the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

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Bandit said:
you mean to preach & make disciples for the Kingdom according to the religion of Jehova Witness. yes?

I am glad they came to my house to:) .
however after 6 months i was also glad to ask them to stop coming as they both stomped there feet in anger because i would not join then cursed me to hell & told me they are the only right religion.
Well i would word it rather differently to that , should as , this in matthew 28-20
teaching them to observe all the things I (Jesus Christ)have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of as it is the aim of JW to stick very closly to the teachings of Jesuschrist thats fine by me , and as i also have come to see from the bible that Jesus is using the faithful slave class to do this that is also fine by me matthew 24;45-47 . but as you mentioned not all people are willing to accept this direction and that is their free choice .i must admit it made me laugh when you said about the stamping of the feet and the cursing to hell bit , as we dont believe in the hellfire doctrine , and i was just thinking how funny it would look if all of the JW that call round all of the homes went off stamping their feet , i dont think i have seen that one yet LOL i think that they are more inclined to put into pratice this verse ,

"Into whatever city or village YOU enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until YOU leave. When YOU are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace YOU wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from YOU return upon YOU. Wherever anyone does not take YOU in or listen to YOUR words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off YOUR feet. ...matthew 10;11-14

BlaznFattyz said:
do you think they would go to your church?
before a person becomes a JW i would think that it would be the right thing to look into many different religions first , as i did my self, but if a person really believes he has the truth he would not need to look any more because he has found the truth , and he would be well feed in a spiritual way so would not need to go searching for food any longer, because he knows where the sourse of food supply is.
truthseeker said:
The organization began with Charles Russell who was originally of Presbyterian faith but eventually rejected it. His fascination with adventism led him to study with others who were also fascinated with adventism, in which they called themselves the Bible Students. Their ministry grew, thus they call themselves the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society. They sought clearer understanding of the bible based on their faith that Jesus (by will of Jehovah God) would come again to clear the earth of wickedness. 1914 marks the point in which Satan and his demons were released to rule over the earth for a millenia. In the battle of Armegeddon, Jesus will come to destroy Satan, once and for all, and all humankind who were dedicated to the fight to win souls in Jehovah's name will live in the new earth eradicated of wickedness. Those who didn't fight to win souls with Jehovah's faithfull will be cast into the pit with Satan and his demons.

Because no JW (or any other Christian, really) wants to be labeled by the mark of the beast, JW shouldn't communicate with anyone who is not 'in the truth' (which is the philosophy of JW). That includes family members. If a son or daughter, mother, father, or spouse does not live as a JW, then one should excommunicate themselves from whoever it is that doesn't live by the faith. The sole purpose for communicating with anyone outside of the faith is to share with them the 'truth'. A JW should never enter a church or overly indulge in conversation with anyone who is of the church because it is ruled by Satan.

JW are encouraged to obey the laws of the land but are discouraged from indulging in political matters because that is of Satan. Young adults are discouraged from seeking higher education unless it is to benefit the JW movement. Blood transfusions, giving blood, organ transplants, and artificial insemination are discouraged. Couples who wish to divorce must seek the council of the elders of the congregation for approval - lest they will become excommunicated. Fornicators and adulterers, of course, are excommunicated. With steady council though, some can come back to the congregation and thier families.

