Gnōthi seauton
Soteriology meets Cosmology
My response to you Dondi, as a quasi-esotericist is that we do no disservice whatsoever either to the person of Jesus of Nazareth, or even to that much greater Individual Being whom we call The Christ, if we shift our attention to the very ASPECT of Godhood which Christians call The Second Aspect of the Trinity. The problem (for some) will be that the association has been made so fully even between Jesus of Nazareth and The Christ, that even to distinguish these two individuals is all but impossible without a lengthy treatise - and much, much meditation upon the implications of recognizing the distinction. To try and go a step further, and illustrate that The Christ is a soul just as you and I, Who has attained to the stated goal of (Human) evolution far, far ahead of any of the rest of us ... is that much more difficult given the many centuries of tradition, and the additional implications of accepting this possibility.
But without meaning to sound either pretentious, or presumptuous, might I at least give my own testimony, by way of assurance, that in my own life, some years ago when I came to straighten out the above threads of Christianity from the greater warp and woof of historical and spiritual tradition ... a world of burden was lifted from me, and very gradually, a new understanding did dawn - which opened up for me a whole new type of understanding, propelled me along a whole new course of inquiry and exploration, and also delivered me promptly to the gates of Responsibility where Duty, in a stern yet lovingly gentle voice, apprised me of where I might begin. If I did not hold my own understanding dear to my heart, and regard it as helpful and true (however limited & incomplete), then certainly I would not presume to share the elements which led me to assemble the facts into their present form. I could go on about how there are certain things you can just "take to the bank," either because they find endorsement from so-and-so, or because it can be shown that the Teachings have a high and lofty source, or because the various ideas just resonate so strongly with other, related teachings ... yet what the Buddha advised us to do was this:
I will check out the link provided, but my own understanding of Notovich is that he has not been proved a fraud or imposter, merely challenged. I might be wrong. What I do think is important to consider is the objection that Buddhism was unknown in Tibet until it was introduced by the Emperor Songtsen Gampo in the 7th Century. Padmasambhava (a Pakistani), in the 8th Century, is known to have reformed the indigenous Bon religion - which was actually pretty much sorcery. And Tibetan Buddhists recognize the importance of Atisha (a 11th century Indian scholar & teacher), who came to Tibet at the behest of the King Jangchub, "to present a Dharma that everybody could follow and that would show how all the paths of Sutra and Tantra could be practiced together" (from the www.kadampa.org website).
Now, if all this is so, and it is, then how could Jesus have visited the monasteries which hold, or held, Notovich's records. Even if we allow that the tradition was recorded and passed down, such that the manuscripts were more recent, I find myself wondering (since I haven't read Notovich's work for some time, although it close at hand) - just whom did Jesus actually visit? I find myself looking up the records at this very minute, as to when the Trans-Himalayan Branch of the Brotherood was founded ... and the following excerpt from one of Alice Bailey's letters, though on a different subject, is relevant:
Aha! Found it. Not specific, but the indication is clear enough ... from Treatise on White Magic (pp.379-380):
I can only give short shrift at this point to the subject of the history of the Great One Who was Jesus' own Master, and to Whom Earth's entire Spritual Hierarchy (aka The Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters & Adepts, the Inner Government of our World ), as well as the DEVA/Angelic Kingdom, answers. Basically, we are told that a former incarnation of this being was Sri Krishna of India, perhaps as early as 3100 years BC, perhaps even earlier. There are Theosophical traditions, or investigations, which purport to give yet earlier, or other incarnations of The Christ ... but personally, I am skeptical, and some of the clairvoyant research used in these accounts seems highly dubious - though to invoke the familiar expression, let's not discount all clairvoyant research with the murky bathwater, or even reject Bishop Leadbeater's research out of hand. Perhaps he glimpsed the truth, yet its helpfulness in truly understanding The Christ, let alone Christ Jesus, seems unlikely.
Someone please pick up the signficance of `Christos,' which cannot properly be understood without also addressing `chrestos,' and refresh us on the existence of a Jewish Mystery Tradition of which Jesus of Nazareth would have been well aware, and would have taken full advantage of in his later teachings and actions. I am sure the Jewish forum will be helpful, although commentary from a strictly esoteric approach is also useful.
