In my experience, and in learning from friends (including my own sister) and Teachers who are clairvoyant in varying degrees, here's what I've found:
Mostly likely this girl was/is able to see the
etheric, or `health aura.' The name is telling in itself, as the condition of this aura can indicate much regarding our physical health. And this aura, though it will certainly interact with subtler layers of the aura (at the emotional, mental, & spiritual levels),
is distinct.
As usually described, the etheric aura is anywhere from gray, to a light purple, or a vivid violet. It depends on the health of the person in question, their energy level, etc. Also, my understanding is that the aura appears to
radiate, almost as through
threads of energy (perhaps the
nadis, or subtle channels of energy). Thus, in a sick or dying person, the aura may visibly appear to
droop, whereas for a heathy person, these threads radiate all around.
The astral (or emotional) portions of the aura are more difficult to see than the etheric, because they require true clairvoyance, although even undeveloped astral sight is not that uncommon (esp. with some mediums). The truly
trained clairvoyant is rare, but I could make several recommendations for you, if interested. Perhaps the best case I've ever encountered, is
Dora Van Gelder Kunz, who spends most of her book
writing about the aura, although she also commisioned an artist to illustrate perhaps 20 different
cases of observation of the astral body & aura ... including both young people & old, sick people & healthy, and a few cases of
extremely beautiful auras, such as one person who was an artist/architect. This book helped me understand the subject (of the
personality levels of the aura
Here's the book on Amazon, and you can "look inside" it. It's affordable, but I consider it
by far, one of the most
invaluable books in my collection.
As the cover of this book shows, the astral aura is
much more vivid, or colorful, than the etheric. Alex Grey,
as a clairvoyant observer of the etheric aura, has produced the most impressive paintings/drawings of what this little girl probably saw ... that I've ever seen. I don't dig his writings that much, but
this image shows the etheric (with chakras, or
energy centers), and here's a
closeup. And no, I really don't think Alex made this stuff up, nor Dora V-G Kunz.
~~~~~~~ Extra Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are seven primary energy centers, shown fairly well in Alex Grey's artwork, as well as 21 lesser, or secondary centers (where many
conduits of energy come together - psychic
nerves, so to speak). These chakras, in the etheric body, move energy to & from the astral/emotion level, which is 4th dimensional (
not something most of us can easily "picture"). So keep in mind, if viewing Dora Van Gelder Kunz's illustrations, that this is an attempt to render in 2D what really exists 4D and is
highly fluidic, except when we are
very emotionally calm. She says again & again in her book, that to truly represent the beauty, and constant changing conditions of the astral body & aura - would be
Now, just for fun, consider that the mind, or mental body & aura, is 5-dimensional. Geometric forms represent or symbolise, our thought, at that level. The body/aura is golden, or brilliant yellow, though also a much less pleasant
orange, where we have pride - or a strong personal ego. There can also be an almost muddy brown, for extreme selfishness. By and large, however, the mental level is characterized by golden yellow, and varations thereof. At the subtler levels, where the "Soul vehicle" exists (pure aura, with no
form - or `body' to speak of), there is only a beautiful, Golden Radiance, supposedly present
even for someone who is as yet spiritually undeveloped. Biblically, this is the `Temple of Solomon,'
not built with human hands. It is the true storehouse, wherein we
are to lay up treasure. Thus it grows, gradually, into an expression
much farther around us (inasmuch as it corresponds to the worlds of time & space) - than we can extend our arms in any direction.
The mental aura, on the other hand, would be about as far as you can extend your arms ... and the astral/emotional aura - well! That's the one which you become acutely aware of ("self-conscious-ness") when everybody gets into the elevator together, and suddenly everyone gets quiet.

Everybody's right there in each other's emotional aura - and that's
exactly like putting your hand in someone's pocket, eh?
lol (So what we all do, usually, is pull our focus inward, away from the periphery of the aura ... and into the double, and many of us also end up focussed within the brow, or Ajna center, until the door opens. It's that feeling of being very concentrated, and centered within the head. You know, so that you can quickly shift your eyes back & forth across your left & right shoulders, to make sure no one's looking at you funny - in the elevator.

I'm exaggerating, to try and illustrate a point.)
The etheric aura, on the other hand, which the girl would have observed in the hospital, is usually just less than an inch around the dense body (visible physical body) - although this is really the `double,' or the portion of subtle physical matter which interpenetrates every single cell, and every atom, of the outer body. There is also a very faint portion of the aura that may extend a few inches, which would be violet in good health. By the way, to view the etheric, this little girl isn't using psychic abilities. You can see it too, and it's the physical eye that registers those vibrations. We're just unaccustomed. You can train your eye, but it's a very gradual thing, and I find that my eyes water very quickly as I'm not used to the strain of the faster vibrations. So you shouldn't "push it."
But if you observe the haze around streetlights at night - and notice the vibrations (pulsations) within the
chroma -
that's the etheric (or portions of it). Also, on a nice sunny day, with clear blue skies - as we're having here in January now - just observe the blue field ... and you may start to see movement. If you watch for awhile (and don't stress your eyes too much!), you'll start to pick out clear, swirly things. These are particles, and they'll look like they're "out there" for a long time, but if you learn to see these, you might suddenly realize that they're also
right here! These are "vitality globules," or living energy - from the sun (
prana, or
chi). They seem colorless, but are in fact composed of 7 colored particles - which vivify the subtle body (etheric, in this case), as they are absorbed through the spleen (chakra). On cloudy days, or rainy days, they are still present (else we'd die!), but less plentiful, thus we often feel "low energy" (duh! these popular expressions are quite telling, actually). And as we know,
a bright, sunny day can just
perk us right up, most of the time.
Hope something in all that helps ...