Comes from men being mutated women!
(Don't believe me? Check the literature!)
Quite right, Mac.
Nipples develop before the fetus identifies itself as male and alters itself chemically in the womb.
Up to a certain point indevelopment every mammalian fetus is female, morphologically speaking.
Then we have the instances of genital ambiguity to consider. Then the real shocker to the self-possessed is the pseudo-hermaphrodite, a genetically male individual who's body was not affected by the flood of male hormones released in the fetus at that point of development.
They are born as obvious females, develop all the female secondary traits, but lack ovaries and wombs. Most will never know the truth until they come in with fertility problems or because of undiagnosable cancer.
In both cases the study of a chromosome smear will show the individual is male.