The more I reflect on Walsch's CWG (vol. I, so far) ... the more it occurs that this is really a helpful book for pretty much the same reasons most folks have mentioned. Even in this wonderful year, 2006, there are vast numbers of people (myself among them, often enough) who feel - for one reason or another - alienated from their own God. Really this applies to people of quite diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and creeds. Many are
aware of the distance they feel; others deny it, or put on a front. Why do we feel so much of a cleavage?
Answers to the rhetorical question aside, what can we
do about it? While some would quip that we should
pray more often, I'm not sure that's always the answer. Not meditation, not prayer, and not going to church five nights a week instead of three. Nope,
none of these seems to cut it for most people.
Conversations With God isn't an entirely new approach, but even as I disagree in one breath with the author's claim & insistence that "God told him to write this," I feel Walsch's contribution is
important enough to defend
this type of writing. And had he simply called it,
Inspiring Conversations, let's face it - would it have (had) such appeal?
Nope. And we all know why.
Everyone wants to feel ... aha.
Close to God. Loved by God. Known by God.
Connected to God. And I think that both Walsch, and the true author of CWG were/are aware of that. Since the work is an inspired one, with Divine enough sources, then to say it is "from God" isn't really deceitful, or dishonest. After all, dozens of televangelists get on the tube
every darn day and beg for
beaucoups d'argent $$$ for the God who apparently can't balance his own checkbook. If God speaks to
them, and we had to pick between that joker and Walsch's God, gee, who would
you choose?
Automatic writing is something that's been around a
looooooong time. Much longer than the
ouija board, the pendulum, and perhaps even tea leaves. Divination, in one form or another, has been practiced by the same Christian clergy which then came to forbid it - as I think I posted somewhere around here. And by now, several million New Agers have discovered that
no, if you go poking around on the astral plane, Satan won't come and steal your soul and wreck your chances at eternal salvation. You might get a wee fright or two, and if your spook was 1st class, it might be some time before you go barging into the realms of mystery so boldly. But just because
fools rush in (where angels fear to tread) -
does not mean that anything that ain't in that there
holy bible is verboten.
sighhhh ....
It's a fine line, and has even been compared with the razor's edge, but I'm not even suggesting we all sit down, put pen to paper, and
go to it. Most of us are so inhibited that we'd probably stare at a motionless pen for half an hour. Some of us might get a bit creative - if the muse decides to visit - and that's good. These are the folks in tune with themselves, and comfortable enough to
let God speak. And who's to say, just exactly
what the source is - of what comes through. It's those who intentionally open themselves to any passing spook, and every astral trickster ... and especially folks who are naturally mediumistic (who number in the millions) -
these folks, are those who should exercise caution & prudence before devoting themselves to auto-magic writing.
No, I think Conversations with God is helpful, because it suggests to us that
anyone can sit down, attune/center themselves (always helpful before prayer or meditation), and go into the stillness within -
open to the possibility that
God might talk back. And though it might seem contrary to my earlier post, I
do think that God may speak to us in
english, or spanish, or whatever. Is that the true form of the message? No. Is it likely
God Almighty, Maker of Heaven & Earth, yadda yadda? Nope. Should we be heartbroken? I dunno. But I'm not. I don't feel insulted, or left out. And I don't think I've
missed the boat, as some have rather uncharitably said.
And here's why. Some think Jesus is God. Fine. Suppose he might be busy? Yeah, but never too busy to talk to - ahhh. That word.
ME. And the sooner folks get over it, and realize -
that it's not about me, the better. Walsch's book may not reach light years in that direction, but he
does help us to get over all this absurdity about hell, and damnation, and the big salvation hangup that keeps so many folks in a death-grip. Poor little kids, afraid to
sleep at night, 'cause o' that crap. Man, it just
really irritates me sometimes.
'Cause kids
know better. They're born with it. An innocence, and an understanding. And they
love to fly, and imagine, and relate to God. Wasn't it Christ who said, if we do not make ourselves as them,
we can forget about Heaven? ROFL. Yeah, and the fearful always have to hang the fate of their "eternal soul" on this stuff. Never considering that he meant -
you might live your whole life, and never understand. 'Til you cross over.
There ain't no hell. 'Cept the one we've created, right here, right now (and its more unbounded parallel, in the next world). It will go away - when we stop feeding it. Kinda like
war. And
Those, are hell.
DrFree, I appreciate what you say about the notion that God is to the Universe, as we are to our body. You fairly well hit the nail on the head. We could draw a thousand parallels, and some are more useful than others to ponder. The one I like, goes something like:
Humanity comprises the brain of God, each person being like a brain cell. Lots of variety there, different areas of the brain, with different functions, and some cells being more active - and at different times - than others. And so on. But this is useful to ponder. If I am like a
cell in God's brain - then the question of relationship will require me to
decentralize a good bit, if I really want to understand how God regards me. Let's see, on a daily basis,
how much is it that I sit and concentrate on individual brain cells?
Exactly. I just try to eat, sleep, excercise, and eat the proper diet, so that my brain
functions well. And I might take some vitamins, or even listen to music, do various types of meditation, if I think that will help. And I bet there's a parallel, with how God goes about things. And one day, we'll know more about it. Bit by bit.
But the vast gulf, the
chasm ... between God and Humanity - is one that must be, and has been, and is being, bridged. And I agree with whoever says that
there are those who help to bridge it. There are people who are bridge-builders, and there are Divine Emissaries, Messengers & Prophets. Occasionally, a Teacher of Great Love & Wisdom. And they
do show us how to acheive our Salvation, our Liberation from death, ignorance, and illusion. Folks like Walsch represent ... something like, the
pre-conscious mind of humanity. The message is coming through for many folks, in such a way that they need to hear it. No more Papal Bull, no more Holy Writ, no more "this is the only authorized word of God, except for next year, when we put out a new version."
And no more insistence that only if you worship in one of these here,
recognized, mainstream religions ... might you have some hope of knowing God. Nonsense. Millions of people throughout history have known God within their
own heart, with no need for churches, bibles, popes, and so forth. For other folks, that's what floats their boat. And to heck with the high and mighty who will sit and judge others because they are
less formal. Go fish. Shoot, the
Theravadins look just fine to me!
[colloquial/editorial mode OFF]