Strange - I only knew Jesus as a Warrior-King for Jehovah until I stepped out of the religion.
for me i find that taking in the food at the right time is most good for me matthew 24-45-47,because other wise i could get left behind on the accurate upto date thoughts that Jesus is making known to us ,as i have noticed that you are clinging to some out dated thoughts, but as you say that you have left JW maybe that is the reason why, i think that most people who listen to those who once used to be part of the congregation of JW are not getting the accurate knowledge about the JW. please dont think i am having a go at you it was not meant to be that way ,but i feel that the best way for anyone to get accurate knowledge is to be taking in the fresh food for themselves
I think that a religion that is constantly wavering in perspective is dangerous to the mental and emotional stability of its members. What was left is the Bible - to keep getting a 'fresh' perspective on the words and 'updating' the text according to your own understanding and then persuading the group of your recent understanding by the threat of being excommunicated by God is dangerous. People who are desperately seeking a place to belong are prime prey for the field service ministry. Of course, people who are curious about JW would find it interesting to have some bible studies and converse and all; there are classes on how to talk to people and bring them in. The rules of the game have not changed. The difference with your perspective and mine is that you are enchanted and I'm not. It is a totalitarian form of thought that constantly changes the perspective of the bible to make an otherwise oppressed group feel empowered by pumping them up on pipe dreams of being Jehovah's sole favorite. Nevertheless, there are families who are very happy with being a part of the faith. Everything is fine until you want to start making your own decisions or unless you are old and have already made all of your own decisions.
Bandit said:
ok then, i still do not understand that. sorry.
it just seems to me that it is what the flag stands for & the constitution that God has allowed us, that gives us the freedom to be a Jehova Witness.
I understand not supporting war, yet not to support the troops that are thrown into it & who are fighting for our rights to be a Jehovas Witness, just seems narrow to me.
There are plenty people who are not JW and don't support anything that has to do with war. I think that if more people didn't support any of it, it would be less likely to occur.
1)Would not we want the soldiers who fought for us to become a JW after they come home from war?
Of course. They would want anyone who doesn't know the truth of Jehovah's Kingdom to come to know it.
2)Who does the JW go to, to get permits to drive an auto, build a church, add on an addition to the home etc?
Local government, Bandit. Like everyone else does. They are not vigilantes ready to start a revolution.
3)Also, what would be the case if the draft goes into effect & I am sure that we must still register. Or does a JW have an opt out on that?
Yes, JW has an opt out on that. They wouldn't serve based on religious reasons.
I am seeing loop holes in some of this & just a bit curious is all.:)
So these questions are presented to get an answer from the JW perspective.
Maybe Mee can explain better why those things would not be supported.
that is all I have from here on this.
thank you
There aren't any loop holes. Islam is similiar in those ideas, I think.
i honestly think they put into practice getting "points" by getting you to go to their church when they have full knowledge you are already a christian with a church you attend. i can say this because i have been approached numerous times throughout my life and it is the same for every visit. there was always this agenda of a sales pitch, never the feeling that they just wanted to encourage and pray for you, because it never happened.
truthseeker said:
Of course. They would want anyone who doesn't know the truth of Jehovah's Kingdom to come to know it.

then why are they not allowed to write a soldier a letter?
never mind Truthseeker but thanks for explaining:) . you dont have to answer that. i am starting to feel that big circle of 'things dont add up' & it is just more church dogma.

but as you mentioned not all people are willing to accept this direction and that is their free choice .i must admit it made me laugh when you said about the stamping of the feet and the cursing to hell bit , as we dont believe in the hellfire doctrine , and i was just thinking how funny it would look if all of the JW that call round all of the homes went off stamping their feet , i dont think i have seen that one yet LOL i think that they are more inclined to put into pratice this verse ,

ok Mee. but they did the same thing to my Grandmother & all she wanted to do was have fellowship in her home.
& yes it was funny.
BlaznFattyz said:
i honestly think they put into practice getting "points" by getting you to go to their church when they have full knowledge you are already a christian with a church you attend. i can say this because i have been approached numerous times throughout my life and it is the same for every visit. there was always this agenda of a sales pitch, never the feeling that they just wanted to encourage and pray for you, because it never happened.
There is no 'point' system. JW are not the only denomination that goes door to door. If you are a Christian and have a church home, then you have no need to attend the Kingdom Hall or another church. If you are dissatified, however, that is a whole 'nother ball game.
I specifically set this thread up for questions to and from JWs. I do not recall inviting criticism from the peanut gallery.

Mean spirited is not a good way to be, people. Can we get back on track here?



moderator, Christian forum
What's the peanut gallery?!?

I hope no one is strongly offended but it's like that sometime when you're discussing religion. I get offended because I think what I have to say is valid but it often gets shut down because you don't want to hear it at the time. Because of good moderation here things don't really get out of hand, but if we don't get through the misconceptions of this we won't reach an understanding. Mee is not the only person involved with JW, whether the ideas are enchanted or not. While I'm not here to trash JW, I just have a different view and I'd like to think it is valid in this thread.
truthseeker said:
What's the peanut gallery?!?

I hope no one is strongly offended but it's like that sometime when you're discussing religion. I get offended because I think what I have to say is valid but it often gets shut down because you don't want to hear it at the time. Because of good moderation here things don't really get out of hand, but if we don't get through the misconceptions of this we won't reach an understanding. Mee is not the only person involved with JW, whether the ideas are enchanted or not. While I'm not here to trash JW, I just have a different view and I'd like to think it is valid in this thread.

i feel the same. i am not here to trash anyone either. i believe quite a few things the JW believe. i mean i did not let them come to my house for 6 months to pick fights with them & learn nothing.
it was the same with the mormons. i learned from both religions.

