Why Do Men Have Nipples?

i did read somewhere that the race preceeding the "the race of adam" were androgenous, so nipples could be part of this blue print. also perhaps there is genetic androgenous prototype human form which can be either male or female and would have to contain both for either to be. i've always found it interesting that each egg or ovum is xy and so capable of being male or female, whereas spermatoza are xx or yy so only male or female. so it depends on whether a "male" sperm or a "female" sperm gets there first to decide the sex of the child. so its the man who decides the sex - i wonder if henry viii would have complained so much about not been given a male heir had he known this. jase....
so it depends on whether a "male" sperm or a "female" sperm gets there first to decide the sex of the child. so its the man who decides the sex - i wonder if henry viii would have complained so much about not been given a male heir had he known this. jase....

True, but the conditions in the womb can help determine the outcome of the race. For example, x-sperm and y-sperm thrive in different optimum PHs.

its an interesting point, but i wasnt really arguing the specifics of sex. my thinking was that men have nipples because the female ovum is male/female, neither one nor the other and so a genetic androgenous human prototype that can be either male or female, once it joins with a sperm, because it contains both. i'm not sure if i've expressed my thinking clearly... jase
Man might not need nipples, but his daughters do. So he has to have nipple DNA to pass on to his daughters, one set of nipple genes from Mama + one set of nipple genes from Papa = a complete set of nipple genes for baby girl.


Yeah I know we've been through that... But if you're perfect... Would you have something that is of no use to you? Meh.... Wouldn't just women have them and pass them on? ;/
Yeah I know we've been through that... But if you're perfect... Would you have something that is of no use to you? Meh.... Wouldn't just women have them and pass them on? ;/

The only DNA that is passed down by women only is the mitochondrial DNA.

im sure god in his infinite wisdom already knew that he was going to make a woman after man so used basically used a basic likeness with commonalities. it would look really weird for men to have no nipples and women to have them, just like it would be weird for men to be bald and women covered in fur.
im sure god in his infinite wisdom already knew that he was going to make a woman after man so used basically used a basic likeness with commonalities. it would look really weird for men to have no nipples and women to have them, just like it would be weird for men to be bald and women covered in fur.

You actually believe Men were created first. When biologically we all are start female.Chapter One Genesis:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Then in Chapter 2 you get the cute rib story. Or if you believe in the Jewish Folklore That is when God made Adam and Lilith. Lilith then refused to be subservant to Adam because she was his equal. Then she runs away and then God makes Adam his Eve from his Rib. Just a theroy I suppose.Why men have nipples- simple u started out a female.. then the mix of hormones made you male. they didnt develop. simple huh.