Christ’s Return and the Future Esoteric Schools


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
Somewhere in posting to CR I think I have mentioned that esotericists in the tradition of Alice Bailey have long anticipated that Christ’s Reappearance will be accompanied by two additional changes of tremendous significance and worldwide impact. One of these factors is the Externalization of the Hierarchy – meaning the gradual return of the Masters of the Wisdom to outer expression in the world of form. Already this is going well, and several Ashrams now have an outer nucleus in the physical world, while easily a dozen or more Masters move about among us – as yet undetected by the masses, but known by Their Disciples in every land.

The other indication of Christ’s Reappearance is also well underway, and this has been called The Restoration of the Mysteries. Esoteric students will recognize the classification of these Mysteries as falling into two categories – the lesser and the Greater. Certainly the Greater Mysteries continue to remain in the custodianship of the Initiates of varying degrees, and this will ever be the case. Since Atlantean days, when Humanity allowed the dark brotherhood to seize control, even the lesser Mysteries have been forced to flow underground … as the River Alpheus, whose more extensive symbolism I recently posted at CR (or intended to).

Though hidden from external view, its exponents being universally reviled and persecuted (with Christ and Buddha being foremost examples), the Mystery Tradition has always flourished on the Inner Planes, and in the hearts and minds of the faithful. The Initiates and disciples throughout history have PRESERVED inviolable the Sacred Wisdom that was imparted to even the earliest inhabitants of this planet … a Wisdom which neither originates upon the Earth nor has an earthly limit in terms of the sublime and awesome nature of the Mysteries concerned. Even these `lesser’ Mysteries are of such immeasurable value and import that the Teachers have been careful to present them too openly, reminding us as in Matthew 7:6 –
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again andrend you.”
Still, as Humanity advances gradually in her steady march toward Truth and Enlightenment, there is a slow shifting of some of the Greater Mysteries into revelation through the lesser Mysteries … and these, likewise, find their way into common teaching, being the true, sacred heart of all the world’s exoteric religions. Where ritual and blind repetition has not totally eclipsed the inner significance, and where superstition has not too greatly distorted the living Spirit of the Occult Law (God’s Law) … the Mysteries themselves may yet be found within every religious teaching, and as fully as possible this is what will receive revitalization as Christ and the Masters again walk openly among Humanity.

My hope was to say something about the Esoteric Schools which are already being founded in various parts of the world. These are emerging in Great Britain, in America, and in Europe, and the work has advanced considerably in the past 75 years, since details were first provided in one of Alice Bailey’s books. The Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, even 125 years ago, was the cornerstone of the One Future School. Alice Bailey’s Arcane School was the later realization of Helena Blavatsky’s intentions, yet neither of these efforts even begins to represent the progress that has been made in recent decades – and which is receiving tremendous stimulation as the Reappearance of the Christ proceeds.

If anyone has interest, I will piece together some excerpts, with commentary, from the writings of Alice Bailey, which provided many useful indications (as early as 1920) of what the future Initiatory and Probationary (preparatory) Schools will look like. Although there are many details provided, what resonates with me most are the various locations, the basic structure, the purpose, and some of the methods which will characterize these Esoteric Schools.

Having been a member of one such Mystery School briefly, and having met both students and Faculty representing several other Schools, I feel competent from an insider’s point of view to comment on their character, quality and workings … and to say something of their importance in the New Era (that of Aquarian Community) which Humanity has entered. I can also attest, and may do so on another thread, as to the true Joy which it has been my good fortune to have experienced – in Serving alongside some of the Foremost, truly great Souls … who are giving everything, on every level to hasten the Christ’s Reappearance and to ensure the successful Restoration of God’s Plan.

