

goin' with the flow...
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just a thought...

but what if...

what has always been considered 'supernatural' is actually just natural occurances we have yet to understand?

i recently saw a program about Benjamin Franklin, when he discovered that lightening was a natural phenomenon, alot of people lost Faith in God. They had always viewed lightening as God's wrath and when it could be explained naturally and rationally, in their minds that could only mean that God didn't exist.

But they had put God into their own boxes, and were unable to see beyond the walls they had constructed around their beliefs.

since that day, many new discoveries have been made, we now realize that all of creation is energy particles in motion. There are worlds within worlds. Worlds invisible to the naked eye, yet we know they exist through advances in modern science.

These discoveries thrill me. I am all the more aware of the intricasies of life. The amazingly beautiful way everything is intertwined. I stand in awe!

"When a great force is liberated by the entrance of a divine being into the world arena, it must of necessity express itself through the vehicle of a human temple, and the objective expression of this force manifests itself in thoughts of different grades and degrees according to the capacity of the people. The master-teachers are the expounders of divine common sense which is the pathway to a knowledge of universal law, the result of which will be a harmonious humanity. Man confines his consciousness to this material plane. This new force will liberate him and he will become conscious of many planes and of the ultimate oneness of them all." (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy)

Creation is too perfect, too intrinsically linked to be random. These discoveries imho just aid in my certitude that God does exist. And He loves us more that we could possibly imagine.

i am constantly humbled

I believe that God stays within the bounds of the natural laws of the universe. It seems to me that perhaps we just don't yet grasp what all of those laws are yet, and misunderstand those things that appear to be 'supernatural'.

Food for thought... :)

Loving Greetings, Amy

P.S. if you haven't yet watched "What the Bleep Do We Know?" i recommend it, and btw, there is a sequel coming out this month, but i'll have to wait til it comes out on DVD as it's not showing anywhere near where i am.
Namaste Amy,

I fully believe that supernatural and miracles are completely misnamed. I don't believe in miracles or the supernatural. They are all just natural occurances of connected individuals...

Whether we are talking breatharians, telepathy, ESP, psychic powers, astral travel, bilocation, everything is possible with knowing that it can be done.

Of course that isn't faith or belief or even is Knowing with a big K not a little 'k' doubt of any kind cannot enter into it...just faith the size of a mustard seed...
Greetings Amy & Wil,

What the Bleep is a great movie! I love Marlee Matlin's acting, and I like the diversity of folks that contribute to the movie, although it certainly gets a bit silly toward the end. I wonder if the 2nd film might bring some of the ideas together a bit better?

I guess I have never been one to swallow whole the various stories of the world's scriptures, except maybe when I was a little kid - about the same time Wile E. Coyote's antics made just as much sense. I set out on my own to find satisfactory answers to life's many questions, including some of the lesser mysteries ... and I found that I was having experiences that could not be easily dismissed, or explained away with pat answers and ready-made belief systems.

This is why, and when, I began to read about many different world religions, spiritual traditions, philosophies, and alternate histories. I was deeply interested in the new science, as well as research into the `paranormal' by such greats as J.B. Rhine (I live about an hour from Duke University), Charles Tart, and more recently, Robert Monroe (the Monroe Institute is also closeby, in Virginia).

But what I came to find, the more I researched, experienced, meditated, and through various classes, was that there is commonality between all world religions, all spiritual teachings, and even the scientific research that has been ongoing in these areas - for centuries even. The challenge is only ever to find a common language with which to discuss the paranormal, or supernatural ... since for each person (or faith tradition) such topics may fall under a slightly different rubric, or framework.

I think the quote you provide from Abdu'l-Baha, Amy, is right on the mark. We are moving toward an expansion of consciousness that will lead to a greater understanding of ourselves, the Divine, and our place in the universe ... and part of the natural result, or almost a side effect of this, will be that an objective underlying framework for all the world's various mysticisms, philosphies, religious traditions, and spiritual belief systems will begin to become apparent.

Just imagine for a moment, as an example, what life might be like, if we had access to a machine - that could objectively measure the various qualities and conditions of even just one layer of the human aura ... or of any aura, for that matter. If the machine could sample the physical/health aura, then we might be able to understand the root causes of disease & sickness, as well as the mechanism of genetics and operation of DNA. But I think it would be even more fascinating if we could sample the emotional aura (the `astral body').

This would help us to diagnose all types of psychological illnesses, and get at their underlying cause(s). We would find the direct evidence that so many people feel necessary before willing to accept that what we do, and how we live our lives, profoundly affect others around us - even directly, and intimately. This sounds like such a wonderful principle, and is demonstrable in various ways, but what if it becomes simple scientific fact that I cannot think a harmful thought without there being inevitable consequences? To be able to measure the negative efects of our anger, hatred, jealousy and greed upon other people and other beings ... would surely shame a large number of people into changing their behavior, while encouraging the rest of us to take heed of the various platitudes we already live by.