As for the whereabouts of The Christ during the birth, early years, travels, and preparation of Jesus of Nazareth, we should be careful how we approach this question. I would make an additional reference to the teachings of Alice Bailey, from her very first book (Initiation Human & Solar) of 1919:
As for the Baptism at the River Jordan, here is where the "Golden Thread" unmistakably began to weave with the "Silver Thread," as the Tibetan Master put it ... although I'd say it's a safe bet that we are seeing the culmination of Jesus' preparation and careful training (from His Master, The Christ), not its incipiation. And so long as we speak of Christed Jesus, we do not commit error, yet for simplicity's sake, we might simply speak of The CHRIST from this moment forward ...
Not a word have I said, save from my initial post, on the idea that the 2nd Aspect of Christian Trinity is something much, much greater than either Jesus or Him Whom we call The Christ ... yet by stating that we are considering the spiritual evolution of two distinct individuals - these, the eldest, and one of the eldest among us - I believe I leave that door open. Christ embodied the 2nd Aspect, most esotericists (and Christians) would certainly say, but the inherent problems with this terminology suggest that Expressed would better serve.
To clarify, the energies emanate from the Great Star SIRIUS, which for simplicity's sake we may regard as the source, or expression in this Solar System, of the COSMIC CHRIST. This says nothing about the Cosmic equivalent of the Holy Spirit (ahem, Pleiades!), let along the FATHER (cough - Great Bear! ) ...
Now if you can stand there, in all sensibility and sanity, and tell me that the man Jesus of Nazareth personally gave rise to those stars, constellations, and Cosmic Energies ... then I would respectfully suggest that Christ Pantocrator has been woefully twisted from its original intent ...
Wow! Here is, imo, the aspect of discussion on Christianity's Foundations that will lead us eventually to questions of a cosmological nature rather than purely soteriological (or ethical), since I think we are probably all agreed that God, whether as Trinity, as Absolute, or even as (a) Manifested Being, most certainly preceded the creation of Humanity.Dondi said:There are scriptures indicate that Jesus Christ was alway Diety. Yet it wasn't until His Baptism that there is evidence that the Holy Spirit operated in His life through the works of miracles and healings (unless you consider the tradition that he turn clay into a living bird in his formative years). Was it at this point that the Holy Spirit embodied Christ or did He have that power all along and it merely lay dormant?
I would be interested in knowing the various viewpoints on this.
My response to you Dondi, as a quasi-esotericist is that we do no disservice whatsoever either to the person of Jesus of Nazareth, or even to that much greater Individual Being whom we call The Christ, if we shift our attention to the very ASPECT of Godhood which Christians call The Second Aspect of the Trinity. The problem (for some) will be that the association has been made so fully even between Jesus of Nazareth and The Christ, that even to distinguish these two individuals is all but impossible without a lengthy treatise - and much, much meditation upon the implications of recognizing the distinction. To try and go a step further, and illustrate that The Christ is a soul just as you and I, Who has attained to the stated goal of (Human) evolution far, far ahead of any of the rest of us ... is that much more difficult given the many centuries of tradition, and the additional implications of accepting this possibility.
But without meaning to sound either pretentious, or presumptuous, might I at least give my own testimony, by way of assurance, that in my own life, some years ago when I came to straighten out the above threads of Christianity from the greater warp and woof of historical and spiritual tradition ... a world of burden was lifted from me, and very gradually, a new understanding did dawn - which opened up for me a whole new type of understanding, propelled me along a whole new course of inquiry and exploration, and also delivered me promptly to the gates of Responsibility where Duty, in a stern yet lovingly gentle voice, apprised me of where I might begin. If I did not hold my own understanding dear to my heart, and regard it as helpful and true (however limited & incomplete), then certainly I would not presume to share the elements which led me to assemble the facts into their present form. I could go on about how there are certain things you can just "take to the bank," either because they find endorsement from so-and-so, or because it can be shown that the Teachings have a high and lofty source, or because the various ideas just resonate so strongly with other, related teachings ... yet what the Buddha advised us to do was this:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly."[/FONT]
Going with that, I would offer my limited understanding of the Great One Whom history knows as Jesus of Nazareth as being a born Initiate, and whether or not he was an Essene or received Essene teachings, I believe it is safe to say that he both visited Egypt and was initiated into her Mystery Tradition, also visited Greece and did the same, and traveled further East into India, Kashmir, and possibly Tibet, again receiving entry into the Eastern Mysteries and demonstrating Mastery of the subjects and subtleties involved (in each case). I can only respond to your objections, Thomas, with a refutation based on my own inner conviction that Jesus did make these travels, yet you raise such an important point - that I am embarrassed to admit that certain obvious problems had never even occurred to me!
