Vote to Keep or Expell China Cat Sunflower

China Cat Sunflower should voluntarily withdraw from the Christianity board?

  • Agree

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 13 81.3%

  • Total voters
"China Cat Sunflower should voluntarily withdraw from the Christianity board?"...

That is the poll question, however the title of the thread is :

Vote to Keep or Expell China Cat Sunflower

One is an opinion of assent or dissent as to whether one should personally "choose" to perform an act of selective exile wherein -

the other is a call to judgement by one's peers based on majority concensus, to exclude that one from their presence, altogether.

Even though the poll question states one thing, the title states something more drastic, and not at all in line with the desire of the polster's answer to the poll. In short, there is no "other" button to press. Hence the poll is skewed.

This is a classic example of "bait and switch", and as such renders the poll useless.

If, I wanted to vote to have you expelled completely, as the title sugests, I have no option to do so on the poll. All I have is the option to vote for your consideration to "voluntary withdrawl" from a specific area. That in an of itself holds no merit, because you can choose to ignore what the majority states, either way.

The design of this "poll" appears to give the voter a choice that will have weight with the outcome, when in reality, it would change nothing.

Finally, this is not a democracy. That too must be taken into account.

What it could do, is giver the polster an idea as to just how much opposition he or she has concerning something, which would allow them to adjust accordingly (polititions and the large media outlets do it all the time).

This is the quintenssential example of the "straw pole".

my thoughts.



BTW: No ;)
brucegdc said:
Well, the walled garden approach would suggest that someone who can't spell shouldn't answer questions in the Magick board, though....


.... Brcue

Doh! I just got that. Took me most of the day...:rolleyes:

Namaste all,

somethings been on my mind regarding this thread. thus far, it has not been said, so i shall say it.

<begin mod speak>

If a user is removed from these forums it is not done through a public dialog and, most certainly, not through a poll.

</end mod speak>



Unless, of course, we're going to implement the CR equivalent of Survivor. ;)
That's a thought Brian - trolling for Webbies...

This week on C-R, the users will decide which deviant sect to vote off the forum... will it be the church of the flying spaghetti monster, cult of cthulu, or the reformed agnostic druid lumberjacks?.... tune in at to find out...
brucegdc said:
That's a thought Brian - trolling for Webbies...

This week on C-R, the users will decide which deviant sect to vote off the forum... will it be the church of the flying spaghetti monster, cult of cthulu, or the reformed agnostic druid lumberjacks?.... tune in at to find out...

Hey, now there's an idea. Or, how about a no holds barred grudge debate match where the loser, to be determined by a consensus of posters, has to either convert to the winners religion or shave their head and post a picture of themself?

Really this poll thing was just me being bored and trying to have a little fun, but I would, and still will do what I said if the numbers go south.

I think it's only fair that the reformed agnostic druid lumberjacks have their own forum where they don't have to put up with ad hominem attacks from their arch rivals the Fundamentalist Druid Lumberjacks, upper Wisconsin synod.

Sometimes I feel a bit uncomfortable, even a simidgen guilty, about posting on christian issues. Though my family were not church goers, and my father openly athiestic, I was culturaly brought up a christian. And so I would have every right to comment on christian issues. Provided, of course, that I am respectful.

The laws of this country required that through school I attend church and religious education classes. At that time that meant 'christian education' classes as any other faith was hardly touched upon. This week a bunch of Bishops in the House of Lords effectively stifled free speech by burying a motion to debate a bill discussing assisted suicide in The House of Commons. So in my country christian leadership is a real political force. I would argue that given these factors I have every right to make comment on christian issues.

