
taijasi said:
Certainly, if our centers were all opened, and if the energies of Life flowed freely, our lives would all be different, and Heaven on Earth would be more than some lofty ideal.
Um, did you forgot the part about finding and "exercising your own demons," first? Surely, opening up all your centers without first clearing out all the corruption would be to risk corrupting your spirit.
Let's try and keep this thread civil people. :)

If we can keep to the topic of evolution that would be great, but if it's going to server as a critique of members I'll have to close it.
seattlegal said:
Um, did you forgot the part about finding and "exercising your own demons," first? Surely, opening up all your centers without first clearing out all the corruption would be to risk corrupting your spirit.
Oops! Most certainly. I think that hatha yoga, laya yoga, and various forms of pranayama are among the fastest ways to pyschic wreckage. That goes for tantric practices as well, and for anyone who dives in headfirst ... without the proper teacher. Fools rush in ...

Wasn't trying to advocate anything like that. Just suggesting what might be going on chakra-wise, or internally, for those who have attained to Enlightenment. And the real point was that in MagnetMan's chart, perhaps the real point is integration and synthesis, not evaluation and judgement. But I don't want to put words in his mouth. I think Stuart could clarify, and maybe comment on whether I've missed the mark.


taijasi said:

Wasn't trying to advocate anything like that. Just suggesting what might be going on chakra-wise, or internally, for those who have attained to Enlightenment. And the real point was that in MagnetMan's chart, perhaps the real point is integration and synthesis, not evaluation and judgement. But I don't want to put words in his mouth. I think Stuart could clarify, and maybe comment on whether I've missed the mark. cheers,


The chart is symbolic on many levels. Not only the chakra system but also the Caballah Tree of Life. The diagram encompasses the entire Psyche-Genetic theory in one glance. The ancient esoteric symbolism is intergrated into the modern scietific argument on evolution - relating it in turn to each stage of an individual's growth towards increasing levels of maturity and ditto with our collective Ages of development. For me it is a personal mandallah. Each circle represents a chapter in the book.

The relativity of the relationship allows us to see two future Ages of human evolution lying ahead of us. That in itself is a profound revelation that should be encouraging to all. It also gives us a sober apppreciation of the fact that our evolution is an on-going process. The chart shows us that we are in a present stage of teenage prostestion - that we should not use this pseudo-intellectual stage of development to make fixed judgments on who we really are. There are Ages of deeper wisdom ahead.

"There are a few possibilities here. 1: You and your sense of God is wrong, Magnetman's is correct. 2: Magnetman and his sense of 'God' is wrong, and you are correct. 3: Nobody is wrong, the ideas are not in conflict."
4. Both of them are wrong. Nobody of course is correct, except for Bob X :)
bob x said:
"There are a few possibilities here. 1: You and your sense of God is wrong, Magnetman's is correct. 2: Magnetman and his sense of 'God' is wrong, and you are correct. 3: Nobody is wrong, the ideas are not in conflict."
4. Both of them are wrong. Nobody of course is correct, except for Bob X :)

Lol, it must be snowing in Tawas...