
From what I've read you seem fairly open-minded on the whole idea of age. Where I live people often look down on me because of my age and treat my opinion as inferior because I haven't seen as many cold winters as they have. It's finally refreshing to hear people who actually care more about your opinions rather than talk about how invalid they are because of your age.

As with I, Brian - I know plenty of younger people who I have more faith in than older people based on attitude. Whilst I may still posses naivity it still gives me the opportunity to question what everyone else is saying who doesn't have it. I see it as more of an opportunity than a burden in the greater sense of the word.

Finally - alright then, I'm not the youngest, the second youngest and it's still the thought that counts.
Anzac, I have been there myself, so this is my "Intifada" ;) LOL against "youre young therefore youre "green" ie inexperienced attitude. I dislike this, so welcome to the club, comrade :D keep up your youth spirit. because in this there is still hope and hope is one of needed facets
to have if 1 wants to have drive for the change in life.

Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, ohayoo, squeak, meow, :wave:, back atcha, Khaledistani.

Geritol is a vitamin/mineral supplement here in the United States. One of the formulas is specifically for old people.

I had to post something, and I wasn't sure how he'd react to being told to sit back and listen to his Lawrence Welk tapes. ;) (Lawrence Welk was a band leader/musician who specialized in "old fogey" music.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
What a wonderful thread!

Regards to everyone! Since I seem to be at the "geritol" end of the spectrum here, I'll say it's encouraging to see someone young enough to still do something have the courage, wisdom and vision to participate amongst such a motley group of obviously enlightened and interesting people. I am really pleased I stumbled on this forum.
My nature

Anzac asks:

...and what made you join the board? (this is more knowing people's motivation rather than anything else).

Honestly speaking, on my own part, I just like to write posts and see them put out in the message boards, it gives me a kind of pleasure and thrill.

You write to the papers and they don’t ever seem to print them. Here what you contribute regularly comes out and before an cyber-internetional audience.

So if at times and plenty of them some people here are annoyed, I just hope that they can see that as I understand from Brian the owner-administrator, we are here to enjoy ourselves.

Yes, I do learn from the learned and intelligent posters here. Maybe my own comments to their posts could contribute some insights also.

ImSas says:

Humor is the best part of life!! Since I have been with my husband I have learned what it means to have a sence of humor. I thought that I had a sence of humor when I was growing up, but looking back I realize my...

On my part I try to appear humorous in my posts, and again I feel a bit of apprehension that some people here might not welcome my kind of humor. Please be patient and forbearing, because we are here to enjoy ourselves and learn something useful and instructive in the process. Learning does not exclude having fun in the process, my own belief. It should not be dismal.

I also tend to be negative in my reactions to others’ posts; please be again patient. I will try to be negative without being unkind.

Susma Rio Sep