Love and Light,

I would be interested in further postings on this subject .... the only aspect that I differ on is that I believe that the change that is occuring is not about Christ's return, but as the Hopi say in their prophecies this is the "time in which we meet ourselves" .... the return of the prophets, the return of the latter day saints, the return of the christ seed, the return of Lono (Hawaiian) god of the thunder and lightening, the return of Buddha, the return of the mosiach (Jewish) will all bring us to a new level of being, our true selves .... we are in the process of transition from the fourth world to the fifth world .... all this means is that we are changing our frequencies to move the internal energy up into the area of the head (we cross over from the lower vibrations of the lower four energy centers in the body itself and bridge the gap between the body and the head that was severed long ago) .... in effect each of us will return to ourselves, our full potential .... we need not look outside of ourselves for anyone to follow .... we only need to change our minds and we will begin to change our world .... that is, imho, the "mystery" that we have been trying to solve .... the process to accomplish this can be found in the mystery school rituals, can be found in biblical text, can be found in legends and myths of ancient cultures, can be found in almost all religions if one learns to read the symbols and listen to the sounds .... in the ancient ways of hawaii we would describe this as "walking the path of the night rainbow" because it is an internal path .... we walk in the dark (the place of po) and emerge in the light (the place of ao) when we reach the top of the mountain .... the top of the mountain is a symbol for the human skull .... by the way, the name of the place where Jesus died and was reborn (Golgatha ... the place of the skulls), when we move the energy to the same place we die to the old ways of believing and are reborn to the new .... if the system and process works as it is intended to, we would begin to enter the promised land where brotherhood, love, peace and harmony would begin to become the norm .... there are many paths but they all meet at the top of the mountain .... we just need to look deeper at the symbols and get past the literal interpretations of what we think we know .... then the second coming will begin in earnest .... "the time in which we meet ourselves" .... or the return of the children of light ..... lots to learn from the esoteric schools, but it is deeply buried in symbolism and we must open our inner eyes and see with our souls ....

the path of the mystics is what is appearing again .... just like the "mists of avalon" .... in the same place existing within each other is the place of the druids and also the monestary .... one must lift the mist to enter as did the Morgan Le Fe (a shapeshifter) to cross between the two worlds go behind the veil or the mist, or to cross between the worlds, one must enter the mind through deep meditation or prayer or chant .... "shambala" does exist and we all seek it in one form or another .... it is just out of reach, but is not unreachable .... so I tend not to think of the return of Christ, but the return of each one of us to our full potential and a return to that place of sovereignty that can never be taken away unless we give it away .... I've been pretty philosophical the last few days because it is almost the conclusion of the 50 days after Passover (the days of Omer) and we approach the day of Shavout (the day Moses received the Torah on Mt. Sinai) .... this signifies, in my opinion, the true meaning of the 50 year Jubilee (freedom) because we can all receive the Torah when we move the internal energy to the mountaintop .... she is waiting, just out of sight, just behind the veil ..... am I making any sense .... lol ..... he hawai'i au, poh
Yes not so much 'Christ's' return...but return of 'The Christ' (insert your own prefered avatar here)in all of us. Seems to me 'The Christ' has shown itself numerous times throughout the ages yet we don't always see...often because we can't see the Christ in ourselves...

As we all grow, we'll all grow...
Excellent points, Poh and Wil, I certainly agree! :)

I think it would be accurate to say that the Purpose of the Esoteric Schools to come is to hasten safely the otherwise natural unfoldment of the Christ within ... where this is understood as one of our own, spiritual principles - and not something external or imparted. I think that Mysticism will be studied, and for pupils who are undergoing a mystical awakening, careful attention and assistance will be given to help ground and balance the energies that pour through.

