Gnōthi seauton
My interest in starting this thread is to provide some background, history, and an overview of what esotericists call `The Masters,’ or The Elder Brothers of Humanity. My hope is that I might elicit interest and discussion on the Masters, since it is one of the most important subjects in human conversation of the past 150 years … or ever, imo.
First off, a simple definition, which I think most esotericists, including Theosophists (a small subset of esoteric students) would agree with:
Mastership, is said to begin the Way of Higher Evolution, being the closing of the door to earth, yet the opening of a door to worlds which as of now, remain for us – inaccessible. It is also clear that one does not necessarily need to attempt to hasten one’s spiritual evolution in order to attain to Mastership. The Goal is in fact, our Destiny, but esoteric teachings specify that at the present time (as I think we call all plainly attest!), our planet is in dire need of spiritual servers (from within the ranks of Humanity itself!), and could benefit immensely from those who might be willing to make the personal sacrifice necessary, and undertake the hastening of their own spiritual development … for the sake of Humanity at large. And this is precisely what a Master has done, giving his pledge of discipleship many lifetimes ago, presumably thousands of years.
The Masters can be assumed to be out of the reach of the merely inquisitive, and quite safe from those solely out to debunk, but they are also historical figures … some having a physical body, and can be found, from time to time, traveling among us through normal means. For example, it is known that there are two Masters incarnate in northern America, one incarnate in England, one in central Europe, one in India, and one in Russia. These Masters are completely unknown to the average esoteric student, while a dozen or so more may be quite familiar.
The technical term, of which Master is really a sub-set, is Adept. This refers to those who have attained to a certain degree along the spiritual path, and only those adepts who accept pupils are technically Masters. The reason for the choice of the word Adept, is simple enough:
Yet ... in outward appearance, a Master will differ in no wise from the ordinary individual, except that his spiritual “charge” is tremendous. To come into contact with him unbidden, could easily result in death or psychic disaster, such is the spiritual voltage which he normally carries. Only those accustomed to his vibrations, or carefully prepared for an encounter, could safely contact him. Do not look for him in Wal-Mart!
Everything an Adept does is an example of Divine efficiency, and his very existence upon our planet – his continuing reincarnation or presence here, is itself the embodiment of Divine Love & Compassion, whilst also an expression of Divine Purpose. If he has gathered students around him, the Master will quite possibly live in a country setting, or on the outskirts of a city, in a community with his pupils. They will very likely be unknown in their relationship with him, to the outside world, and any intrusion upon the Master’s privacy would be extremely inconvenient. The Masters do not go about shouting their messages, for this would attract only the most undesirable of results. The Masters do not seek devotees, nor do they need a following. They appeal to our intellect, and it is their present goal to help stimulate the Spiritual Intuition, or the Inner faculty of Divine Knowing, present within us all, yet undeveloped. Only thus will Humanity learn to Love and live together harmoniously, as mature stewards of this planet.
Not all adepts are originally from our planet, nor have all that have attained, remained. A handful of souls have already reached liberation and moved on, there is a small & set number of Adepts that compose the Spiritual Hierarchy, or Inner Brotherhood, of our world. The number provided in recent teachings – is 63, including the Christ, who is said to stand at the Headof the Adept Hierarchy. Being the Eldest Brother among the Hierarchy - the Master of Masters, the Christ is known by many other names, in both East and West, according to the various religions.
For millions of years, since the founding of the Spiritual Hierarchy on this planet, there have always been Adept Teachers to guide our evolution. Never forcing Humanity’s hand, but always honoring our Free Will, the Masters seek students who have already committed to a life of spiritual service through many incarnations of persistent effort. As the mind of the aspirant begins to awaken to the world of spiritual realities, it is seen by the Masters in the Inner Worlds as a point of light that begins to increase in its luminosity, and in quality of vibration. The Master is capable of knowing one’s thoughts and one’s heart at a moment’s notice. We may safely rest assured, that if we are nearing readiness to travel the path of discipleship, the Master will know. No one who might be able to serve the Great Cause … will go unnoticed. The disciple does not need to seek the Master. As the old adage goes, When the student is ready, the Master will appear.