Being respectful is important and the level of mutual respect shown in these pages is heart warming. Proseltyism is rightly frowned upon but there is an ocean of difference between that and deep probing questions. I feel that any christian, or anyone for that matter, should be able to take and answer such questions as are raised in the course of a debate, as long as they are honestly presented. Blind faith is always just that and to people who possess it all debate is futile. Enlightenment comes from thinking outside the loop and embracing and including new information in to your overview. Such a thing should strengthen not erode your core beliefs.
I think many atheists, as we percieve them in the west, and they are by in large a western phenomena, are largely of essentially christian values and have at least thought about that which they speak. They have much more insight and can contribute as much if not more than those that have been force fed and now regurgitate some dogma or other.

And so I would say to you that you have every right to post, that you have every right to challenge any presented opinion, and that your contribution is valuable to the course of honest debate. From what I have read you are always respectful and thats all that counts in my book.



PS....I have no idea what your core beliefs are and my talk was of a genral nature, i did not intend to imply you were an atheist if it reads like that to you.
Tao_Equus said:
Being respectful is important and the level of mutual respect shown in these pages is heart warming. Proseltyism is rightly frowned upon but there is an ocean of difference between that and deep probing questions. I feel that any christian, or anyone for that matter, should be able to take and answer such questions as are raised in the course of a debate, as long as they are honestly presented. Blind faith is always just that and to people who possess it all debate is futile. Enlightenment comes from thinking outside the loop and embracing and including new information in to your overview. Such a thing should strengthen not erode your core beliefs.
I totally agree with this David. I consider civility almost like a martial art to be practiced and perfected. What I don't understand is why anyone would think that believers of any kind should get a pass on debatable issues. How is it disrespectful to take off the kid gloves and question someone's assertions? People who can only exist in a padded environment shouldn't participate in public forums. If you can't hold up your end don't participate. If your belief system can't stand honest scrutiny that should tell you something.


I see I've picked up another yes vote. Cool! Bring it on! Only eight more votes to go. C'mon, you can do it!
Lmao.......was'nt me!!!!

OMG it's 3 now and the sneaky spineless ####### have not even the courage to post and justify it.
Tao_Equus said:
Lmao.......was'nt me!!!!

OMG it's 3 now and the sneaky spineless ####### have not even the courage to post and justify it.

Now, now...I said at the beginning that no one should feel they have to explain their vote.

Vajradhara said:
<begin mod speak>If a user is removed from these forums it is not done through a public dialog and, most certainly, not through a poll. </end mod speak>:)
First and foremost... For the record, I was the first to vote and vocalize to toss the bum out...despite his bait and switch between the poll and his thread title...

Secondly me thinks we've been made aware that the decisions to eradicate the ability to speak in this forum are accomplished behind closed doors or in the private message forum... and that public dialog and polls aren't allowed to resurect or discuss same.

And while I've come to terms with times China Cat Sunflower makes way to much sense, contributes to hardily, and continues to make waves, all of which diminish my own rebel status. So while I can't vote again...I applaud those two souls who spoke their sarcasm is not quite and I encourage others to vote openly or surrepticiously to toss the bum on his ear.
China Cat Sunflower said:
Now, now...I said at the beginning that no one should feel they have to explain their vote.


Lol, yes you did, does not alter my opinion on such spinelessness tho :D
wil said:
First and foremost... For the record, I was the first to vote and vocalize to toss the bum out...despite his bait and switch between the poll and his thread title...

Secondly me thinks we've been made aware that the decisions to eradicate the ability to speak in this forum are accomplished behind closed doors or in the private message forum... and that public dialog and polls aren't allowed to resurect or discuss same.

And while I've come to terms with times China Cat Sunflower makes way to much sense, contributes to hardily, and continues to make waves, all of which diminish my own rebel status. So while I can't vote again...I applaud those two souls who spoke their sarcasm is not quite and I encourage others to vote openly or surrepticiously to toss the bum on his ear.

You get the golden cajone award!

Kindest Regards, China Cat!

You get the golden cajone award!
Only one cajone? That's not much good.

As for spinelessness, why would I vote to remove one of my favorite hemorrhoids? I need someone to spar with!