Through the unfolding of the higher Intellect, the Chalice which symbolically receives and distributes the Love of Christ will be properly prepared. Most assuredly, these schools will not emphasize any unwise practices that might disturb the sacred fires within. However, through the Probationary schools, the process of inner purification will move forward, and as candidates naturally & inevitably arrive at the proper stages, they will move to the more advanced, Initiatory School for their region. Many lesser schools are said to exist - some already, others embryonically - but there is a list given of the major schools that are being founded:
Preparatory Grades ...................... Advanced School
Greece or Syria leading to ................... Egypt
Middle West, USA .............................. California, USA
Southern France ............................... Italy
Scotland or Wales ............................. Ireland
Sweden ........................................... Russia
New Zealand .................................... Australia
(from Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 309)
The final preparatory school, making Seven, is said to be in Japan, with the advanced school in western China. This is for Souls in Atlantean (Asiatic) bodies, and is headed up by a different branch of the esoteric Brotherhood.

Much more is said about the schools in each location, with certain indications given about the factors which are hastening or slowing their development. The commentary on the coming schools in Great Britain seems especially interesting:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"At one of the magnetized spots in either Scotland or Wales, a branch for occult training will be begun before so very long, which will lay the foundation and embrace the curriculum for the earlier grades. After it has been in existence for a few years and has proved the effectiveness of its training, and after troubled Ireland has adjusted her internal problems, a school for the more advanced grades, and for definite preparation for the mysteries will be started in Ireland at one of the magnetized spots there to be found. This school will be very definitely a school where preparation for a major initiation may be taken, and will be under the eye of the Bodhisattva, preparing the pupil for initiation upon the second ray." (Ibid, 308) [emphasis added]
This does have to do with the Christ as an individual, yet The Tibetan chooses to refer to him as `the Bodhisattva,' and I would suggest that the careful word choice is meant to emphasize this occult role. The Christian reference would be: "No man comes to the Father except by/through me." This has everything to do with Initiation, especially on this planet and at this time.


Esoterically, the `Father' (Sanat Kumara) is referred to as `The One Initiator,' and is first met face to face (as I have mentioned on other posts - being explicity suggested in the Aaronic Blessing, Numbers 6:23-27) only at the Third Initiation, the Transfiguration. This `shining Countenance' of the Lord Most High might be thought of as the combined Light and Love which our world so desperately needs, and which is destined to transform so many of the sons of men in this present Aquarian Age.

Christ's Initiatory role - as the Bodhisattva - is to stand in for Sanat Kumara, and to (literally) charge the candidate with the same powerful energies which s/he is not as yet capable of facing directly ... and which must therefore be stepped down through the aura of the Bodhisattva and sponsoring Masters (vide `Initiation Human & Solar,' p.107-9). I love the symbolism provided all throughout the movie `Dogma' which essentially underscores this same idea. The voice of God (Alanis Morrisette) is too powerful for any mortal to hear directly, the effect being - diastrous!

And appropriately enough, according to the esoteric teachings of H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, the individual who has passed the 3rd Degree Initiation of Transfiguration - having stood before the `Father' and SEEN Him face to face - is technically no longer Human. S/he is now more than Human, having technically entered the 5th Kingdom, the Kingdom of Souls, or Spiritual Kingdom. There are many such individuals working in the world today ... I would suggest thousands, probably tens of thousands. Some are among my closest friends; I have known perhaps a dozen over the years. It is as if they each & every one, potentially wield the very sword of the Archangel Michael Himself (esoterically, the Father) - as they go about the Lord's business and combat evil everwhere that they encounter it in their environment.

Such are the true Initiates ... as the earlier two degrees (Birth and Baptism) are actually preparatory, with Christ (the Bodhisattva) being the custodian and Officiant (Hierophant). At the first two Initiation Ceremonies, Sanat Kumara makes His Presence known at the culminating moment - through the shining forth of a brilliant (Blinding!!!) STAR. This has everything to do with Venus, with the 5th Principle (counting upward) of Higher Mind, and with the fact that until recently, a 5th Degree Initiate (or Master) signified the completion of spiritual evolution upon the Earth (for this is the 1st Initiation in the Lodge on Sirius, which represents for us the COSMIC Christ, LOVE on the largest scale imaginable). :cool:


Of the many ideas you touched on, Poh, it was the mention of Shamballa that resonated with me most, since I think it helps to put this thread on Esoteric Schools in context. The same source as above, has this to say:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"It is therefore very essential that the emphasis is laid on the fact that no matter what the offshoots, the basic school of occultism is that one which has its root in the sacred center of the planet, Shamballa.At that place, directly under the eyes of the One Initiator Himself, Who is - as is seldom realized - the highest expression of the Teaching Ray upon the earth, is found what might be termed the central office for the educational disciplinary training work of the Hierarchy. There will be found the Chohan Who is directly responsible for the various endeavors, and to Whom the Masters Who take pupils, and the Heads of the various occult schools are directly responsible. All proceeds under law and order." [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica](Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 303)
There are some more details given on how to recognize this One School:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] "[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The one fundamental school may be recognized by certain outstanding characteristics:
  • By the basic character of the truths taught as embodied in the following postulates:
  1. The unity of all life.
  2. The graded steps of development as recognized in man, and by the graded steps of its curriculum, which lead a man from one expansion of consciousness to another until he has reached that which we call perfection.
  3. The relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm and its sevenfold application.
  4. The method of this development and the place of the microcosm within the macrocosm as revealed through the study of the periodicity of all manifestation and the basic law of cause and effect.
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
    [*]By the emphasis laid on character building and spiritual development as a foundation for the development of all the faculties inherent in the microcosm.
    [*]By the requirement, demanded of all affiliated pupils without exception, that the life of inner unfoldment and development should be paralleled by a life of exoteric service.
    [*]By the graded expansions of consciousness that are the result of the imparted training; these lead a man on from step to step till he contacts his higher self, his Master, his egoic group, the First Initiator, the One Paramount Initiator, until he has contacted the Lord of his Ray and has entered into the bosom of his "Father Which is in Heaven".
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]These are the outstanding features that are descriptive of the one true fundamental School." (Ibid, p. 303-5)
I think this touches on what you were getting at, Poh ... and Wil. :)



I think we are moving toward a tipping point, but I'm waiting to see how much of a disaster has to befall us before we are willing to abandon what has been conventional wisdom in the age of fossil fuel and move into what we long for, but are afraid is unworkably utopian and futuristic. I'm wondering if we can make a somewhat smooth transition, or how much of a jolt it will take to move us over the line. I see the dawn , but I would like to live to see the day.

China Cat Sunflower said:

I think we are moving toward a tipping point, but I'm waiting to see how much of a disaster has to befall us before we are willing to abandon what has been conventional wisdom in the age of fossil fuel and move into what we long for, but are afraid is unworkably utopian and futuristic. I'm wondering if we can make a somewhat smooth transition, or how much of a jolt it will take to move us over the line. I see the dawn , but I would like to live to see the day.


You have really pegged it. The current spotlight on the environmental crisis accentuates this. It seems we're waiting to see if this glacial melting might instigate a deluge or two .... sink a few seaboard cities, before it's worth taking notice. The dieout of many animal species is simply a part of evolution (synonymous with `God's Plan' in my book), but the suffering caused by things like oil spills is an abomination and totally unnecessary.

Our focus has been on materialism, on excessive luxury & comfort (of the select few), and on all the externalities & superficialities vs. the Spiritual, which lies back of things - or within it all. The Esoteric Schools that are forming, and all the Mystery Schools that are their extension, will have as part of their focus the training of students to see beyond the form, and to detect the Life that is Universally within (every atom, every blade of grass). Removing this from the realm of pure Mysticism (where the student first contacts the direct realization of these truths) ... the Schools to come will emphasize Occultism (The Science of the Hidden, which I prefer to recognize by the modern term `Esotericism'). And the practical result will be increased numbers of workers in every field of human endeavor ... who have a sound background of preparation in every branch of the Sacred Sciences, whose goal is above all the alleviation of suffering and the Wise Advancement of the Human Race.

I think I mentioned the time frame for anticipated development of the Schools in my original post, but here is the detailed information I left out (except for Great Britian), from Letters on Occult Meditation (p.307-9, 1920):
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"Branches, affiliated with one of the four central divisions of the one occult foundation, will be found in the following countries:[/FONT]
  1. Egypt. This will be one of the later schools founded and will be profoundly occult and an advanced school in direct communication with the inner grades. This will be touched upon later.
  2. The United States will have a preparatory school somewhere in the southern part of the Middle West, and an extensive occult college in California in a place later to be revealed. This school will be one of the first started when the Great Lord begins His earthly career, and during the next five years the seeds of it may be laid if students rightly apprehend the work to be done.
  3. There will be one school for the Latin countries, probably in Italy or Southern France, but much depends on the political and educational work of the next ten years.
  4. Great Britain. At one of the magnetized spots in either Scotland or Wales, a branch for occult training will be begun before so very long, which will lay the foundation and embrace the curriculum for the earlier grades. After it has been in existence for a few years and has proved the effectiveness of its training, and after troubled Ireland has adjusted her internal problems, a school for the more advanced grades, and for definite preparation for the mysteries will be started in Ireland at one of the magnetized spots there to be found. This school will be very definitely a school where preparation for a major initiation may be taken, and will be under the eye of the Bodhisattva, preparing the pupil for initiation upon the second ray. The first school in Egypt will be for those who take initiation on the first ray in the occident.
    Those who take initiation on the line of the Mahachohan, or on the third ray, will take it at the advanced occult school in Italy. In this way the occident will have its center where active instruction may be given according to the three lines of approach, and which will give preparation in the inner mysteries.
  5. A preparatory occult school will be found, too, in Sweden, for those of the northern and German races who seek the Path, and when it has been extant for some time Russia may then be in a position to house the headquarters for the more advanced school affiliated to the preparatory one in Sweden. In connection with the Egyptian advanced school will be a preparatory one in Greece or in Syria"
If I may humbly suggest, the school mentioned in the Midwest US has long been in process of unfoldment. Additional schools of varying degree exist on the Eastern seaboard - one here in North Carolina, another possibly in Vermont. I am also familiar with the school in New Zealand, and with various of the efforts both there and in Australia. This is referenced in Letters (p.307), just above the breakdown of the other schools ...
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"At the outset I would point out to you that not every nation in the world will have its occult school. .... Only as the educational work of the nation has reached a certain height will it be possible to use the mental equipment of the nation as a stepping stone for further expansion, and to use it as a basis for the occult school. And, curiously enough, only those nations which originally had a training school for the mysteries (with three exceptions) will be again, during the earlier stages, permitted national schools. The exceptions are:[/FONT]
  1. Great Britain.
  2. Canada and the United States.
  3. Australia.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]And even these exceptions might be considered only one, the case of Australia, for the other two in Atlantean days had their occult foundations when they formed part of the earlier continent. In the turning of the wheel, earth itself reincarnates;"
From Rays and Initiations (p.122-3), written much later in 1942, a bit more indication is given about a timetable, as well as the true function of the Esoteric Schools:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"It is the sense of synthesis, putting it very simply, which will be the goal of all the educational movements, once the New Age idealism is firmly established. Physical coordination, personal integrity (which involves primarily the control and later the negation of the astral body), and personality integration will be the essential first steps. To this will succeed processes whereby the fusion of the personality with the soul, of the lower self with the higher Self, and of form with the divine Dweller in the form will follow next. Then the truly esoteric phase of the educational process will be attempted when the earlier steps or stages have been satisfactorily grasped and there is indication of some measure of real success. By that time the school of the Mysteries and the Halls of preparation for initiation will be generally recognized by the thinking people and believed in by the expectant masses.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]In those schools, those who are beginning to function as souls will be led on to take their next step. Their developed soul nature will be expressing itself through intelligent love and a sense of group fellowship; these two divine qualities will form a basis or foundation from which the next unfoldment can emerge and on which a more spiritual superstructure can be built.
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Humanity is, however, ready for exceedingly rapid development and this readiness will demonstrate increasingly in the postwar period, and for it the disciples of the world must make ready. Two factors will bring this about: the first is the tremendous stimulation which the war, its demands and its consequences have given to the human consciousness and, secondly, the coming in of very advanced souls ever since the year 1925. These souls will be ready to give the needed training and instruction when the right time comes, having brought it over with them when they came into incarnation, and knowing normally and naturally what the modern esoteric student is struggling to grasp and understand."
I wish I could say that I thought we would live to truly see Heaven on Earth in this - or even a near future incarnation. I do not believe that that will happen. But we may help to bring it steadily closer, and the changes of the next few decades, just as 2100 years ago, will advance us tremendously ... though no more so than our Human karma will allow. Globally, as individually, we choose whether to walk freely into the Light, or to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Man it can suck when people would rather worship a television or a car, or fight to the death to preserve the very kleshas - the poisons - that keep them from spiritual progress. The horse is being led, the Aquarian Waters are beginning to flow (the Living waters) ... the rest is up to the horse! :p