But best of all, even by observing just the emotional aura, and seeing objectively the Interconnectedness between ourselves, the environment, and in fact all beings and all matter/energy (of this planet, and others), I think we would find compelling reason to adopt a religious/spiritual path - whether a more traditional one, or maybe a newer approach that embraces modern science quite openly. The practical basis for Christ's preaching (and the Dalai Lama's emphasizing) of the Golden Rule becomes evident! And these words, too, become clear: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40).

Indeed, if one was able to register scientifically the qualities, conditions, and characteristics of the aura, I suspect a tremendous amount would be learned ... which is already an open book for those with eyes & ears ... yet which remains elusive, and illusive, for the rest of us.

Well over a hundred years ago, frank discussions already took place regarding similar devices which would (and I expect will) ... allow us to objectively discourse with the recently departed. Spiritualism has served us tremendously, but imho, this is a movement which could benefit from a new impulse, a breath of fresh air. And if it can be established that contact with the recently departed is under some circumstances advantageous to all parties involved ... then an entirely "new realm" of human existence opens itself to the acceptance by the masses. Indeed, the objective testimony of the trained observer on the "other side" could dispel once and for all such myths (or fictions, in this case) .... as an eternal hell, or streets paved with gold. And further, charlatans and mischievous spirits could be identified for what they are, saving much unnecessary confusion and suffering.

I guess this might seem a bit idealistic, but I believe that it can, and may, happen ... in my own lifetime, sometime in the next 50 years. Perhaps quite sooner. People who struggle with such possibilties forget that the television would be pure magic to the folks of 1000 years ago, let alone 2000! Even radio would have required a tremendous leap of faith, though I doubt seriously that any of the Great Teachers would have had the least bit of trouble understanding. From what I have learned (about matter, energy, the aura, and spiritual worlds), the kind of devices I'm talking about are really just extensions of the same technology as the radio and television. Or perhaps future generations will increasingly be born with subtler spiritual faculties (clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, mind-over-technology, etc.) ... already developed!



wil said:
Namaste Amy,

I fully believe that supernatural and miracles are completely misnamed. I don't believe in miracles or the supernatural. They are all just natural occurances of connected individuals...

Whether we are talking breatharians, telepathy, ESP, psychic powers, astral travel, bilocation, everything is possible with knowing that it can be done.

Of course that isn't faith or belief or even is Knowing with a big K not a little 'k' doubt of any kind cannot enter into it...just faith the size of a mustard seed...

Namaste wil, :)

Thank you for the post.

Yes, i think that anything we don't understand we label as supernatural.
I think most people are scared by what they don't understand, and put of walls of protection (they think) by putting labels on things. But these walls do nothing other than separate themselves from new discoveries and realizations.

Take Care!
At first I thought that technology was a crutch that would disable us forever.

As you indicated with the different miracles from the various religions and indigenous tribes...all have a similar thread..

And while allopathic medicine and science replaced our abilities to use hands on healing and herbs..they are both making a come back..

The same way I see the now ultimate communication between cell phones and the internet as a way to return to telecommunication without them.

50 years ago if we talked about the possiblity of walking around being able to be in contact with our family and friends in the car, at the park, in a would have been is now within our realm of acceptability bringing us one step closer to doing the same without technology...

Is there any better analogy to accessing source, accessing G-d, and all knowledge than what we can now do in seconds googling on the net? The difference is we all have faster than a T5 unlimited bandwidth connection to all knowledge right now, all we need to do is Know it and go within, turn on our modem and make the connection.

But it is all becoming withing the realm of is physical, it isn't out there, we can now understand what the mystics and prophets spoke of first hand...bringing us one step closer to doing the same without technology...

I remember when I first heard of hands on healing...yeah right I thought, Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup fame) was relating how he'd met people who could do this...yeah right... but when I first felt the energy in my hands and on others bodies and then saw/witnessed results where I became within the realm of acceptability...

and I say yeah right a whole lot less.
Hi Andrew, :)

Thank you!

Very nice post. ;-)

i believe all of this is making the reality of the harmony of science and religion less obscure.

I'm so impressed that you have also investigated all religions and belief systems and discovered the similarities between them all. And i also believe they all have a common framework. As humans in this day, we know that people have many different learning styles, if God created us all, why would we think he was unaware of this simple fact of life. Of course He was aware. And in His wisdom has given us many avenues in which to approach Him.

I feel soooo fortunate to be living in this age. Tis the Dawn of a new Day. :)

thanks again for your post.

Loving Greetings, Amy

oh, btw: Dr. Emoto, who did the water experiments is going to be in this next movie. plus several other new scientists.
hi wil,

yes, and alot of your points are zeroing in on another topic that has been on my mind alot lately.

'The power of thought'

perhaps deserves it's own thread. ;-)
Thanks, Amy! :)

Speaking of learning styles, this is essentially what I'm getting at in a post I just made ... to the Esoteric forum. It's regarding the Seven Rays. My hope is that folks have heard of these, and have some experience, knowledge, insight, or observations. Or that folks might find the topic helpful ...

And the power of thought, would be a wonderful thread!