Prior to the founding of our Earth’s Hierarchy, it was the case that Humanity did not need the type of guidance provided by the Elder Brothers. The Devic (Angelic) agents of Spiritual Purpose for our planet safely and successfully guided all of the necessary developments, both inward and outward. The primitive humanity of the time did not even display the spark of mind, which remained inward, latent, and relatively speaking, completely inactive. We were cavepeople! Not even as bright as in the Geico commercials!
But as the spark of mind began to gradually awaken … the Hierarchy was increasingly needed. Originally, it was peopled by advanced beings from other planets, who had already attained. The work was relatively simple, and done by disciples. But Humanity evolved, and as we did, a more advanced type of instruction was necessary. This proceeded for long years, many millions, with only the very, precious few among us being capable of direct instruction. The number has steadily increased since then. Today, anyone who is drawn to a life of spiritual service, and who is committed to helping his fellow man, may safely be considered to be a pupil of the Masters, of some degree or another – even if totally unsuspected to him. And this may be a religious man, a humanitarian, an artist, politician, or banker. Outer trappings matter not, so long as the life is pure, the motive selfless, and the methods of the person skillful & scrupulous.
Thus, we have always received Divine guidance. During the later days of Atlantis, a million years ago and since, Humanity strayed from the beaten path, and did not heed the Voice of Hierarchy. In those days the Masters walked openly among us, yet ironically, Humanity chose the path of selfishness – and sorcery … and eventually planetary karma was swept into action, as memorialized for us in the Flood Myth. The Hierarchy was forced to the Inner Worlds, where Humanity’s Destiny could be safely – though more slowly, guided.
The Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and India nevertheless taught the Path of Approach to the Spirit within, via Initiation. The teachings were already ancient even 10s of thousands of years ago. Yet they received fresh vitalization from the Christ, and were symbolized by the 5 Great Episodes in His life: the Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Renunciation, Resurrection/Ascension. Only recently has a 6th Initiation been added as the final stage of our Spiritual Evolution on this planet.
Much confusion has come about surrounding the teachings regarding Initiation. Yet the surest way to reach Initiation, according to the Masters, is to forget oneself entirely in selfless, loving service to Humanity. This embodies our Highest Purpose upon the planet, both individually & collectively, as this is an expression of the Divine Brotherhood which also governs the lives of the Masters. We may trust, that once we become accustomed to a widened life of service, we will gradually reach a point where an inner ceremony, out of the body (and only sometimes remembered in our waking awareness, often years later), can take place. This can be seen as the culmination of the stage of the path we have just been treading, but more importantly, it is the beginning of a new potency as a disciple, and this is what really matters! J
The Initiations correspond to Mastership of the various levels of our being, or worlds of consciousness and activity, in which we live. These are as follows, with Western names, Buddhist (Pali) terms, Hindu (Sanskrit) terms, and additional info. provided:
1st Initiation .... physical mastery ..... Birth (of the Christ w/in the heart) .......... srotapatti (Stream-entrant) ..... parivrajaka (the Wanderer)
2nd Initiation ... emotional mastery .... Baptism (walking on water) .................... sakridagamin (one-more birth) .. kutichaka ("he who builds a hut")
3rd Initiation .. lower mental mastery .. Transfiguration (of entire personality) ......... anagamin (`never-returner') ..... hamsa (Swan)
4th Initiation .. mastery of personality .. Renunciation (or crucifixion, of personality) .. Arhat (`worthy, deserving') .... Paramahamsa (Great Swan)
5th Initiation ..... spiritual mastery ...... Resurrection/Ascension (of Spirit within) ..... Asekha Adept (non-trainee)
Clearly, the stages of the path ... leading to Adeptship, did not originate with Theosophists, nor with other Western Esoteric schools. One can easily trace the existence of the arhat ideal, and the Bodhisattva Ideal, to Buddhist times and far earlier, to the teachings of the Indian Rishis, the saints & adepts of old! The Path, and the Spritual Brotherhood, is as old as Humanity itself!