I will check out the link provided, but my own understanding of Notovich is that he has not been proved a fraud or imposter, merely challenged. I might be wrong. What I do think is important to consider is the objection that Buddhism was unknown in Tibet until it was introduced by the Emperor Songtsen Gampo in the 7th Century. Padmasambhava (a Pakistani), in the 8th Century, is known to have reformed the indigenous Bon religion - which was actually pretty much sorcery. And Tibetan Buddhists recognize the importance of Atisha (a 11th century Indian scholar & teacher), who came to Tibet at the behest of the King Jangchub, "to present a Dharma that everybody could follow and that would show how all the paths of Sutra and Tantra could be practiced together" (from the www.kadampa.org website).
Now, if all this is so, and it is, then how could Jesus have visited the monasteries which hold, or held, Notovich's records. Even if we allow that the tradition was recorded and passed down, such that the manuscripts were more recent, I find myself wondering (since I haven't read Notovich's work for some time, although it close at hand) - just whom did Jesus actually visit? I find myself looking up the records at this very minute, as to when the Trans-Himalayan Branch of the Brotherood was founded ... and the following excerpt from one of Alice Bailey's letters, though on a different subject, is relevant:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"The Yoga Sutras are the basic teaching of the Trans-Himalayan School to which many of the Masters of the Wisdom belong, and many students hold that the Essenes and other schools of mystical training and thought, closely connected with the founder of Christianity and the early Christians, are based upon the same system and that their teachers were trained in the great Trans-Himalayan School." (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Introductory Remarks)
Speaking of "walled gardens," perhaps one of the most beautiful letters, by way of description, found among any of the Teachings of the Eastern Masters, is this, which I just stumbled across - and which would be proof enough for me of the existence of their Mountain Retreat ... were I not already, long years ago, convinced. Still, I am searching for a date ... [/FONT]
Aha! Found it. Not specific, but the indication is clear enough ... from Treatise on White Magic (pp.379-380):
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"5. It was decided about seventeen million years ago (the coming of the Hierarchy and the founding of Shamballa being about eighteen and a half million years ago) to have on the dense physical plane an organization and a headquarters for the mysteries, and to have a band of Adepts, and Chohans [a Tibetan word meaning [/FONT]"Lords of the dharma"][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] who would function in dense physical bodies and thus meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity.
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]6. The first outpost for the Shamballa Fraternity was the original temple of Ibez and it was located in the center of South America, and one of its branches at a much later period was to be found in the ancient Maya institutions, and the basic worship of the Sun as the source of life in the hearts of all men. A second branch was later established in Asia, and of this branch the Himalayan and southern Indian adepts are the representatives, though the work is materially changed. At a later date than the present, discoveries will be made, revealing the reality of the old form of hierarchical work; ancient records and monuments will be revealed, some above ground and many in subterranean fastnesses. As the mysteries of Central Asia in the land stretching from Chaldea and Babylon through Turkestan to Manchuria, including the Gobi desert, are opened up, it is planned that much of the early history of the Ibezhan workers will be revealed."[/FONT]
For simplicity's sake, if I may, Thomas, I would say, you may quote your Bible, I shall quote mine. As to further questions of scholarship, always an important concern for the sincere student, or even the casual inquirer, I would say - let us take that up elsewhere. I might find several dozen sources that corroborate this tradition (in my emphasis above), but for now, I shall rest content with the notion that Jesus did find the Branch of the Brotherhood to which he had been called, when he arrived in Tibet. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]6. The first outpost for the Shamballa Fraternity was the original temple of Ibez and it was located in the center of South America, and one of its branches at a much later period was to be found in the ancient Maya institutions, and the basic worship of the Sun as the source of life in the hearts of all men. A second branch was later established in Asia, and of this branch the Himalayan and southern Indian adepts are the representatives, though the work is materially changed. At a later date than the present, discoveries will be made, revealing the reality of the old form of hierarchical work; ancient records and monuments will be revealed, some above ground and many in subterranean fastnesses. As the mysteries of Central Asia in the land stretching from Chaldea and Babylon through Turkestan to Manchuria, including the Gobi desert, are opened up, it is planned that much of the early history of the Ibezhan workers will be revealed."[/FONT]
