The Bible's Authors

...about Paul the apostle.Better we move our discussion to Christianity Forum > ... minus Paul :)
The Latin Bible is called the Vulgata, the Greek Bible the Septuagint and the Hebrew bible the Tenach. The final catholic version only dates from the 16th century, from the Council of Trent. The protestant Bible has the same books in its Old Testament as the Hebrew Bible, but in a different order. This means the protestant Bible is shorter than the catholic one.
Non-canonical books are found in Qumram (Death Sea scrolls), Nag Hammadi (Egypt) etc.
queenofsheba said:
The Latin Bible is called the Vulgata, the Greek Bible the Septuagint and the Hebrew bible the Tenach. The final catholic version only dates from the 16th century, from the Council of Trent. The protestant Bible has the same books in its Old Testament as the Hebrew Bible, but in a different order. This means the protestant Bible is shorter than the catholic one.
Non-canonical books are found in Qumram (Death Sea scrolls), Nag Hammadi (Egypt) etc.

Thanks Queen, for answering the original question. ;)



Ok so I'm missing a couple of books that I really wanted to reference to provide insight on this question and ...must've lent them out. So I googled. I really didn't find all that I wanted, because if you group the books by the kings and the priests and the differing groups and group the old testament the way the it was before rearrangement of books it carries a different appearance. I did find some stuff that indicates Yes this book is purported to be written by X but since it says stuff he wasn't privy to it has bbviously been edited...

And this info will provide much fodder for discussion, some deny Q some provide info...some get rather excited, everyone has their bias...and it is good.

Christian Answers

Answers on Q

religous tolerance and Q

Straight Dope

quite pointed

vineyard FAQ

Interesting Bible Intro

authors and why

a list...incomplete...
Namaste 123,

good stuff...and just was listening to an author...Episcipalian, turned born again evangelical, went to bible college to learn greek and study more...and says that since KJV over 100,000 manuscripts have been found that weren't used in the translation over 5,700 manuscripts of new testament books in greek are available with no two alike. That many of the changes were made by scribes, who often tired and/or illiterate, and sometimes just changed stuff because they didn't believe what the read!! (His interview will be available online, I was just listening to it live 11 am eastern December 8th.)

Bart Ehrman: "Misquoting Jesus" (Harper SanFrancisco) A New Testament scholar describes how mistakes and intentional changes made by scribes who hand copied the words of Jesus and the writings of Saint Paul have shaped cherished biblical stories and widely held beliefs.

Bart Ehrman, Chairman of the Religious Studies Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of "Lost Christianities" and "Lost Scriptures."