big hugs and compassion all around.
Quahom1 said:In the movie "Free Jack", the character played by Emmilio Estevaz asked pretty much the same question. There was a wise man sitting by the Hudson river (eating good rat), who answered him, "Have you ever seen an Eagle fly?...then in the middle of bringing food home for his family thought (this is a b^*#ch, and his eyes went crossed like the cartoons, and he fell and was no more?". Estevaz's character says "no", and the wise man (eating rat), answers "Neither have I, 'cause the eagle has too much pride."
If there is nothing else, there is man's pride. In other words there has got to be more than just this tempestuous and changing world. There must be a reason, we exist. And science doesn't have the answers, and religion might not have the answers, so we best find the answers we are all asking...because we have too much pride to just give up and quit...
my thoughts.
RubySera_Martin said:If that answer were actually accurate then there would never ever have been a law against suicide. If Christianity would see suicide i.e. "just give up and quit" as acceptable then there would never ever have been a law against suicide, there would never have been sermons against it or any other practices to shush it up and not talk about it and burying suicide victims outside the cemetary and shunning the sinner in death as well as in life.
Even with all of these strictures gone from our society in general, we still do all within human power to prevent suicides. WHY? It's the ultimate self-denial. Even if you judge it as ultimate selfishness, you're violating ethics. You're passing judgment on the validity of another person's feelings. And you're just postponing the inevitable--death for that person.
RubySera_Martin said:I used to use the word "boredom" to describe the experience; a spiritual director said a better word would be meaninglessness. This is a condition in which I lived for several decades.
Virtual_Cliff said:Yet the very fact that they remained true to their own integrity to the end is an inspiration to everyone who comes after. Their strength gives us strength when we are low. There is meaning sometimes even when we can never know it.