Channeled thought- Seth/Ramtha/Abraham...


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a figment of your imagination
Anyone out there following, reading or exploring any of the current channeled thought?

JZ Knight and Ramtha 35,000 year old Lemurian Warrior King?

the Seth Books?

Esther Hicks and Abraham talks/books?

I know there are other channeled entities....

I know those that say they are false teachings, and that 'psychic' stuff should be avoided (get behind me Satan), and those that think it is charlatans or hokum.

However since this is purported to be a frank open discussion board, I would think we could discuss these teachings as well?

Again, is this the right place, esoteric, despite the fact that these enitities are not Pagan....

Sounds like an interesting topic to me. I've been interested for years in dictated teachings (similar to the notion of channeling in principle) from Blavatsky's Theosophy to the present.

Recently I came across the word sibyl as descriptive of those who are conscious Messengers vs. mediums (or anyone who communicates unconsciously). Generally the former is preferred (which a little common sense should indicate) ... but certainly there are credible & legitimate exceptions. Edgar Cayce comes to mind, including the thousands of cases of healings & remedies that he recommended & had recorded, and which were carried out successfully.

While the validity of any message, teaching, or purported entity can always (and should) be questioned ... I would be more interested in hearing what inquiries others have made. What teachings or channelings are folks reading? What resonates as helpful and true? I am only vaguely familiar with the Seth material, and had no idea about Ramtha (with 30K year old Lemurian connections!).

Channelling is called different things: mediumship, trancework, possession, "being ridden by loa," aspecting, drawing down the moon or sun. It's not all exactly the same but the core principle is the same: allowing a discarnate entity to communicate through your body.

One thing to keep in mind about supposed discarnate entities is that just because they are discarnate does not mean they are any more honest or knowledgeable than regular everyday people. Sometimes they lie. Sometimes they mean well but tell falsehoods because they want to please the person who is questioning them. Sometimes they might tell partial truths but withhold key details.

Some believe that these entities are not really distinct beings but are facets of our own personalities, often drawn from our subconscious and given the semblance of independence.

Adam Crabtree's interesting book "Multiple Man" explores the topic of possession and multiple personalities from the standpoint of it being subconscious elements of our selves that are drawn out and given some attention.
Some believe that these entities are not really distinct beings but are facets of our own personalities, often drawn from our subconscious and given the semblance of independence.
My current level of consciousness allows me to accept that it is the 'medium' accessing its higher self, or source but it puts 'skin on' to allow acceptance personally if that makes any sense.

But the more I hear and read the more I think there is more to it... flip side it disgusts me that people fake this kind of stuff as it wears on everything else.

Lastly I've learned not to say 'yeah right' so often because so many things that I thought were 'out there' have somehow worked there way in here. At one time I would have joiled Copernicus....

good evening all -

have read a bit myself over the years. For me, i dont really mind the theory or science behind it all - if it has impact for me or rings true and i can apply it within my belief system and to my reality - thats cool:cool:

Have you read Lazaris? The Emmanuel books...... both interesting and informative. Bit lighter that the seth stuff i think...depends on what you after.


As ever one has to separate the real from the illusory.

The whole 'Ascended Masters' teachings have been demonstrably shown to be fraudulent, started by Col. Olcott, a friend and associate of M. Blavatsky - who roasted him soundly for it - nevertheless, he perpetuated his teaching in the US and made a fair fortune as a result.

Modern day angelology is so full of fantasy and sentimentalism that the 'reality' is all but completely lost.

There is a saying from Medieval Japan - 'the strong eat, the weak are meat' and this applies no less in the unseen realms.

Disembodied psychic entitles 'survive' by sapping the energies of embodied beings, in return for which they offer 'inducements' to make themselves more attractive to the living.

Broadly I would say that over 99% of what people believe to be 'spiritual' phenomena is in fact 'psychic' - the akashic record, or planet soul, world soul, etc., is not a spiritual realm but a psychic one, and as the world turns so the pollution of these realms continues apace.

I'm not saying they don't happen, but when they do, the serve a greater purpose, not our own.

"As above, so below' - so if one considers for a moment global warming and the environmental/ecological imbalances, then be assured that these are a reflection of the disorders above.

In short the higher realms are no safe place to go unschooled, unskilled and unaided, and there are a score of 'spirit guides' just waiting to rob you of every ounce of essence you have. They are the junkies of the unseen world and know no morality other than their own survival.

Added to this that in the close of the Age all that has yet been unrealised needs be 'used up' - so the appearance of 'diversity' and 'plurality' - so loved of west because of its novelty - is a sure sign of an impending disaster.

Personally - what can be added to Scripture, in which all is made known?

It's tricky trying to sort the wheat from the chaff when dealing with invisible realms. As it's been pointed out, just because some unseen entity makes contact with you or some other person does not mean that that entity is going to be helpful.

That's why I think it is so vital for anyone who is choosing to explore the unseen realms to start off by familiarizing themselves with basic banishing and protection work. You must be able to protect yourself before inviting potentially dangerous entities into your life!

Working with purported "higher spirits" that are invisible on the mundane plane is not new. Every time someone claims to have had communication from a god, goddess, the ghost of a deceased person, elemental spirits, angels, or demons they are talking about communication with the invisible realms. Some of these unseen sources inspire all manner of scriptures. Which of these scriptures is worth following, and how they should be interpreted, are questions which have triggered not only schisms but outright bloodshed through human history.

Just because an invisible entity tells us something does not mean it's true. Those invisible entities could claim to be anything from a deceased relative to the One And Only Almighty -- and it's up to us to figure out whether any of this information is accurate, and to what degree it is relevant.

We don't automatically trust every thing that other flesh-and-blood people tell us so why should we automatically trust an invisible entity? The Divine gave us the ability to think for ourselves and to make distinctions and decisions for a reason -- to use it rather than to just follow someone else's dictates blindly.