btw, i like Mee & have learned some things from him & you also Truthseeker.
(even if it does not make sense yet, i still learn):)
Actually, if you reveal all the weak points of a religion and openly deride them, then that's trashing. You don't make many friends that way. How would a lot of you feel if I started bashing on Non-demoninational churches? If I wanted, I could rip them to shreds. Same with the Catholic Church, Protestant Chruches, and even the JW organization. However, I don't believe that's what we're here to do, and getting out of hand makes the Moderator's job pretty difficult. I've modded forums before, and I know how tough that can get to be the mature, responsible one.
BlaznFattyz said:
i honestly think they put into practice getting "points" by getting you to go to their church when they have full knowledge you are already a christian with a church you attend. i can say this because i have been approached numerous times throughout my life and it is the same for every visit. there was always this agenda of a sales pitch, never the feeling that they just wanted to encourage and pray for you, because it never happened.
LOL points, thats a new one to me , yes you are right we talk to people about the kingdom promise even though we know they belong to all different sorts of religions, even religions that say they are christian , the reason for this is that all mankind has got to hear about the good news of the kingdom goverment in the heavens , did not Jesus speak to the jews, even thou they claimed to represent god and be his people,its the same with JW we speak to allsorts of people, so as you mention that you have been aproached many times you cannot say that you have not had the chance to hear the good news about the heavenlykingdom ,what a loving God to allow time for us all to repent and put our Faith in the kingdom ,and the king that sits on the throne of that kingdom Jesus christ .so even thou there are many religions are they according to accurate knowledge based on Gods word the bible....John 17;3
This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, (Jehovah)and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ..... but at the end of the day if a person is happy to stay in his own religion that is his choice we are only doing the work that has been asigned to us regardless as to weather people listen to that message or not the message is being preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come(the end being the end of manmade rulership) matthew 24;14

Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first ...mark 13;10

it is good that jw feel like helping mankind in their way. i was hoping you might explain why it is so important for them to persuade people to attend a jw church even though they already attend a christian church. what could be in it for them, that i am not getting.
BlaznFattyz said:
it is good that jw feel like helping mankind in their way. i was hoping you might explain why it is so important for them to persuade people to attend a jw church even though they already attend a christian church. what could be in it for them, that i am not getting.
its not a case of whats in it for JW its a case of whats in it for those who take in the knowledge about the kingdom , at the kingdom halls throughout the world the teachings are all the same it does not matter where you live in the world the teachings in the kingdom halls will all be based on what the bible says about this established kingdom goverment, it is only at the kingdom hall that people will hear about the established kingdom goverment (established in 1914 in heaven) we also use Gods name in our prayers at the kingdom hall (Jehovah) i could go on about all the other things but there are to many to mention,and as we feel that the faithful slave is being used by Jesus in this time of the end ,it is the best place to be to get up to date information about bible prophecies.
Just to echo Quahom, it would be a shame if *any* thread on CR were essentially used to ridicule any individual's stance towards religion.

If this thread is set up to help engage Jehovah's Witnesses on a Q&A about how they perceive things, then please let us leave the Jehovah's Witnesses to providing the A. :)

In fact, it may be better to close this one and set up a specifc Q&A if there seems call to do so...
since everyone is echoing, i feel left out, so lets all just get along and learn from each other. and let the moderators refrain from referring to posters as the peanut gallery, that is not necessary. the thread is going nicely actually and i think we dont need any more mod or wanabe mod echoes.
mee said:
we also use Gods name in our prayers at the kingdom hall (Jehovah).

sometimes in my christian church we have used the name jehova, or god, or sometimes the pastor will say yahweh or elohim. im sure the correct name is there somewhere, i think hebrew scholars say the real name is yahweh, but in our hearts i think he knows we just want to call his name even if we are saying it wrong or mispronuncing it. didnt jw's say something about them knowing yahweh was the correct name but since everyone was used to saying jehova they would just keep using it? i think i read something about that somewhere.
BlaznFattyz said:
sometimes in my christian church we have used the name jehova, or god, or sometimes the pastor will say yahweh or elohim. im sure the correct name is there somewhere, i think hebrew scholars say the real name is yahweh, but in our hearts i think he knows we just want to call his name even if we are saying it wrong or mispronuncing it. didnt jw's say something about them knowing yahweh was the correct name but since everyone was used to saying jehova they would just keep using it? i think i read something about that somewhere.
depends what language you speak and where you live in the world
Jehovah became the accepted pronunciation of the divine name in English. This retains the essential elements of God’s name from the Hebrew an example lets think about the name of Jesus

Would it be showing honor to Jesus to remove all mention of his name in the Bible and by removing it from our biblesreplace it with a mere title like "Teacher," or "Mediator"? Of course not, We can relate to Jesus when we use his name the way it is commonly pronounced in our language is the same thing with the name of Jehovah, that is why we do not remove it from our bibles we keep it in the bible as it was in the first place , we do not replace it with a title such as LORD , we retain the original hebrew consonants

the first language used in writing the Bible was Hebrew, and when the Hebrew language was written down, the writers wrote only consonants—not vowels. so, we must retain the original consonants in the bible ,when the original inspired writers wrote God’s name, they naturally did the same thing and wrote only the consonants i could go into it deeper but i think that is it in a short and sweet sort of way....we do not blot out the name of our God Jehovah from our bibles

If the name is not there, how can the psalmist’s words be fulfilled: "Those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah."—Psalm 9:10

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