernment (viveka) as exactly what they claimed - no more & no less. The overly devotional and easily impressionable individual is quick to make a guru of such Messengers, failing to find the Soul within. Just as sadly the skeptic and the material-minded would rather die than recognize or admit that Revelation is easily within the reach of the sincere student and the pure of heart. Didn't Christ say this would be so, and that He would be with us until the end of the Era?

How difficult it is for many to see that the source of Truth is One, and that Christ, Buddha, Krishna and Mohammed were speaking for the same Cause, inspired by the same Spirit, and had in mind exactly the same great Purpose. Yet we still fight wars, and have heated debates about what to call the God of Love, proving with our angry & hurtful words that we know Him not. Christ knew Him, but the disciples were unable to comprehend, as the Bible illustrates time & time again.

Blavatsky spent 3 years living with her Teacher (Master Morya) in his Himalayan retreat. She met the Masters DK (Djwal Khul) and Kuthumi face to face. She may well have set eyes on the Buddha Himself, or at least on the closest thing to his rupa as anyone has seen for 2500 years (vide one of the Mahatma Letters in which she is said to be under care of the Lord Sangyas). She probably met the Christ, face to face. Certainly in years preceding, during, and following her visit to Tibet she either met, or saw in their mayavirupas (temporary materilizations) perhaps a dozen or more Mahatmas.

The total number of the latter, according to the Tibetan's writings, is about 63, counting the Christ, the Manu (as in, The Code of - ), and the Maha-Chohan (or Lord of Civilization). Seven Ray Ashrams are said to exist, with Mahatmas such as M, KH, Jesus, et al as the Heads (or Hearts, as would be more appropriate). Subsidiary Ashrams, on the sub-rays of the Seven Rays (google this, or look it up on Amazon), amount to another 42, each with a Master at its head. Not all Masters take pupils, not all Ashrams are "externalizing" (entering the world stage, in terms of outer events) at this time. `Ascended Masters,' btw, as popularized by the Ballards, the I AM movement, the Prophets, et al, do not exist - at least not as such. Here is yet another example of charismatic zeal and fanaticism gone wrong.

But Master Jesus, Master KH, and Master M are particularly active with their Ashrams and larger groups of disciples (the NGWS, or New Group of World Servers, en masse). The latter number of individuals is quite large, not all recognizing in outer awareness their existence as `disciples,' yet each living according to what Master Morya called `The Living Ethics' of the New Era ... in the Agni Yoga Teachings. So another Messenger presented part of the Ancient Wisdom in a format more appropriate for modern times. This was Helena Roerich, wife of the famous Russian painter, Nicholas Roerich. See for these teachings, available online. Or visit for the Teachings of the Tibetan Master (DK) through Alice Bailey.

The image of DK on the latter site is quite distorted - yet not utterly unlike him. Anyone who would like to see images of these supposed Masters may visit ... although naturally everything you see is simply - the fanciful work of someone's overactive imagination, lent credence by the gullible such as myself. This is exactly how the Tibetan was able to mail packages from Tibet to Alice Bailey in America. Again, even the numbers of individuals having met one of the Mahatmas in some form or another, and having chosen to write about it, is many, many dozens.

But as I said at the start of this post, anyone truly determined to meet a Mahatma certainly can. `When the student is ready, the Master appears.' Such is the LAW. Yet the one who is simply determined to prove himself correct - insisting that this is all bunk, need not bother. He will never find proof to the contrary. So is it all self-fulfilling?

In a sense, yes. I sincerely believe (!) that without at least affirming the possibility of such beings as Wise, Loving Teachers - existing on our planet only to safeguard our (collective) future and lead the sincere seeker to Truth - w/o such an affirmation, we may as well keep Wandering. Once we have met such a Teacher, however, we begin to build the Temple that is never erected with human hands - and which, verily, Christ did raise within three days of his death, as he promised. It is a bit of a Catch-22, this faith thing ... yet at times such as these (the full moon of Leo) ... even the foolhardy and the apostate, such as myself - cannot but see and proclaim what he knows. Still, the message of I Cor. 13 comes tumbling into my head, and I return - to pondering.

During the whole summer, the sun hid itself behind the clouds, as if unwilling to shine upon the earth. In the middle of the quietude, the earth began to quake as if it was dying. The mountains opened up to vomit forth fire and flames. Some of them sunk under the earth while in other places mountains rose out of the plains... Atland disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over the hills and dales that everything was buried under the seas. Many people were swallowed up by the earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the waters. --- Oera Linda

The Mayan race claim to have originated from either an island or continent called Aztlan. Volcanic activity drove them from their original homeland. Eventually their homeland sank into the sea. Their journey is written in the Codex Boturini.

I personally believe Atlantis somehow connected the Americas to the Old World. This theory may help explain many similarities of ancient South American cultures and Egyptians, a continental bridge to allow for knowledge to be shared. Perhaps todays South American Indians are whats left of Atlantis. Incan,Mayan, and Aztec, among others.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the spiritual community of the Damanhur in Northern Italy. They are the worlds foremost spiritual researchers and have alot to say about Atlantis. This amazing community are trying to establish a new people. They have been around for 27 years and it that time have achieved outstanding things. Like building an incredible underground temple deep into a mountainside for one. Also a number of their community members have been elected as mayor's and councillors in the surrounding geographic region enabling them to help make a positive impact on thousands of lives of ordinary local people despite them possessing controversial beliefs.

