Is human intelligence the result of Alien intervention?

... the merit, as I see it, believing in the coming of the Lords of the Flame, is that we are now where we are, and this is ahead of schedule (in many regards), which is definitely good. Had there not been intervention, we would still be cavemen.

But the advantage does not reach Humanity alone, for all kingdoms were benefitted, particularly the animal.

Will have to respond to your post a bit later, MagnetMan, but I look forward to it very much. We're definitely on the same wavelength; everything you are saying is familiar to me. ;)


Quahom1 said:
Where am I going with all this? Man is too busy trying to become God, that he fails to see that he is creating a flawed concept of God. So instead of becoming God, he becomes like a god, a flawed copy. Never the less, in striving to become like God, man is alienating himself from himself. Hence man is no longer part of this natural world. And in a sense, we have become the alien intervention in our own natural development, let alone that of the world.

It is understandable that at this moment of our evolution, while still in our rushing teens, sowing our wild oats and daring God with nuclear guns, that we might be a little cynical about our ultimate purposes. But if we accept the Divinity of our orgins, then we must too accept the Divinity of our destination -- from Big bang to Big Crunch. We have just entered a New Age of planet management. Many are already aware of the sober resposnibilities that lie ahead and the great challenges we have to meet.. After we have succeeded in our stewardship, an Age of Mastership will follow, when the God's-to-be will no longer be so flawed.
MagnetMan said:
It is understandable that at this moment of our evolution, while still in our rushing teens, sowing our wild oats and daring God with nuclear guns, that we might be a little cynical about our ultimate purposes. But if we accept the Divinity of our orgins, then we must too accept the Divinity of our destination -- from Big bang to Big Crunch. We have just entered a New Age of planet management. Many are already aware of the sober resposnibilities that lie ahead and the great challenges we have to meet.. After we have succeeded in our stewardship, an Age of Mastership will follow, when the God's-to-be will no longer be so flawed.

I fail to see the logic in determining that all humans are in a specific time frame of cosmic age, (e.g. teen age), and suspect that many elder humans might (most likely would), take issue with your notion that they are collectively of a teenage mindset.

However, if we were to follow your train of thought on the collective of mankind, then the North Americans, the Russians, and the Europeans figured out years ago that pulling "nuclear guns" out, for example was an exercise in futility. However, the Middle East and South East Asia have no such qualms, if they had them to pull. South America simply decided that nuclear development was financially unfeasable, and Africa and Australia could care less.

So, it seems we have a series of groups of humans in various stages of "development". And some seem to be more arrested than others.

Hate to say it, but apparently it is true, religion, the types of (or lack of), has a great deal to do with who is where, and why. Culture, also has a great deal to do with the status of certain groups of people.

Perhaps you are looking at the big picture. Granted it may look more or less grand, however anyone can throw a can of paint on a masterpiece, and there are those who would have no problem with doing just that.

What do you say about them? (Rhetorical question)

The original thought was human intelligence the result of alien intervention. We have been working with "primates" for nearly 100 years, intensely for the past 40 years, to get them to "speak" our language, and think like we do. That to the "chimpanzee" would be considered alien intervention. No?

We are a "god" to them (their own words), which thank "God" the handlers and scientists have insisted is not the case (to them). Give a Chimpanzee a cat, and what do you think happens? He becomes the care giver, a god (in his own mind) over the cat. If he is responsible for providing food for the cat, then to the cat the Chimp is like a god...

Many religions speak of "enlightened ones" coming from the sky (Christianity more or less included), and teaching us to be better. They become "God" to us. The pattern is there. We didn't come off the turnip truck yesterday (maybe it was the day before), but we have had help, and that help came from the outside. Man mimics what man experiences...

my thoughts


Quahom1 said:
I fail to see the logic in determining that all humans are in a specific time frame of cosmic age, (e.g. teen age), and suspect that many elder humans might (most likely would), take issue with your notion that they are collectively of a teenage mindset.

I know elders who are in a regressive infantile mindset. I am 65 and have yet to feel older than 15. I do not believe that we have a single true adult yet born on our planet. The most advanced among us are still in the teen state. Only a minority of New Agers have awoken to the beginnings of an understanding of our adult global responsibilities. The Nuclear Age will initiate us all into the Ethic of global stewardship. Most are still entrepreneural exploitators, out for the fast buck and cheap thrill with no true parental care for the distant future and the generations to come. America, for instance, has no long-term parental goals. We live from one admistration to the next, and one corporate balance sheet to the next, and let tomorrow and the family estate look after itself. All prodigal teenage traits.

However, if we were to follow your train of thought on the collective of mankind, then the North Americans, the Russians, and the Europeans figured out years ago that pulling "nuclear guns" out, for example was an exercise in futility. However, the Middle East and South East Asia have no such qualms, if they had them to pull. South America simply decided that nuclear development was financially unfeasable, and Africa and Australia could care less.

I was talking about the West at that point. Africa is still largely in the Bronze Age childhood of oral-based agricutural traditions - struggling with its painful pubertal initiation into script-based nationalism. South America is still locked into Iron Age nationalism and rigid catholism - struggling to graduate into (rebellious) internationalism. Once both get into their collective teens, without better examples than the West is giving, they too will want nuclkear guns - just like the Middle East does today.

So, it seems we have a series of groups of humans in various stages of "development". And some seem to be more arrested than others.


Hate to say it, but apparently it is true, religion, the types of (or lack of), has a great deal to do with who is where, and why. Culture, also has a great deal to do with the status of certain groups of people.

Right again.

Perhaps you are looking at the big picture. Granted it may look more or less grand, however anyone can throw a can of paint on a masterpiece, and there are those who would have no problem with doing just that.

What do you say about them? (Rhetorical question)

I do tend to generalize. True. But I pay enough attention to detail,(more than most generals I know of) for me to reveal my profound respect for all the Ages of ancestral effort.

[ quote] The original thought was human intelligence the result of alien intervention. We have been working with "primates" for nearly 100 years, intensely for the past 40 years, to get them to "speak" our language, and think like we do. That to the "chimpanzee" would be considered alien intervention. No?[/quote]

No. We are close cousins. We share 98% of our DNA. I clearly recognize the ape in myself. I see many big gorillas out there grabbing for the most bananas (and others cow-towing before them) We are definately not alien to each other.

We are a "god" to them (their own words), which thank "God" the handlers and scientists have insisted is not the case (to them). Give a Chimpanzee a cat, and what do you think happens? He becomes the care giver, a god (in his own mind) over the cat. If he is responsible for providing food for the cat, then to the cat the Chimp is like a god...

The cat knows all as God, itself included. Only man has come to see himself as a separate god.The reason for that - I believe - is the most profound evolutionary event on earth, if not the entire Cosmos. God needed the illusion of a witness to His own creation. Narcissis staring at the mirror of his own reflection.

Many religions speak of "enlightened ones" coming from the sky (Christianity more or less included), and teaching us to be better. They become "God" to us. The pattern is there. We didn't come off the turnip truck yesterday (maybe it was the day before), but we have had help, and that help came from the outside. Man mimics what man experiences..

my thoughts



Our Sun radiates more than physical heat and vitamen D. Every ion is filled with Love and Compassion raining down from the sky. It is what makes a flower bloom so radiantly and a young deer prance with delight on a warm spring morning. We certainly do have help! Every atom in us responds to it. Praise be to God.