the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

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I see some very strong statments have been made against the NWT. However, what is the NWT translators argument in reply to these people?
All of these accusations can be answered more than adequately. If you choose one example of an accusation of bias, I can answer it for you.

Jason BeDuhn, a Greek scholar and not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, compares several major Bible translations, including the NWT, to check for bias in his book Truth in Translation; Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament. His conclusion? He writes, "While it is difficult to quantify this sort of analysis, it can be said that the N[ew] W[orld Translation] emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared."

There is a whole other side to this that you're not going to hear from certain scholars.

TJ1 said:
All of these accusations can be answered more than adequately. If you choose one example of an accusation of bias, I can answer it for you.

Jason BeDuhn, a Greek scholar and not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, compares several major Bible translations, including the NWT, to check for bias in his book Truth in Translation; Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament. His conclusion? He writes, "While it is difficult to quantify this sort of analysis, it can be said that the N[ew] W[orld Translation] emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared."

There is a whole other side to this that you're not going to here from certain scholars.


Wait a second you offered one defense of non bias. I did not offer one accusation I believe that was 14 different ones.
Dor said:
Wait a second you offered one defense of non bias. I did not offer one accusation I believe that was 14 different ones.
And did you look up each one of those yourself or did you just find them somewhere and copy-and-paste? The one with the most quotes does not necessarily win. What counts is whether or not you can back up the accusations made in those quotes.

Each one of those proofs you have offered can and have been answered, over and over again, elsewhere; so I'm not going to go use my time going through each one. However, you can pick one for me to answer as well and I'd be happy to do that for you.

TJ1 said:
All of these accusations can be answered more than adequately. If you choose one example of an accusation of bias, I can answer it for you.

Jason BeDuhn, a Greek scholar and not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, compares several major Bible translations, including the NWT, to check for bias in his book Truth in Translation; Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament. His conclusion? He writes, "While it is difficult to quantify this sort of analysis, it can be said that the N[ew] W[orld Translation] emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared."

There is a whole other side to this that you're not going to hear from certain scholars.


Hi TJ1 thanks for your reply.

Just wondering, are there anyother non-JW scholars who agree with Jason BeDuhn? Also, the Watchtower quoted a certain scholar in their Kingdom interliner who argues strongly against the NWT. Do you know why they quoted him? And what that quote actually says?

Thanks again :)
Hi TJ1 thanks for your reply.

Just wondering, are there anyother non-JW scholars who agree with Jason BeDuhn? Also, the Watchtower quoted a certain scholar in their Kingdom interliner who argues strongly against the NWT. Do you know why they quoted him? And what that quote actually says?

Thanks again :)
There are definitely other scholars who have praised the NWT. If you'd like, I could send you some examples.

As for the "certain scholar in their Kingdom interliner who argues strongly against the NWT," who are you talking about?

TJ1 said:
There are definitely other scholars who have praised the NWT. If you'd like, I could send you some examples.

That would be great. thanks.

TJ1 said:
As for the "certain scholar in their Kingdom interliner who argues strongly against the NWT," who are you talking about


I believe that would be Dr. J. A. Mantey.
I believe that would be Dr. J. A. Mantey.
Since I don't have much time now, I'll just send you a link to a page that deals with Dr. Mantey's, let's say, emotional objections. :)

Thank you also for your reply.

I agree that many people believe what their religious leaders tell them about many things. Saying this, do you not also believe what your religious leaders tell you?

Just believing in everything our leaders tell us without checking it out for ourselves is rather unwise of us wouldn't you agree?

Do you check everything out for yourself about things your religious leaders tell you? I believe you will answer yes to this question. So do you not believe that others may also checkout that which they are being taught? Surely not everyone is so blind as to just go long and believe everything they are told by their leaders. Personally I don't believe they are.

What evidence does the NWT accusers have?

Thanks again.
yes i agree , it is a wise thing to check if the things said are inline with the word of God. i havent always been one of JW and i can only go on personal experience, and i know that various religious leaders of christendom go to great lengths to stop people looking into this very good translation. i think we should look into many translations the truth of Gods word will shine through. the bible harmonizes thoughout when the accurate meaning is translated. there is no mystery about who God is and about who Jesus christ is.
mee said:
yes i agree , it is a wise thing to check if the things said are inline with the word of God. i havent always been one of JW and i can only go on personal experience, and i know that various religious leaders of christendom go to great lengths to stop people looking into this very good translation. i think we should look into many translations the truth of Gods word will shine through. the bible harmonizes thoughout when the accurate meaning is translated. there is no mystery about who God is and about who Jesus christ is.

Hi Mee,

Thanks for your reply. I don't disbelieve that some leaders would go to great lengths to stop people looking at the NWT. May I ask who these leaders are and what evidence do they have to accuse the NWT?

What does the NWT translators say in defense against these accusations?

BTW, no one has ever gone to great lengths to stop me looking at the NWT.
May be these leaders you speak of should just allow people to look at the NWT for themselves.

Thanks again Mee :)
TJ1 said:
Since I don't have much time now, I'll just send you a link to a page that deals with Dr. Mantey's, let's say, emotional objections. :)


Thanks TJ :)

And the scholars who praise the NWT?