Anyway, from the depths of their temple they practise time travel and about 15 years ago two of their members supposedly visited Atlantis. One was an artist and when he returned he painted what he saw (you can see these pictures on their website). The Damanhurians talk of Atlantis existing in a different dimension to this one some 500,000 years ago, also at this time human beings were able to live much longer 500 years or so. This confers with an ancient wisdom tradition that Gurdieff supposedly discovered on his travels. Anyway, shortly after that time when Atlantis fell. The human soul fell as well, to a lower dimension or the one we are experiencing now.

I know some of you will think 'Time travel? What the...' but time travel aside what these Damanhurians have achieved in 25 years in terms of organisation is incredible. :)
Nogodnomasters said:
You two guys are both smoking rope. There was no Atlantis in the Atlantic or Mu in the Pacific...
...The legend for Atlantis is purely and solely based on the destruction of Thera. Years of embellishment to the story has altered it slighty. Plato simply wrote down what he was told about Atlantis. He had no first hand knowledge, nor did those who gave him the story. Why would one imagine a story to remain constant over a 1000 years is beyond me. It is just a matter of separating fact from fiction. I do not believe every word of Plato writing about events passed on by hear-say than I do any other ancient writer.

Obviously like the rest of you I'm not able to say here nor there in relation to very old tales, but I do believe tales can last alot more than 1000 years, sure the heros may change names and the goal may be called something different but the plot remains the same, over and over again.

An interesting point that hasn't come up yet if you do believe in crustal displacement is that antarctica does fit several of the Plato's criteria for atlantis, it has its mountain and rainforrest fossils have been discovered there with a large basin that exhisted. Funny thing is (as Im sure some of you know) the Piri Reis map (1513) which is stated as being copied from an older source shows the exact geographical layout of antarctica minus the ice and we've only just worked it out in the last few decades.

Also during the beginning of the 1900's Col James Churchward theorised the location of lemuria (he called it Mu) from excavations he'd done all over the pacific, the antartica thing may be sketchy (though interesting) but Col James found a common symbol structure and carving theme across that entire massive area, he even included photo's! He is smoking a little rope(?) as he believes the whole lot sank into the ocean due to 'submerged gases' but hey Im a little forgiving as he makes some good points, no one ever mentions any carvings except easter island, and theres lots.

Plus as Graham Hancock will tell you in 'Underworld' there are megalithic citys being discovered all the time, off the caribean, West India, Japan, mediteranian. Certainly give credance to a flood epic anyway...

...hey theres a story that hasn't changed much in millenia!

hmmm .... there was that reference to Churchward (I posted something of a response in the Age of Aquarius tread) about the symbols he saw in the south for the physical location of the lost continents (both Atlantis and Lemuria .... or Ta Rua, as we would call it in Hawaii-nei) in my view they exist both in the physical and are also metaphors for another path of knowledge that exists within us) .... but back to the physical .... I will speak to Lemuria (aka Ta Rua) which our chants say did exist .... the edges of that lost continent extend out to the islands of Pohnpei and parts of Japan .... in Japan there have been discoveries of an underwater ancient city and I can tell you first hand that I have personally seen what remains of the ancient cultural structures on the island of Pohnpei at a place called Nan Madol .... the legends connected with how Nan Madol was built and who lived there before compare with the knowledge in the hawaiian chant .... the ability of built the ancient structures of stone (tall walls and structures of basalt columns) and the story of each structure tell of an ancient people that possessed abilities that we each have but have forgotten how to access .... I also read an article about a structure in the State of Florida called the Coral Castle which was linked to the same type of energy needed and used to build Nan Madol (I ran across it in a cross-search) and I would be interested in anyone that has seen this structure and what they think of it? While I cannot speak directly to Atlantis, I can tell you that the stories of the lost continent that Churchward referred to as Lemuria existed and exists in chants and legends of people of the south pacific long before the arrival of any outsiders. OUr names are not the same, but the location and place is. In Hawaii-nei (ancient hawaii) the people that came were called the alaneo .... some believe that they were from Ta Rua (the lost continent) .... and I am not smoking rope .... lol, pohaikawahine p.s. however, I might be climbing rope (the rope is an important metaphor for knowledge related to Ta Rua) .....
From Introduction by Frank Joseph:

Of the estimated 2,500 books and magazine articles published about the lost civilization,The Atlantis Encyclopedia is the only one of its kind. It is an attempt to bring together all the known details of this immense, continually fascinating subject, as well as to provide succinct definitions and clear explanations. It is a handbook of Atlantean information for general readers and specialists alike. Everything one wants to know about Atlantis is here in short form. It is a source for students of archaeology, myth, and prehistory.
Unlike most other books on the subject, The Atlantis Encyclopedia offers fewer theories and more facts. Areas of interest include geology, astronomy, and oceanography, but with strong emphasis on the folk traditions of numerous peoples around the world who preserved memories of a great flood that destroyed an ancestral island of memorial splendor. These elements have never been presented together before in a single volume.