I would expect Phyllis and Thomas both to remember Flow.
Sorry to hear Q and Greymare split, rather unfortunate. I see Dream still pops in from time to time. FWIW, the missus and I are still together, I think we're coming up on 12 years now. Got her daughter here a year and a half ago, after 8 plus years of fooling with the *blankity blanks* at Immigration, finally had to get a Senator involved...then magically things happened, imagine that? She's been a sweetie and a big help, now she's got a boyfriend. So family life is plodding along as it should. Work is going well, as a gummint worker I am particularly disgusted with my counterparts at INS. Play the game by the rules for immigration and all they do is treat you as a criminal and behave unprofessionally, putting obstacles and road blocks, lose paperwork, misroute mail (after you have dutifully complied with their specific request to notify within a specified time frame), etc etc etc. I one point I told the attorney I should just bring her in illegally, they would roll out the red carpet. That's the Obama administration for ya! Incompetent boobs.
Sorry, needed to vent. I'm invited to a national conference in a few weeks to assist with training for the program I support, so I'm kinda stoked about that, but I'm getting nervous now and wishing it was over. I was handed the program with virtually no instruction and a huge backlog, and in two years we brought it into compliance, have expanded availability, and basically wrote new rules as we went along just to make it all work. When National found out what we were doing, they asked us to train others...dubious honor I'm sure. :blush: