I saw on C-span Ann Coulter and another both hawking their books on the horrors and G-dlessness of Liberalism... and how those evil liberals were teaching/preaching peace and tolerance and oneness...when in reality the only thing that keeps peace is iron fists in the right hands...might in weapons, armies...as man is a warrior and conqueror by nature....Quahom1 said:Now if you are talking of so-called Liberals that are not really proper conversion Liberals then that is another thing altogether. What you must realise is that the Liberalism spends billions globally on conversion(funded by ORDINARY Liberals) against what it sees as ‘rival’ faiths and no amount of nice chumminess over coffee will EVER change this main point.
You can not stop proper Liberals infiltrating events that are ‘supposed’ to be there for acceptance and understanding unless you get real, wise up and begin to recognise how Liberalism really works in society.
we create our own world...by our thoughts and words...I'm ready to jump to the the liberal camp...tired of the world created by the warmongers.