Peace be to all of you.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I had to buy a new computer and that is why I was away.
Anyway, some of you commented of: a) whether the nations will rise against Muslims because of their religion or politics or both and b) that the war against Muslims sounds like the Crusades and taht Mahdi should have appeared.
To the first comment/question: I believe that the reason for war against Muslims by the nations of the world will be political and religious. Religious because Dajjal/antichrist will demand worship and Muslims will never worship him. Political because the culture of the world will be so bad that the behaviours of the people will go against Islam (drugs, murders, terrorism, adultery, prostitution, disrepsect to parents, disbelief in God and His commandments, people will fornicate on the side walks, weather storms, great poverty due to greed of the rich and lack of help to the poor, etc). Muslims are to divide into 73 groups and only one will enter Heaven. Jews are to divide into 71 group and one is to go to Heaven. Christians are to divide into 72 groups and one will go to Heaven. Muslims will go through great tribulation so that they will be killed in many numbers. Prophet Muhammad savs advised Muslims to remember the first 10 ayat/verses of the Surah al-Kahf during the Last Days and one needs to read them to understand what he was trying to convey. Also, the whole surah in question is a lesson to remember.
To the second comment: in regards to the crusades I believe they may be a beginning of the war against Muslims. Bosnia and Kosovo are no exception. After all the Holy Bible reminds us that at the End Times there will be false peace in the world. Just as an example, both Bosnia and Kosovo are fairly false peace negotiations Bosnia has 49% of its land still fairly occupied and 95% ethnically cleansed by Serbs. Kosovo is about the same and there is still UN troops there. So, the true peace is no where in sight. Muslims are still everywhere but Imam Mahdi still has to come, because the true attack of the non-Muslims, I believe, did not take place yet. Non-Muslims have positioned themselves militarily in the Muslims lands recently with the pretense of whatever else but the attacks. But it probably will be inevitable. Our prophecies teach us that the dajjal and his forces will drive away Muslims all the way to the Medina and Mecca. He will occupy everything but these two cities. This kind of tells you the state of the affairs. Muslims will grow strong after that only when Imam Mahdi comes because he will unite all of the Muslims of the world and with his military command he will defeat the forces of the antichrist. Finally, Jesus pbuh will help to destroy dajjal antichrist once and for all.
Black banners are the signs of Imam Mahdi's coming, but he is not here yet. Also, one must remember that this just Imam won't appoint himself but will be pressured to accept the religious and political leadership of the Muslims world wide. He won't be divider but uniter of the Muslims. Anyone claiming to be Mahdi on their own is a fake. And anyone not being recongized by majority of Muslims as Imam Mahdi then there are reasons for that
In regards to the Christians, there will be a group of Christians who will ally themselves with Muslims during the first phase of the attacks on the Muslims. They will win the first part of the war together but their relationship will grow sour over how the war was won: by the blessings of Islam or the cross. Prophet Muhammad savs said that the full blown conflict between Mulsims and former christian allies will occur after a Muslim in his anger over a Christian's claim of the blessings of the cross will kill the Christian. This battle will be fierce and will occur before the Mahdi, Jesus' coming and the appearance of the ignorant evil dajjal/antichrist. Also, there is one hadith that says that there will be Christians with 80 banners trying to make peace in the world but they will be prevented and in actuallity will assist the destruction of the world (perhaps out of anger, or trying in a wrong way).
Since Jews are still waiting for a Messiah and did not recongize Jesus pbuh the majority of them will follow the antichrist/dajjal. Also, majority of the Jews are stated in the Qur'an to be the sworn enemies of the Muslims.
I hope I answered your comments/questions. I will come back to see replies.
Peace be with all of you.