I can only give short shrift at this point to the subject of the history of the Great One Who was Jesus' own Master, and to Whom Earth's entire Spritual Hierarchy (aka The Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters & Adepts, the Inner Government of our World ), as well as the DEVA/Angelic Kingdom, answers. Basically, we are told that a former incarnation of this being was Sri Krishna of India, perhaps as early as 3100 years BC, perhaps even earlier. There are Theosophical traditions, or investigations, which purport to give yet earlier, or other incarnations of The Christ ... but personally, I am skeptical, and some of the clairvoyant research used in these accounts seems highly dubious - though to invoke the familiar expression, let's not discount all clairvoyant research with the murky bathwater, or even reject Bishop Leadbeater's research out of hand. Perhaps he glimpsed the truth, yet its helpfulness in truly understanding The Christ, let alone Christ Jesus, seems unlikely.
Someone please pick up the signficance of `Christos,' which cannot properly be understood without also addressing `chrestos,' and refresh us on the existence of a Jewish Mystery Tradition of which Jesus of Nazareth would have been well aware, and would have taken full advantage of in his later teachings and actions. I am sure the Jewish forum will be helpful, although commentary from a strictly esoteric approach is also useful.
As for the whereabouts of The Christ during the birth, early years, travels, and preparation of Jesus of Nazareth, we should be careful how we approach this question. I would make an additional reference to the teachings of Alice Bailey, from her very first book (Initiation Human & Solar) of 1919:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"Ever since he left the earth, as related with approximate accuracy in the Bible story (though with much error in detail) has [Christ] stayed with the sons of men; never has he really gone, but only in appearance, and in a physical body he can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in the Himalayas ..."
For clarity's sake, let us contrast this with a description of the Master Jesus, found a few pages later (p.57):[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"The Master Jesus, who is the focal point of the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe."
Lest we over-objectify, consider that the same teachings will stress that perhaps the largest portion of a Master's work (and he works round the clock, often in realms transcendent of time altogether, and certainly while the body sleeps), occurs out of the body, and certainly upon the Inner Planes. This has nothing (in all practicality) to do with the astral plane, but rather, signifies what one Master calls 'The Fiery World,' and has everything to do with the very real energies of Light, Love and Power.[/FONT]
As for the Baptism at the River Jordan, here is where the "Golden Thread" unmistakably began to weave with the "Silver Thread," as the Tibetan Master put it ... although I'd say it's a safe bet that we are seeing the culmination of Jesus' preparation and careful training (from His Master, The Christ), not its incipiation. And so long as we speak of Christed Jesus, we do not commit error, yet for simplicity's sake, we might simply speak of The CHRIST from this moment forward ...
Not a word have I said, save from my initial post, on the idea that the 2nd Aspect of Christian Trinity is something much, much greater than either Jesus or Him Whom we call The Christ ... yet by stating that we are considering the spiritual evolution of two distinct individuals - these, the eldest, and one of the eldest among us - I believe I leave that door open. Christ embodied the 2nd Aspect, most esotericists (and Christians) would certainly say, but the inherent problems with this terminology suggest that Expressed would better serve.
To clarify, the energies emanate from the Great Star SIRIUS, which for simplicity's sake we may regard as the source, or expression in this Solar System, of the COSMIC CHRIST. This says nothing about the Cosmic equivalent of the Holy Spirit (ahem, Pleiades!), let along the FATHER (cough - Great Bear! ) ...
Now if you can stand there, in all sensibility and sanity, and tell me that the man Jesus of Nazareth personally gave rise to those stars, constellations, and Cosmic Energies ... then I would respectfully suggest that Christ Pantocrator has been woefully twisted from its original intent ...