What Faith Group Distinction Are You?

Quahom1 said:
Kal has a different view point. More so than many. Out of respect for all, I suggest you take this to a different forum...Perhaps the "alternative sections" of the forum might be better suited...?



not just yet.
just because someone drifts away from the faith does not give us the right to push them away or condem them. we are supposed to renew them to the faith & always be there for them, just like Jesus is for his sheep.

both of these brothers were raised in some kind of Christian teaching & something happened & one of them is making legite connection.

i think we should wait for Chinas response & maybe some others as well & see how it goes first.
do reconsider.

thank you
Bandit said:
not just yet.
just because someone drifts away from the faith does not give us the right to push them away or condem them. we are supposed to renew them to the faith & always be there for them, just like Jesus is for his sheep.

both of these brothers were raised in some kind of Christian teaching & something happened & one of them is making legite connection.

i think we should wait for Chinas response & maybe some others as well & see how it goes first.
do reconsider.

thank you

I don't think it is your call. I think it is the moderators' call. And ultimately the owner/administrator's call.

Until told otherwise my friend, it is my call.


Kaldayen said:
Greetings Chris,

After reading all the recent fuss about what it takes to be christian in a bunch of different threads, I thought I would reply here. The thing is, my own beliefs are really close to yours and yet, I don't consider myself christian. I've been raised and baptised in the catholic faith but now, I've drifted from it. The christian ethnicity you refer to stays deep inside me, but that's the main link I keep with it: the culture.

I guess Faithfulservant will also be interested to read this... what makes you consider yourself christian?

I hope you won't be offended by the question, this is not my goal.


Hi Kal,

I don't personally give damn about labels, but others do...so I make it easy for them.:) As I said, I'm ethnically Christian. I was raised Christian, I celebrate Christian holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Holloween, and Christ's philosophy of love is the capstone of my own philosophy. I think that's enough to qualify me.

Oh, and I should add that I'm genuinely interested in comparing the points of view of various Christians on a variety of biblical topics. My own point of view lies, for the most part, outside anything that could be considered orthodoxy, but then so does the point of view of the majority of posters here, it would seem. I have actually read and studied the Bible...the whole thing, not just the NT.

My point of view is often controversial, but I put it out there so that if anyone wants to debate they can use my thoughts as a jumping off point. Almost nothing I say (write) is set in stone, so it's always possible that a persuasive counter-argument could alter my way of thinking.

I kinda forced myself onto this board. I've been here for a while, and I think the regulars here have an idea of what I'm about since I'm pretty brutal in my honesty. So I'm going to post a poll to see if a person like myself should be allowed to participate here. I'll abide by the consensus.

O.K., the poll is down on the Feedback board. My fate is in your hands! I already voted for me to stay:), but if two people vote to expell me and no one else votes I'm gonna go.

Kaldayen said:
In this passage, the "this..." should have been written as "your answer to the following question : ". The whole post was for Chris.

FWIW, I understood your entire post to be for Chris. :)
Kindest Regards, all!

I never really sat down to consider how I distinguish my faith. In reading the Bible (the KJV pretty much through, large parts of the Interlinear and Companion, portions of the 1611 and Peshitta), I see some passages as literal, some as metaphor and allegory. Either way, there is a lesson taught.

In the end, all of the arguing over dogma and doctrine isn't going to make any real difference. What is going to matter is what we do with what we know and learn. If dissecting and adding and deleting makes one's faith walk stronger, more power to them! If not, it is a fruitless search for a phantom that doesn't exist.

Paul, in Romans 10 I think it is, notes how those "with the law" search in vain for the loopholes, while those "without the law" understand the law "by nature." This is how I can understand G-d made Himself known to others beyond Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

G-d is an awesome G-d! So awesome, He created all peoples just as He intended them to be. To some He gave a Messiah who taught us how to behave. To some He gave prophets to instruct them in the proper ways. To some He gave a wisdom garnered from nature that still (when properly directed) points them towards Him. To some He gave philosophy that still points them toward "skillful actions" that aim them towards Him.

In short, we are all given a means by which to connect with the "IS." So, I guess that means I am not orthodox in that I believe G-d has made Himself known to all peoples in various ways, and each person is accountable only according to what they understand, and judged by what they do with what they understand.

Christians are not the only people who will make it to heaven. If it is by being chosen that that right is granted, then heaven is for the Jews only, sorry, the Bible says that much. Christians were granted a particular "gift," that of a Messiah that sacrificed himself as the ultimate blood sacrifice to cover sin. It is a welcome gift, and greatly appreciated, but of itself does not grant sole access to heaven. Consider, a Christian who does not do the things G-d asks "Love G-d and Love your neighbor," ain't gonna make it. That person will not make it to heaven because s/he denies the teaching of doing. Yeah, by grace ye are saved...yet faith without works is dead! Others understand this much, be they Jew or Buddhist or Pagan. If a Christian does not do the things required, their faith is like the tinkling of brass and the sound of a cymbol. In other words, vain.

In all of my travels looking into the various "apocryphal" teachings, I have found absolutely nothing that adds to this. There is nothing that adds to the basic concept of Love G-d, and Love your neighbor as yourself. Yet, strangely (to some Christians) the golden rule is taught around the world in all of the major world faiths.

Christ is the way for Christians. I follow His teachings, as a Christian. I can also see His teachings at work in Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans and others. Christianity is not nearly as exclusive as some would have us believe. That is why I throw off the shackles of dogma and doctrine, from all quarters, and live my live simply by the golden rule.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, I dunno. But I think there is a lot, a whole lot, of intellectual energy wasted chasing phantoms that will get one no closer to heaven than the golden rule. Just a whole lot of commentary...chasing the wind and barking up the wrong trees.
That's a really great post Juantoo!

Mat 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Mat 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Mat 5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

It's not my business to worry about the salt content of others. What I'm trying to do is start with the core fundamentals. I figure if I can ever love my enemies and do good to those who hate me I might be ready to move on to something a little more dogmatic. I want to be like that city on a hill, man. I've got a long way to go!
