Get well, Vajradhara!


Mercuræn Buddhist
Reaction score
Pacific Ring of Fire
I've heard that Vajradhara is ill.
Get well soon, Vaj! You're in my thoughts. :)


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Yes Vaj, get well soon. Although we've chatted a little bit recently your strong presense on the Buddhist boards are sorely missed!
seattlegal said:
I've heard that Vajradhara is ill.
Get well soon, Vaj! You're in my thoughts. :)

thank you for your kind well wishes!

i am physically much better now, thank you :)

of course, that is a relative sort of thing... compared to some, i must seem a broken down old horse which should be turned to glue!

to others, i must seem to be the Bionic Man/Woman!


Namaste all,

i apologize for not seeing this thread sooner... i was trying to catch up in the Eastern section of the forum :)

as Yoda says... "do or do not, there is no try."



Kindest Regards, Vajradhara!

I was not aware you were "under the weather," but I am glad to hear you are doing better now.
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Vajradhara!

I was not aware you were "under the weather," but I am glad to hear you are doing better now.

thank you, Juan, i appreciate it :)

it's a funny thing, this human form... at various times it seems to be quite healthy and at others, quite infirm.

at this present time, i would say that i'm "recovering" fairly well... of course, that may be belied by the development this afternoon... but, i'll have to wait and see.

it can be difficult to be patient with ones negative karma, at times.


What a relief to find out that you're okay now Vaj!! :D take care of your health okay!!