How Come Christians Do Not Follow The Violent Verses?

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I dont see any problem on the bible having violent verses , but what the problem is that christians say that the Qu'Ran is nothing but violence and terrorism , so i think who ever sais that should know that also the bible has violent verses , evin thout it has SOME vilonence you cannot judge the book by those verses .
Kindest Regards, Silverbackman, and welcome to CR!

What difference does it make if muslims do those things?
It makes a great deal of difference. The whole "pot calling the kettle black" thing.

What this discussion tells me is that no one of any religion has all of the answers. We are imperfect, all of us. If it were not so, why would we need religion to begin with?

So, I am in agreement with those here who are leaning towards thinking you are attempting to stir trouble. Afterall, would it be proper to post a similar thread in the Islam board, or anywhere else for that matter?

A great deal hinges on your intent. If yours is a sincere question, and you are looking for sincere answers, then by all means proceed. If, on the other hand, this is some attempt to try to demonstrate superiority of one faith over another, I think this is inappropriate.

All faiths have believers who understand on varying levels of understanding. Christianity calls this "denominations." Others use different terms, but the principle remains. There are what, 3 major and several minor variations among Islam? Which tells me that Muslims do not follow, as you implied earlier, the Koran "literally." If they did, there would be no factionalism.

Since there is factualism, among not only Islam but all faiths, it is hardly fair or constructive, to dwell on the factionalism in Christianity. How can one possibly point a finger at someone else if they are equally guilty in the eyes of God?

I would think it is far more constructive to focus on where we agree, and to see our disagreements as not worth fighting over. Otherwise, by psyching yourself into a frenzy over dogmatic differences, you are continuing the same old worn out song and dance that leads to religious warfare. And you cannot logically expect anyone, Christian or otherwise, to not defend themselves from aggression.

My two cents. :)
This thread serves no purpose but to raise hackles. So rather than people becoming agressive on this issue (and towards eachother), this thread is locked until the Administration here at CR decides how to proceed.


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