How Many Days Til Christmas?

*juantoo3 finds an envelope on his doorstep with a sealing wax paw print. He carefully opens it and finds two tickets for a tour of important Biblical sites, both Old and New Testament, along with a few different itineraries and a short note:

I hope you don't mind having tickets for off-season tours. I figure you'd rather have more time to take in the sights without the pesky "tourists", especially in the bed and breakfasts and the hostels. You can mix and match for your ideal Biblical tour.

Please ignore the cat hair and toothmarks in the envelope. Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

*juantoo3 notices the dates on the tickets, then smiles as he mentally goes through his wardrobe, thinking about what to take*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
juantoo3 said:
Christmas already? How time flies!

Bandit, how about one of those race course driving schools, where you get to learn to race cars at 150 mph (or more, if you dare!)? Do you prefer roundy-rounds or road courses? (Think Talledega/Daytona or Watkins Glen/Sears Point?)

Daytona track would be awesome. then i can do all my stuff legal!
it looks like we are going to the bible land together & could not think of a better person to travel with for that.

i am stumped. i dont know what to get you yet, Juan. i was thinking the missing link for how the earth was of one language:) :) :)
i will have to think a little bit for your gift. we still have 41 days.

what is something you would really like?
Paul James said:
EXACTLY!!!!!:rolleyes: Like I said before, it ain't even Thanksgiving yet! Speaking of which, I can't wait to eat that fat turkey we're gonna have:D.

only three days til Thanksgiving:D &... 34 days to Christmas. i am looking forward to some fat turkey & dressing also Paul.

p.s. i am going away for a week, so everyone have a nice turkey day.
gobble gobble!
To quote a gentleman from another list I belong to, "Merry meet, merry part, and take your hand off that drumstick, it's MINE." :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just a gentle reminder to all you merry-makers...most Eastern Orthdox churches celebrate Christmas at a different time than most Western Christian churches, and not all Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate on the same day. So, "how many days 'til Christmas" is sort of a relative question.:)
littlemissattitude said:
Just a gentle reminder to all you merry-makers...most Eastern Orthdox churches celebrate Christmas at a different time than most Western Christian churches, and not all Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate on the same day. So, "how many days 'til Christmas" is sort of a relative question.:)

Um, just a gentle reminder: I'm not Christian, but I do tend to give Christmas presents (most of my human offline friends and contacts are Christians or of Christian extraction.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

human offline friends and contacts

I like that.

and the sentiment that was attached to quote. I enjoy getting cards from people in their tradition, I don't need my Jewish or Hindu friends sending christmas cards...
Well I'm back from Turkey Day!:D

I must say, that turkey sure hits the spot! How was everyone else's Thanksgiving Holiday? And how many days 'til Christmas (in the US) I don't have a calendar near me:p.

Paul James said:
Well I'm back from Turkey Day!:D

I must say, that turkey sure hits the spot! How was everyone else's Thanksgiving Holiday? And how many days 'til Christmas (in the US) I don't have a calendar near me:p.


Only 26 days left til Christmas day. that is about three and a half weeks.

i had a wonderful Thanksgiving also. I got to spend it with my mom & my son which does not happen very often. we had turkey, ham, walnut & apple dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green been caserole, blackeyed peas, cornbread, cranberries, gravy, pumpkin pie, orange rolls, apple cake, eggnog & i am still eating turkey sandwiches.

i was watching the news about black friday & i am sure glad i bypass that day because it did not look like fun to me.
Bandit said:
i was watching the news about black friday & i am sure glad i bypass that day because it did not look like fun to me.[/QUOTE]

I quite enjoy Black Friday. A lot of history to it. What exactly did you see on the news?