Also may I ask why the Kindom interliner quotes this scholar if they have objections against him?
Hi Mee,

May be these leaders you speak of should just allow people to look at the NWT for themselves.

Thanks again Mee :)
yes i quite agree , thats what i did but there is always opposition to good translations , as many past translators have found out , as was said of Martin Luthers bible
"FULL of falsifications!" Back in the 16th century, that is what opposers said about Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible. They believed they could prove that Luther’s Bible contained "1,400 heretical errors and lies." Today, Luther’s Bible is viewed as a landmark translation. The book Translating the Bible even calls it "a work of genius"!​
in this day the New World Translation has also been charged with the same .
mee said:
yes i quite agree , thats what i did but there is always opposition to good translations , as many past translators have found out , as was said of Martin Luthers bible
"FULL of falsifications!" Back in the 16th century, that is what opposers said about Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible. They believed they could prove that Luther’s Bible contained "1,400 heretical errors and lies." Today, Luther’s Bible is viewed as a landmark translation. The book Translating the Bible even calls it "a work of genius"!​
in this day the New World Translation has also been charged with the same .

Hi Mee, thanks for your reply. :)

What is being said about the NWT?

Who are these leaders are and what evidence do they have to accuse the NWT?

What does the NWT translators say in defense against these accusations?
Hi Mee, thanks for your reply. :)

What is being said about the NWT?

Who are these leaders are and what evidence do they have to accuse the NWT?

What does the NWT translators say in defense against these accusations?
Luther’s Bible was criticized because it was produced by a man who exposed the shortcomings of the traditional religion of his day. His translation opened the way for ordinary people to see the truth of much of what he said. Similarly, the New World Translation is criticized because it is published by Jehovah’s Witnesses, who outspokenly declare that many of Christendom’s doctrines are not found in the Bible. The New World Translation—indeed, any Bible—makes this evident
mee said:
Luther’s Bible was criticized because it was produced by a man who exposed the shortcomings of the traditional religion of his day. His translation opened the way for ordinary people to see the truth of much of what he said. Similarly, the New World Translation is criticized because it is published by Jehovah’s Witnesses, who outspokenly declare that many of Christendom’s doctrines are not found in the Bible. The New World Translation—indeed, any Bible—makes this evident

I Mee,

I understand what you are sayin, however, what I would like to know is, what exactly is being said about the NWT?

And Who are these leaders are and what evidence do they have to accuse the NWT?

What does the NWT translators say in defense against these accusations?
what he is trying to say is the more others say they are wrong in translation, the more others point out they are false prophets for predicting dates, the more they see themselves in the right, as self proclaimed prophets, authorities of scripture, because they are the hated ones because of god. however, when jesus christ is not the focus and is replaced by a direct connection with the father (jehovah); when jesus christ is not lord god and saviour, but a created god and even an archangel; when works and religion substitute grace and relationship; when jesus christ is not the focus in heaven, but their rewards of heaven; when watchtower calls their members prophets, thefore denying that jesus christ has fulfilled these things; when jesus christ is not glorified, but downplayed, then you can begin to see why christians try to point out to jw's to get right with christ, then the scriptures are opened up to you. but until they accept that they are not hated by christians, but are trying to be shown the right way out of love, they will try to see themselves in good light among themselves and that reinforces their religion.

The only-begotten Son of God, the only Son produced by Jehovah alone. This Son is the firstborn of all creation. By means of him all other things in heaven and on earth were created. He is the second-greatest personage in the universe. It is this Son whom Jehovah sent to the earth to give his life as a ransom for mankind, thus opening the way to eternal life for those of Adam’s offspring who would exercise faith. This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority to destroy all the wicked and to carry out his Father’s original purpose for the earth. The Hebrew form of the name Jesus means "Jehovah Is Salvation"; Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shi´ach (Messiah), meaning "Anointed One."
Lol, Jesus the Christ. Son of God, with no beginning and no end. Creator of the Universe, One with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Redeemer, Savior, all roled into one and a bag of chips. :eek: :eek: :D :D :D
mee said:


Definition: The only-begotten Son of God, the only Son produced by Jehovah alone. This Son is the firstborn of all creation. By means of him all other things in heaven and on earth were created. He is the second-greatest personage in the universe. It is this Son whom Jehovah sent to the earth to give his life as a ransom for mankind, thus opening the way to eternal life for those of Adam’s offspring who would exercise faith. This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority to destroy all the wicked and to carry out his Father’s original purpose for the earth. The Hebrew form of the name Jesus means "Jehovah Is Salvation"; Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shi´ach (Messiah), meaning "Anointed One."

Umm The angel Michael told Mary to name the baby Immanuel which means
"God with us" or "With us is God" I think its very interesting that your definition of Christ left out that very important bit of information.

Not that you will even read a word of what I posted...

Im really trying to take Pauls advice.
Faithfulservant said: the baby Immanuel which means
"God with us" or "With us is God" I think its very interesting that your definition of Christ left out that very important bit of information.
very interesting... was that on purpose?
Faithfulservant said:
Umm The angel Michael told Mary to name the baby Immanuel which means
"God with us" or "With us is God" I think its very interesting that your definition of Christ left out that very important bit of information.

Not that you will even read a word of what I posted...

Im really trying to take Pauls advice.

The angel Michael, who's name means "Who is like God", is someone we should be comparing to God then?
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