Hm, think I need to address a few points here:
RubySera_Martin said:
Bolo, this is not in the least surprising. You ARE the enemy to fundamentalists. You point out their secret tricks. InLove doesn't like you doing that. It will hurt InLove's trade.
That's a pretty sad comment to make. You accuse "fundies" of all sorts of interesting discriminations, but you appear to have absolutely no problem applying them yourself.
I see pot calling kettle black here - all the more sad because InLove isn't even a kettle here...
RubySera_Martin said:
Unfortunately, there is no forgiveness on this site. Brian tells me once we have posted something we have to take responsibility whether or not we apologize. Deleting a post is a form of apology. I deleted my post as a form of apology. He rejects it. I guess that applies across the board. Apologies don't count. People have been telling me it's the law of the jungle out there. I'm beginning to believe it.
Since when does deleting a post count as an apology?? It doesn't in the slightest. Again, you refuse to take responsibility for your words in the public domain.
If you want something to look like an apology try normal apologetic words such as "sorry" and "apologise", instead of just brushing it all under the carpet and then acting surprised that people felt hurt by your comments.
RubySera_Martin said:
Not accepting an apology is unforgiveable.
Then I get blamed for all kinds of nasty things, not least of which is the accusation Brian levels at me for "pretending" I had not said it.
I am human and I think I have the right to be treated like one.
I think you also have the right to be treated as a grown up by acting like one.
All I see here is someone who thinks it's their right to lash out, then acts surprised when they're held to account for it.
I've done a lot to try and help you here Ruby, but at present it feels that you're simply throwing it all back in my face.
You complained about conservative Christians posting on the Liberal Christianity board - but had no problems then going to the Christianity board to tell the mainstreamers that they were deluded. You see anything ironic in that?
Do be aware that as a host for an multifaith site, I'm not going to take sides against anyone's personal belief, whether they're considered liberal or conservative or anything else. We have some great liberals here, and some great conservatives, and some great people who don't fit easily into any pigeon-hole.
But also be aware that if you feel you have to challenge the words of other people for their beliefs, then in all fairness they have every right to challenge your words, too.
ADDED: Also, I've removed the ability for members to delete their posts. Perhaps this will help people think more carefully about posting in anger, but if not, we'll simply have to work out the issues raised.