...And called his name JESUS - The Christmas Story


Bandit said:
Hi Luna.

it looks like you got the whole passage. the only one i can add is verse 21. the fulifillment of the prophecy, his name was called JESUS.

I will be away until the New Year, so everyone have a good one & see ya then.

Hi Bandit, I somehow missed this post of yours until now.

As we count down the days to Christmas Eve and Christmas I know that for myself, and probably most, it's a time of preparation. The material preparations of getting the house decorated and clean, nice foods prepared for guests, in general making our home feel welcoming and comforatble for friends and family who visit, and of course fun for the kids. Wrapping presents, baking cookies, doing all those little traditions that make it special.

Advent is also the time we prepare ourselves, our hearts, our souls, our minds, for the coming of the King. We remember and celebrate His birth and we also look forward to His return. And, in my beliefs, that return occurs daily as well as in some unknown future. Christ breaks through, in the smile of my kids, in the eucharist, in dropping a few dollars into the Salvation Army bucket, in Pslams sung and Christmas carols, in helping another carry her groceries to the car...well, you get the point. Like Christ, Advent is timeless, rolling past present and future together into one moment, every moment.

Re: Preparations

lunamoth said:
Hi Bandit, I somehow missed this post of yours until now.

As we count down the days to Christmas Eve and Christmas I know that for myself, and probably most, it's a time of preparation. The material preparations of getting the house decorated and clean, nice foods prepared for guests, in general making our home feel welcoming and comforatble for friends and family who visit, and of course fun for the kids. Wrapping presents, baking cookies, doing all those little traditions that make it special.

Advent is also the time we prepare ourselves, our hearts, our souls, our minds, for the coming of the King. We remember and celebrate His birth and we also look forward to His return. And, in my beliefs, that return occurs daily as well as in some unknown future. Christ breaks through, in the smile of my kids, in the eucharist, in dropping a few dollars into the Salvation Army bucket, in Pslams sung and Christmas carols, in helping another carry her groceries to the car...well, you get the point. Like Christ, Advent is timeless, rolling past present and future together into one moment, every moment.


We've been preparing ourselves the whole year. If we haven't got it right now, it ain't gonna happen. Now we keep time, or drum, or nod our heads, or give gifts, or do deeds and think nothing of them.

Now is our time (of any time). Either we put up or shut up.

And the whole world watches to see what we are going to do. We band of few...;)


Indeed, Q, you remind me of St. Paul's statement, "I die daily."

Still, what I like most about Xmas is the way it opens folks up who might otherwise be closed ... both Xians and non-Xians alike. Someone throws those gold Kruggerands in the Salvation Army pot, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were total atheists. I really don't think it makes a hill o' beans difference. Point is, they did it. Widow's Might or not, there's a lot of folks who are grateful for the generosity ...

All this says to me that Christmas is truly a special time - and for reasons that transcend all earthly religions, doctrines, & traditions. The Star we seek to follow ... just seems to shine it's very Brightest ... this time of year. :)


taijasi said:
Indeed, Q, you remind me of St. Paul's statement, "I die daily."

Still, what I like most about Xmas is the way it opens folks up who might otherwise be closed ... both Xians and non-Xians alike. Someone throws those gold Kruggerands in the Salvation Army pot, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were total atheists. I really don't think it makes a hill o' beans difference. Point is, they did it. Widow's Might or not, there's a lot of folks who are grateful for the generosity ...

All this says to me that Christmas is truly a special time - and for reasons that transcend all earthly religions, doctrines, & traditions. The Star we seek to follow ... just seems to shine it's very Brightest ... this time of year. :)



Yes, my friend, even you find your heart softening as you think about it...from Xmas to "Christmas" from your own fingertips, in less than a paragraph and an half...

simple soldier sends.

True dat, Q. Btw, my `Xmas' is not meant without respect or reverence, though it is my understanding that some don't dig it. Christ's cross was either a Tau (T) or the familiar (+) ... but others were crucified on an (X). And that is their legacy ...

What I find interesting, is that, as you say, I used the shortcut (Xmas) a few times, but chose to spell it out at the end of the post. :)

Have any soldiers here heard the Twas the Night Before Christmas ... from the marine's point of view? I'm not sure if this is something "out there on the Net" - or if it was a local thing, but it was on the radio this morning. Quite moving. (Ok, yes, I've googled it ... here it is.)