Paul James said:
Bandit said:
i was watching the news about black friday & i am sure glad i bypass that day because it did not look like fun to me.[/QUOTE]

I quite enjoy Black Friday. A lot of history to it. What exactly did you see on the news?


i went on a black friday years ago & it was not too bad, except for parking. what i saw this year was people fighting & trampling each other over ridiculous things like computer games. it was like a bunch of of kids fighting over who gets a seat on the bus while the bus driver gets fed up & drives off leaving them all behind.
i just dont understand the push & shove for gadgets, & people falling down & getting trampled as if there wont be more gadgets in stock. that seems like greed to me & i dont think that is what Christmas is about.

i am sure there was a lot of good shopping experiences as far as tradition goes, but it is typical of the news to only focus on the fights & shoving & that seemed to be central to specific electronic gadgets this year. i also would not sleep over night at a store just to be there at 5 am when the door opens, only to get in the middle of that.

i went to the tractor store in the evening, looking at tractors & snowblowers instead. that was nice because most of the crowd was gone (or already smashed into the floor of the store):D

so did you get trampled Paul or was it pretty good?:)
I don't exactly get involved with Blakc Friday. But I do like to learn about it. However, I didn't know about all of the trampling. Bet that wasn't too pretty:D.

So what are you doing Christmas? I'm gonna stay home and relax from school. And play lots of video games!:D :D :D Can't wait! Only 3 weeks until my Christmas Break!

I'm going to Kentucky to visit my brother and his family, and my buddy and his family.

I worked Thanksgiving at the hospital, so I am looking forward to this time off.
juantoo3 said:
I'm going to Kentucky to visit my brother and his family, and my buddy and his family.

I worked Thanksgiving at the hospital, so I am looking forward to this time off.

hey Juan:)
if you are not too far, you guys might enjoy a couple of hours at the corvette museum in bowling green. have you ever been there? it is really cool to see the history of classic american muscle all under one roof.

all the caverns through there are fun too.

but i know when i go visit my family i enjoy just being in their company & hanging out with the every day things they partake in. a cup of coffee & the kitchen table means a lot this time of year.
Paul James said:
I don't exactly get involved with Blakc Friday. But I do like to learn about it. However, I didn't know about all of the trampling. Bet that wasn't too pretty:D.

So what are you doing Christmas? I'm gonna stay home and relax from school. And play lots of video games!:D :D :D Can't wait! Only 3 weeks until my Christmas Break!


Christmas break from school is the best! & even better if a blizzard comes just before school starts back up because you get another week off from school!:D

i hope to be here off & on with everyone through the holiday but i am also taking a short trip to see my dad & brothers soon.

black friday was kind of funny because i saw a lot of unhappy faces REAL crowded around the ecletronics counter & when people fell down for some strange reason no one tried to help them back up... they just kind of laid there.:D

AND, i am getting about 400 orders a day in my business & the place looks like a fire hazard because there is no more room for stock, so i will be spending most of my time there trying to keep up. i hope the fire department does not come this month because i cant even get to the burned out exit sign.
Kindest Regards, Bandit!
Bandit said:
if you are not too far, you guys might enjoy a couple of hours at the corvette museum in bowling green. have you ever been there? it is really cool to see the history of classic american muscle all under one roof.

Been by there a few times. This same brother used to haul car parts to the plant there. Maybe that would be a nice side trip. We went the other way last time, around through Smallville (IL) and down to Memphis and Graceland (didn't go in, too expensive, I'm not that into Elvis), and back through Opryland (wonderful this time of year!). So yeah, Bowling Green might make a nice side trip...thanks for the tip.

Hope your season is a good one!
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

Been by there a few times. This same brother used to haul car parts to the plant there. Maybe that would be a nice side trip. We went the other way last time, around through Smallville (IL) and down to Memphis and Graceland (didn't go in, too expensive, I'm not that into Elvis), and back through Opryland (wonderful this time of year!). So yeah, Bowling Green might make a nice side trip...thanks for the tip.

Hope your season is a good one!

Hope yours is going well also.

Only 12 days til Christmas.

man is that ever going fast or what!:)
See you all at the New Year, as I will be away from here until then, finishing up some business & then be traveling.
Have fun everyone. be safe & stay warm. :)