Forunately, we know that the Cup is overflowing with Life ... (damn good thing, it's hot here in the desert!).


I will say one thing "Every desire is insatiable (never enough or forfilled), and therefore there is always want".
Azure24 said:
I will say one thing "Every desire is insatiable (never enough or forfilled), and therefore there is always want".
Could you please elaborate? Desire, in the lower sense, is what we must gradually transform - sometimes through violent or forceful subjugation, other times through gentle coercion ... but yes, pure desire is insatiable, hence the Four Noble Truths of the Blessed Buddha, and Noble Eightfold Path. Hence the efforts of the Teachers in the past 125 years, and also the tremendous response by esoteric students of both Eastern and Western traditions! Many have sacrificed much, though not enough to prevent the Great War (WWI & II). Let us hope the present sacrifices are enough to avoid further global catastrophes (in the form of World Wars, or global conflict).


taijasi :)
taijasi said:
Somewhere in posting to CR I think I have mentioned that esotericists in the tradition of Alice Bailey have long anticipated that Christ’s Reappearance will be accompanied by two additional changes of tremendous significance and worldwide impact. One of these factors is the Externalization of the Hierarchy – meaning the gradual return of the Masters of the Wisdom to outer expression in the world of form. Already this is going well, and several Ashrams now have an outer nucleus in the physical world, while easily a dozen or more Masters move about among us – as yet undetected by the masses, but known by Their Disciples in every land.

The other indication of Christ’s Reappearance is also well underway, and this has been called The Restoration of the Mysteries. Esoteric students will recognize the classification of these Mysteries as falling into two categories – the lesser and the Greater. Certainly the Greater Mysteries continue to remain in the custodianship of the Initiates of varying degrees, and this will ever be the case. Since Atlantean days, when Humanity allowed the dark brotherhood to seize control, even the lesser Mysteries have been forced to flow underground … as the River Alpheus, whose more extensive symbolism I recently posted at CR (or intended to).

Though hidden from external view, its exponents being universally reviled and persecuted (with Christ and Buddha being foremost examples), the Mystery Tradition has always flourished on the Inner Planes, and in the hearts and minds of the faithful. The Initiates and disciples throughout history have PRESERVED inviolable the Sacred Wisdom that was imparted to even the earliest inhabitants of this planet … a Wisdom which neither originates upon the Earth nor has an earthly limit in terms of the sublime and awesome nature of the Mysteries concerned. Even these `lesser’ Mysteries are of such immeasurable value and import that the Teachers have been careful to present them too openly, reminding us as in Matthew 7:6 –
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again andrend you.”
Still, as Humanity advances gradually in her steady march toward Truth and Enlightenment, there is a slow shifting of some of the Greater Mysteries into revelation through the lesser Mysteries … and these, likewise, find their way into common teaching, being the true, sacred heart of all the world’s exoteric religions. Where ritual and blind repetition has not totally eclipsed the inner significance, and where superstition has not too greatly distorted the living Spirit of the Occult Law (God’s Law) … the Mysteries themselves may yet be found within every religious teaching, and as fully as possible this is what will receive revitalization as Christ and the Masters again walk openly among Humanity.