More recently, starting in 1875, a renewed effort has been made by the Elder Brothers to bring to Humanity some of the ancient Wisdom Teachings which are so vital to our correct spiritual progress. This revitalization has shown up in many, many ways, but direct Teachings from various Masters is certainly one of the expressions of the Wisdom. A second disciple, in the first half of the 20th Century, gave out a second set of very developed Teachings, which are readily available to spiritual aspirants and disciples. And a third set of Advanced teachings is expected now, perhaps already available, to those who are ready. My own quest has led me to the writings of about a dozen students who have had the unique honor of serving as secretary - for the Masters of the Wisdom ... and a future post might include a list of some of these titles, as well as a list of several of the Masters, including their previous lives, if of interest.
Well, that's a heckuva start!
First off, a simple definition, which I think most esotericists, including Theosophists (a small subset of esoteric students) would agree with:
A Master is a being who is ahead of the rest of Humanity in his or her spiritual standing, representing and embodying for us the highest ideals of Human Perfection. The purposes of the Masters include the constant aiding in the regeneration of Humanity, its spiritual and intellectual as well as psychic guidance, and in general the ceaseless labor for the greatest Good for the greatest number. Technically, not all Masters are directly involved with Humanity, since their Highest Purpose is always to serve God, where `God’ is conceived of in the broadest possible terms, while accepting that this also means a definite spiritual Purpose. Some Masters take students, and such Teachers can be found in a physical body, if required. Other are not incarnate within the physical world. Regardless, it can be shown that from time to time members from their ranks, or their disciples, enter the outside world publicly in order to inspire mankind with their teachings.
The idea of the Masters goes hand in hand with other familiar esoteric teachings, including those on karma and rebirth, life after death, the spiritual constitution of man (etheric, astral, mental, & spiritual bodies), the seven energy centers/chakras, the Seven Rays, and the central importance of a life of purity & self-discipline, including study, meditation & service as being the most effective & efficient path of spiritual progress. It is taught that if the spiritual path is faithfully & arduously trodden to its natural conclusion, the attainment of Mastership is a guaranteed result, and also the end of the Journey – relative to our Purpose for incarnation on this planet.
Mastership, is said to begin the Way of Higher Evolution, being the closing of the door to earth, yet the opening of a door to worlds which as of now, remain for us – inaccessible. It is also clear that one does not necessarily need to attempt to hasten one’s spiritual evolution in order to attain to Mastership. The Goal is in fact, our Destiny, but esoteric teachings specify that at the present time (as I think we call all plainly attest!), our planet is in dire need of spiritual servers (from within the ranks of Humanity itself!), and could benefit immensely from those who might be willing to make the personal sacrifice necessary, and undertake the hastening of their own spiritual development … for the sake of Humanity at large. And this is precisely what a Master has done, giving his pledge of discipleship many lifetimes ago, presumably thousands of years.
The Masters can be assumed to be out of the reach of the merely inquisitive, and quite safe from those solely out to debunk, but they are also historical figures … some having a physical body, and can be found, from time to time, traveling among us through normal means. For example, it is known that there are two Masters incarnate in northern America, one incarnate in England, one in central Europe, one in India, and one in Russia. These Masters are completely unknown to the average esoteric student, while a dozen or so more may be quite familiar.
