GTv13 said:
To tell you the truth never read much about the science of the Hadith
Thats the problem. You dont know what you are talking about. you have not read and, thus, have not understood the great effort put in to authenticating the Sunnah.
As well I have to point out not all the companions were Muslims,obviosly, befor Prophet Muhammed Message most of them werent,even when Prophet Muhammmed proclaimed that he was a Messenger not all belived at first like Ali but later he became one of the best Muslims,he got the name Sword of Allah as far as I know.
If you think you have made some sort of point, i dont see it. We are talking about muslims here, i dont know why you are talking about the past of these people when they werent even Muslim.
The Hadith started to be collected 200 years later after Prophet Muhammed death,peace be upon him,and his closest followers never wrote any of his sayings.Only when his closet follower one of the best Muslims at the time died ,did the Hadith started to be writen.
So 200 years later people started collecting all the Hadith and started writing it,as well they had to make sure they did not wrote, I mean proclaim any of the false Hadith as authentic,which is just not possible.
Again, not correct on both counts. You obvioulsy dont know when the hadith were first written. You have made so many accusations already with nothing to back it up. So, im not going to detail every single thing here. Regarding your first incorrect statement, I'll just point you to the following websites:
At this point, it is assumed that you have read the content of the above two links. Read them and please try to understand that you are incorrect in your understanding.
Regarding your saying "his closest followers never wrote any of his sayings..." again, i beg to differ. I give you a sample.
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al`As:
I used to write everything which I heard from the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him). I intended (by it) to memorise it. The Quraysh prohibited me saying: Do you write everything that you hear from him while the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) is a human being: he speaks in anger and pleasure?
So I stopped writing, and mentioned it to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him). He signalled with his finger to his mouth and said: Write, by Him in Whose hand my soul lies, only right comes out from it. [Abu-Dawud, hadith # 3639]
For the sake of brevity, I have not quoted others (rest assured that there are). This mere sample is enough to falsify your claim. I mention this second hadith to show you something else...
Narrated Abu Huraira:
There is none among the companions of the Prophet who has narrated more Hadiths than I except 'Abdallah bin Amr (bin Al-'As) who used to write them and I never did the same. [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadith # 113]
As a side note regarding hadith authentication methods (in science of hadith), you should note from the above two that these are
two different companions of the Prophet(pbuh), two different chains of narrators, two different authors of two different collections(Bukhari and Abu-Dawud) in which a narration agrees with one another. Hope this gives you food for thought.
Something else of note. The Prophet(pbuh) warned us of your type in an authentic narration in which he(pbuh) said,"Indeed, I have been granted the Qur'an and something similar to it. A time will come when a man will be reclining upon his couch saying,"Stick to this Qur'an.So whatever you find within it as being lawful, then take it as being lawful. And whatever you find within it as being unlawful, then take it as being unlawful.""[1] The fact that you are here and saying exactly what he(pbuh) warned us against, should tell you (and people in the peanut gallery) something.
Allaah says in the Qur'an (the translation of the meaning of which is):
And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination. [Qur’an 4:115]
Allaah has ordered that matters be referred back to Him and His Messenger when there is a disagreement and difference, so that the final judgement is that of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. He says:
O you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allaah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination. [4:59]
This aayah explains that disputes and unknown matters are to be referred back to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (pbuh) so that the Muslims settle their disputes with them. This being a sign of truthfulness and the proof of Eemaan [faith]; while he who does not refer back in judgment to the Book and the Sunnah in disputes and take judgment from them then he is not a believer in Allaah and the Last Day. Perhaps the clearest proof of this great matter which is counted as the crux of Eeman is His saying,
But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith until they make you judge in all disputes between them and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions and accept (them) with full submission. [4:65]
Ibn Katheer commented upon this verse as follows:
"Just this earth-rendering oath is sufficient to cause the mountains to fall to the ground and for the believer's jugular vein to tremble in terror and his limbs to shake with fear and for the hearts to rise to the throats and the eyes to roll up in their sockets. The Most Just of all judges has sworn by Himself that no one believes until he makes the Messenger (pbuh) judge in all affairs. So whatever judgment he has passed then it is obligatory to submit to it, outwardly and inwardly, since it is the truth and what is there besides the truth except misguidance" [tafseer Qur'aanil-'Adheem (4/85-86)]
That is the reason why we should not follow Hadith but the Quran alone,I mean after all why guess when we dont have to.
Most of what you said was repetition but, after having a look at that website of yours where this big number game was being played to calculate the answers to my questions, i'm surprised that you claim that you use "common sense" and that you don't follow guesses. There is no where in the Qur'an that tells you to play this number game and follow this strategy to know things. The Qur'an keeps telling you to obey Allah
and his Messenger, and all you can think of is to come up with this numbers business.
But anyway I'll just say this no I did not mean just the companions who were with Prophet Muhammed,but I ment the hole generation of people who brought us the Hadith and who get credits for it.
That is even worse and i'll tell you below why.
Anyway did any of Prophet Muhammed companions ever lied I dont know for sure,but it be fair to say that some have,maybe they did not tell any big lies but they could have told some not so big lies,after all we are human beings, we are not perfect.
Ignoring the fact that you consider pretty much everyone untrustworthy, since this is a small thing considering that you also include the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in them as well!! May Allaah protect us all from such thoughts. According to you, not only are the Companions (May Allaah be pleased with them) of Allaah’s Messenger(pbuh) capable of lying but they would do so in regards to Allaah’s Messenger(pbuh)!!!
The meaning of this doubt and attack is that all reliable narrators from the amongst salafus-saalih [2] were untrustworthy liars. it necessitates accusing them of either telling lies and misleading the people or of ignorance. Indeed, Allaah rescued them from these things and they knew the reality of the statement of the Messenger of Allaah(pbuh) "Whoever lies upon me deliberately, then let him take his seat in the Fire" [3]
In the end, the most gravest of matters;did not Allaah, the All-Knowing, say:
And the first to lead the way, of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, and those who followed them in goodness - Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. That is the supreme triumph. [Qur’an 9:100]
You consider untrustworthy and capable of lies (and that too against the Messenger of Allaah(pbuh)) those regarding whom Allaah testified Himself that He was well pleased with!!?? Didnt Allaah know that these people would invent lies against His Messenger(pbuh)?? How can you claim that Allaah is well pleased with liers and that too of such a nature?!! You erroneously claim that you follow the Qur'anic teachings. Not only have you admitted that you possess no knowledge/understanding of matters of hadith but you have also demonstrated that you have less than that regarding the Qur'an.
At this point, I see no reason to continue this discussion especially in light of the fact that you have not only insulted the Companions(May Allaah be pleased with them) of Allaah's Messenger(pbuh), but that you have also invented a lie again Allaah, The Mighty and Magestic. And I seek refuge with Allaah from that!
You have crossed the line. This I cannot allow to go on anymore.
No doubt the best speech is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Mohammad(pbuh).
[1] Sahih: Related by Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi.
[2] the people of the first 3 generations of Muslims about whom Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said that they were the best of the people
[3] Authenticated by Sh. Albaani. He recorded 63 different routes for it!!! 63!
This is a mutawatir hadith which means it is one which is reported by such a large number of people that they cannot be expected to agree upon a lie, all of them together. (Gtv13 dont forget the relevant example on that 2nd link)