The end of times

Ciel presents the concept of a Neutrality concerning God. Interesting point. However if family life is any metaphor to the relationship between God and man, then I suspect this "end times" is Man coming to an age wherein we step from adolesent to adult. Which means we're going to challenge the father, which means we think we know better, and are being disrespectful to our parent, and we are about to take it one step too far...we're going to get our nose bloodied. I don't know about you, but when my dad finally laid one on me (and I started it), it gave me cause to sit down on the ground (HARD), and think about what a dumb ass I had been, thinking I could take him on...

And the guy that has been egging us on to defy the old man, he is going to get his proverbial butt kicked up one side the street and down the other. After that, he won't be back.

But like my dad, picking me up from under my arms and holding me close, God will tend to us. And He will certainly have our undivided attention at that point.

my thoughts


Interesting point Q,

Perhaps you remember my father died. When one becomes of age and no longer has a parent, one becomes responsible, infact one becomes one's own planetary system. To be a cosmos one needs to be in perfect balance and respect of oneself and others.
Ciel said:
Interesting point Q,

Perhaps you remember my father died. When one becomes of age and no longer has a parent, one becomes responsible, infact one becomes one's own planetary system. To be a cosmos one needs to be in perfect balance and respect of oneself and others.

I remember your loss, Ciel...

Growing up too fast is also a problem. In my faith, there is One who takes the place of father so that I do not become an island. But that is me. Man in my opinion, can ill afford to become isolated from eachother, or from God. Else all we have to look forward to is, the end. Instead we should be looking along the journey, never mind the end...

case in point: Ah, look! I've met Ciel! :D Didn't know the person before...would have never met but through the internet! Now I know a bit about Ciel. What interesting thoughts and stories Ciel has...I am richer because of looking side to side, instead of always straight ahead.

A rose by any other name...;)


Ciel, you beat me to the punch! :p lol

I was just about to respond to Quahom, and agree - that we have a significant lesson left to learn about the/a Father's love ...

... yet for me, the surest sign of Growing Up and coming into our own is that we develop responsibility. And I think this means that instead of being at odds with our Heavenly Parent (or earthly ones), we demonstrate, to their satisfaction and ours, that we are mature .... and are prepared to face life's challenges.

It is at this point, and only at this point, that we may enter into a renewed, more mature relationship ... with our Parent(s). The Father becomes a friend, and not simply an authority-figure, dealer of discipline, and the other side of a power struggle.

And to cease to struggle against God's will, by responding to it within our own lives and accepting the challenge to strive earnestly toward spiritual improvement (reflecting in one's character and actions) ... is what eventually drives away the presence of the Adversary within us all, by removing the `common ground' that is shared between the Adversary and ourselves. We step off of that ground, and become established on that which we ... have always shared but not fully inhabited ... with the Divine.


To clarify.........

This the very alternative to seeing God as mother/ father figure. For while this is the issue, can it really be said we live in adult maturity? In the same sense if we cannot fullfill our lives by living to build heaven on earth now, why should we look forward to another heaven, another world when we pass from this one.

To this life in early awareness, it appeared God granted me the spirit of rebellion to the ways of established thought and I questioned.......when I was moved by God's quality and vibration I felt love... a love beyond any earthly quality or name or connection, thus the appreciation of realisation in a more abstract sense... God is love.....

No Father, no Mother, God is the Lover, and in ultimate love one loses oneself completely, one melts into love.

Therefore no will against will, for love becomes one will.
oneness...yes Jesus said without the father I am nothing, can do nothing.

I see it as a Salvadore Dali computer generated graphic video...

of one of us and a Mother/Father hugging as we slowly become one...

of the world encompassed by spirit, unidentifiable from spirit, but if you hold it the right way the hologram changes...

I look at you, Ceil, taijasi or I looking at a human or the face, the physical representation/expression of G-d?

It changes not depending on you, but on my perspective and understanding...
Ciel said:
To clarify.........

This the very alternative to seeing God as mother/ father figure. For while this is the issue, can it really be said we live in adult maturity? In the same sense if we cannot fullfill our lives by living to build heaven on earth now, why should we look forward to another heaven, another world when we pass from this one.

To this life in early awareness, it appeared God granted me the spirit of rebellion to the ways of established thought and I questioned.......when I was moved by God's quality and vibration I felt love... a love beyond any earthly quality or name or connection, thus the appreciation of realisation in a more abstract sense... God is love.....

No Father, no Mother, God is the Lover, and in ultimate love one loses oneself completely, one melts into love.

Therefore no will against will, for love becomes one will.

answer: human nature.
Hey you all,

I'm glad to see this thread has turned into a productive discussion, which is in sharp contrast to the rantings and ravings with which I started this thread. I'm not really sure what came over me when I created the first post. I guess I've been in a kind of rut lately, but for sure my soul has been elevated by all this positivity.

Peace and Love,

NewAgeNerd said:
We are finally here. After a wait that has lasted millennia, the world as we know it is about to change forever. All the necessary pieces are in play. The Jews have returned to their homeland. G.D's eternal promise has been fulfilled. The righteous, once as numerous as stars in the sky, later decimated by war and injustice, are now on the rise. Everything is moving to extremes.

There are those who kill in G.D's sacred and divine name. Do they think he does not see their sins? Do they think he does not hear the cries of the innocent? His rage boils. His infinite power is crossing the celestial gulf of time and space. He is preparing His rebuke. Who can hide when He reveals His Face?

It is not too late to stop this. We can wake up and realize the truth. Humanity has let Him down in the past though, and I for one am hesitant to believe this time will be any different. Make your peace with the world. Do only good for thy fellow man. Let not the evil inclination consume you. G.D's kingdom on earth comes.
yes we are finally here ,we are living in the time of the end, the time of the end STARTED in 1914 , when Jesus was made King of Gods heavenly kingdom , soon this heavenly goverment will put an end to manmade goverments ( Daniel 2;44) the spiritual Jews have returned to Gods ways of doing things , and things are moving ahead at a pace . and false worship is a thing that is bad in Gods eyes,and he does see what is going on, he sees everything. but we can make our peace with God by loving him and our neighbour, and recognizing where we are in the stream of time, and putting our faith in the king that God has provided
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. ...........revelation 7;9