The technical term, of which Master is really a sub-set, is Adept. This refers to those who have attained to a certain degree along the spiritual path, and only those adepts who accept pupils are technically Masters. The reason for the choice of the word Adept, is simple enough:
Adept - a highly skilled or well-trained individual : EXPERT (from the Latin adeptus – attained)
And this definition means, esoterically, that such an individual has thrice mastered the art and processes of living in the outward world … in their entirety. He has mastered them physically, he has mastered them astrally (emotionally), and he has mastered them mentally (intellectually). Further, he has completely freed himself from any and all limitations that most of us know of under the heading of selfishness, greed, desire, or materialism. To these accomplishments, the adept has added, for his normal operating modes of awareness, the Higher qualities of Spiritual Intellect, Unconditional Love, Spiritual Oneness, and Divine Empowerment. In short, he has attained to the pinnacle of Spiritual Evolution, and has at his disposal all of the Divine attributes which we normally ascribe to `Deity.’ Literally, he is a God on Earth, but certainly this does not suggest that he is the incarnation of Highest Deity!
Yet ... in outward appearance, a Master will differ in no wise from the ordinary individual, except that his spiritual “charge” is tremendous. To come into contact with him unbidden, could easily result in death or psychic disaster, such is the spiritual voltage which he normally carries. Only those accustomed to his vibrations, or carefully prepared for an encounter, could safely contact him. Do not look for him in Wal-Mart!
Everything an Adept does is an example of Divine efficiency, and his very existence upon our planet – his continuing reincarnation or presence here, is itself the embodiment of Divine Love & Compassion, whilst also an expression of Divine Purpose. If he has gathered students around him, the Master will quite possibly live in a country setting, or on the outskirts of a city, in a community with his pupils. They will very likely be unknown in their relationship with him, to the outside world, and any intrusion upon the Master’s privacy would be extremely inconvenient. The Masters do not go about shouting their messages, for this would attract only the most undesirable of results. The Masters do not seek devotees, nor do they need a following. They appeal to our intellect, and it is their present goal to help stimulate the Spiritual Intuition, or the Inner faculty of Divine Knowing, present within us all, yet undeveloped. Only thus will Humanity learn to Love and live together harmoniously, as mature stewards of this planet.
Not all adepts are originally from our planet, nor have all that have attained, remained. A handful of souls have already reached liberation and moved on, there is a small & set number of Adepts that compose the Spiritual Hierarchy, or Inner Brotherhood, of our world. The number provided in recent teachings – is 63, including the Christ, who is said to stand at the Headof the Adept Hierarchy. Being the Eldest Brother among the Hierarchy - the Master of Masters, the Christ is known by many other names, in both East and West, according to the various religions.
For millions of years, since the founding of the Spiritual Hierarchy on this planet, there have always been Adept Teachers to guide our evolution. Never forcing Humanity’s hand, but always honoring our Free Will, the Masters seek students who have already committed to a life of spiritual service through many incarnations of persistent effort. As the mind of the aspirant begins to awaken to the world of spiritual realities, it is seen by the Masters in the Inner Worlds as a point of light that begins to increase in its luminosity, and in quality of vibration. The Master is capable of knowing one’s thoughts and one’s heart at a moment’s notice. We may safely rest assured, that if we are nearing readiness to travel the path of discipleship, the Master will know. No one who might be able to serve the Great Cause … will go unnoticed. The disciple does not need to seek the Master. As the old adage goes, When the student is ready, the Master will appear.
Prior to the founding of our Earth’s Hierarchy, it was the case that Humanity did not need the type of guidance provided by the Elder Brothers. The Devic (Angelic) agents of Spiritual Purpose for our planet safely and successfully guided all of the necessary developments, both inward and outward. The primitive humanity of the time did not even display the spark of mind, which remained inward, latent, and relatively speaking, completely inactive. We were cavepeople! Not even as bright as in the Geico commercials!
But as the spark of mind began to gradually awaken … the Hierarchy was increasingly needed. Originally, it was peopled by advanced beings from other planets, who had already attained. The work was relatively simple, and done by disciples. But Humanity evolved, and as we did, a more advanced type of instruction was necessary. This proceeded for long years, many millions, with only the very, precious few among us being capable of direct instruction. The number has steadily increased since then. Today, anyone who is drawn to a life of spiritual service, and who is committed to helping his fellow man, may safely be considered to be a pupil of the Masters, of some degree or another – even if totally unsuspected to him. And this may be a religious man, a humanitarian, an artist, politician, or banker. Outer trappings matter not, so long as the life is pure, the motive selfless, and the methods of the person skillful & scrupulous.
Thus, we have always received Divine guidance. During the later days of Atlantis, a million years ago and since, Humanity strayed from the beaten path, and did not heed the Voice of Hierarchy. In those days the Masters walked openly among us, yet ironically, Humanity chose the path of selfishness – and sorcery … and eventually planetary karma was swept into action, as memorialized for us in the Flood Myth. The Hierarchy was forced to the Inner Worlds, where Humanity’s Destiny could be safely – though more slowly, guided.
The Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and India nevertheless taught the Path of Approach to the Spirit within, via Initiation. The teachings were already ancient even 10s of thousands of years ago. Yet they received fresh vitalization from the Christ, and were symbolized by the 5 Great Episodes in His life: the Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Renunciation, Resurrection/Ascension. Only recently has a 6th Initiation been added as the final stage of our Spiritual Evolution on this planet.
Much confusion has come about surrounding the teachings regarding Initiation. Yet the surest way to reach Initiation, according to the Masters, is to forget oneself entirely in selfless, loving service to Humanity. This embodies our Highest Purpose upon the planet, both individually & collectively, as this is an expression of the Divine Brotherhood which also governs the lives of the Masters. We may trust, that once we become accustomed to a widened life of service, we will gradually reach a point where an inner ceremony, out of the body (and only sometimes remembered in our waking awareness, often years later), can take place. This can be seen as the culmination of the stage of the path we have just been treading, but more importantly, it is the beginning of a new potency as a disciple, and this is what really matters! J
The Initiations correspond to Mastership of the various levels of our being, or worlds of consciousness and activity, in which we live. These are as follows, with Western names, Buddhist (Pali) terms, Hindu (Sanskrit) terms, and additional info. provided:
1st Initiation .... physical mastery ..... Birth (of the Christ w/in the heart) .......... srotapatti (Stream-entrant) ..... parivrajaka (the Wanderer)
2nd Initiation ... emotional mastery .... Baptism (walking on water) .................... sakridagamin (one-more birth) .. kutichaka ("he who builds a hut")
3rd Initiation .. lower mental mastery .. Transfiguration (of entire personality) ......... anagamin (`never-returner') ..... hamsa (Swan)
4th Initiation .. mastery of personality .. Renunciation (or crucifixion, of personality) .. Arhat (`worthy, deserving') .... Paramahamsa (Great Swan)
5th Initiation ..... spiritual mastery ...... Resurrection/Ascension (of Spirit within) ..... Asekha Adept (non-trainee)
Clearly, the stages of the path ... leading to Adeptship, did not originate with Theosophists, nor with other Western Esoteric schools. One can easily trace the existence of the arhat ideal, and the Bodhisattva Ideal, to Buddhist times and far earlier, to the teachings of the Indian Rishis, the saints & adepts of old! The Path, and the Spritual Brotherhood, is as old as Humanity itself!
More recently, starting in 1875, a renewed effort has been made by the Elder Brothers to bring to Humanity some of the ancient Wisdom Teachings which are so vital to our correct spiritual progress. This revitalization has shown up in many, many ways, but direct Teachings from various Masters is certainly one of the expressions of the Wisdom. A second disciple, in the first half of the 20th Century, gave out a second set of very developed Teachings, which are readily available to spiritual aspirants and disciples. And a third set of Advanced teachings is expected now, perhaps already available, to those who are ready. My own quest has led me to the writings of about a dozen students who have had the unique honor of serving as secretary - for the Masters of the Wisdom ... and a future post might include a list of some of these titles, as well as a list of several of the Masters, including their previous lives, if of interest.
Well, that's a heckuva start!