My hope was to say something about the Esoteric Schools which are already being founded in various parts of the world. These are emerging in Great Britain, in America, and in Europe, and the work has advanced considerably in the past 75 years, since details were first provided in one of Alice Bailey’s books. The Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, even 125 years ago, was the cornerstone of the One Future School. Alice Bailey’s Arcane School was the later realization of Helena Blavatsky’s intentions, yet neither of these efforts even begins to represent the progress that has been made in recent decades – and which is receiving tremendous stimulation as the Reappearance of the Christ proceeds.

If anyone has interest, I will piece together some excerpts, with commentary, from the writings of Alice Bailey, which provided many useful indications (as early as 1920) of what the future Initiatory and Probationary (preparatory) Schools will look like. Although there are many details provided, what resonates with me most are the various locations, the basic structure, the purpose, and some of the methods which will characterize these Esoteric Schools.

Having been a member of one such Mystery School briefly, and having met both students and Faculty representing several other Schools, I feel competent from an insider’s point of view to comment on their character, quality and workings … and to say something of their importance in the New Era (that of Aquarian Community) which Humanity has entered. I can also attest, and may do so on another thread, as to the true Joy which it has been my good fortune to have experienced – in Serving alongside some of the Foremost, truly great Souls … who are giving everything, on every level to hasten the Christ’s Reappearance and to ensure the successful Restoration of God’s Plan.

Love and Light,


Dear taijasi,

I am one who truely looks forward to Jesus appearance. Please don't slow things down to fast.;)
JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear taijasi,

I am one who truely looks forward to Jesus appearance. Please don't slow things down to fast.;)
Note that those who cling to the old order, and maintain the expectations of specific forms, as they have come to envision through literal interpretations of the Bible - and through failure to think about the eight dozen or eleventy-five hundred passages which they can scripture-pick at me faster than I can say Jack Robinson ...

... will be disappointed. Sorry dude, I didn't make the rules. Get over it.

JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear taijasi,

I am one who truely looks forward to Jesus appearance. Please don't slow things down to fast.;)
By the way, JBF, hasn't anyone ever cautioned you about spitting in the wind? I'm being polite, of course. Often one uses another word here instead of spit, but same difference.

Is there anything you'd like to actually contribute to the thread topic, or did you simply come here to detract? Please consider the CoC, and think twice before you preach or scripture-pick. I won't come tell you on the Christian forums that you're holding up progress, if you won't do that in `New Age.' You can, of course, believe as you like, but if you have nothing of substance to offer, then consider the folk wisdom I referenced above.

I have noticed that, thus far, you seem to have gone through and challenged a good number of ideas held by folks at CR, and become fairly outspoken along certain lines. So again I will ask, did you have something to add to this thread, or perhaps did you want to address a particular aspect of the topic at hand? If so, please do so; I would be happy to enter into dialogue and discussion. In the meantime, please consider that my presence here is as a man kneeling in meditation and prayer. :)


JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear taijasi,

I am one who truely looks forward to Jesus appearance. Please don't slow things down to fast.;)
Jesus will never come to the earth in the flesh again. so you will have a long wait if you are waiting for a physical appearance;)
And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. matthew 24;30 seeing with the eye of understanding is what it is all about.
mee said:
Jesus will never come to the earth in the flesh again. so you will have a long wait if you are waiting for a physical appearance;)
And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. matthew 24;30 seeing with the eye of understanding is what it is all about.
Well mee, as an esotericist in the tradition of Alice Bailey's Teachings - those of the Tibetan Master, DK - I believe we will see the same soul who was Jesus of Nazareth return to Earth, in a physical incarnation. But the passage you quote, in my understanding, refers not to the Master Jesus, but to the Christ, or Bodhisattva. And the Tibetan Master has something to say about this passage, which He submits for our critical thinking. I will quote the entire paragraph:
For the first time in human history, the demand of the people of the Earth is so potent and so in line with divine direction, in time and space, that the end is inevitably sure; the looked-for spiritual Representative must come forth; this time He will not come alone but will be accompanied by Those Whose lives and words will evoke recognition in every department of human thinking. The symbolic prophecies found in all the world Scriptures anent this imminent event will prove their veracity; their symbolism will nevertheless elicit reinterpretation; circumstances and happenings will not necessarily be exactly as the Scriptures would appear to indicate. For instance, He will come indeed in the "clouds of the air" (Matt., XXVI, 64), as the Christian Scriptures say, but of what great interest is that when millions come and go in the clouds, each hour of the day and of the night? I mention this as one of the outstanding prophecies and one of the most familiar; it is, however, one which means little in our modern civilization. The fact of importance is that He will come. (The Reappearance of the Christ, p.45)
So I think we are required to reconsider the ancient prophecies, which were all made during a time when air travel was not even remotely possible. But even more, we must be ready to recognize that the world has changed since the Biblical prophecies were made ... and much that may have been relevant, or accurate then, no longer applies. That this is so, should be intuitively obvious.

But I agree, we must bring the faculty of discernment (Sanskrit `viveka'), the "eye of understanding," to all Scriptural passages and prophecies. The writings of the Tibetan Master, while not familiar to the average Christian, are every bit as Sacred to me, and to many an esotericist or New Ager, as anything found in the New Testment or Torah. But considering that these dictations were made between 1919 and 1949, I look at them as being much, much more practical and relevant, even by several orders of magnitude!

But let me give another example of the changing conditions in & of our world, which require that we continually bring a new light, fresh approach and flexibility of understanding or interpretation to Scripture (or Teachings). I will provide instances, both from the Tibetan's writings through Alice Bailey, which underscore this need. The first indication is found in a book which The Tibetan dictated in the early 1920s, PRIOR TO the Great Conflict of the Second World War. And I think you might find some of the views of certain estoericists uncannily familiar, mee.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 759, Master DK speaks of the various methods by which those Masters Who are Reappearing along with the Christ ... will do so. He lists three methods, and these are: Physical birth, Appropriation of a suitable vehicle, or body, and Direct creation by an act of the will. The last method will be quite rare, he indicates, and most Masters & Initiates will use the second method. This is how the Christ manifested to us 2100 years ago, when the Initiate Jesus lent his body and personality vehicles (mind & emotional body) to the Christ. But then The Tibetan goes on to say:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas [advanced disciples] effect a respiritualization of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.[/FONT]
Tempted as I might be to say, "What happened?" - such a snide remark is really unhelpful, and since I do not know the Catholic (or Orthodox) Church very well from the position of an insider, much less as a Master or Initiate Who has been working along these lines of "respiritualization," who am I to say whether this endeavor of the Master J. has not gone forward? Might it not now be well underway? Others at CR might be able to comment.

But again, my real point is that this prophecy, or indication, was given in the early 1920s. Concerning the Reappearance of the Christ Himself, Master DK says the following, in the same book, a few pages earlier:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]In the appearing of the Bodhisattva Himself, the mystery of the Bodhisattva will be seen in its fullest sense, and it is not for us here to enlarge upon it. Suffice it to say that the vestures of the GREAT ONE [Shakyamuni Buddha] will be used, but time will show whether the coming Lord will clothe upon those vestures a physical vehicle at this particular juncture, or whether the astral plane may not be the field of His activity.[/FONT]
Note very carefully that here, prior to WWII, it was NOT clear, even to the Those Masters who were closest to the Christ and Who knew well His Plans and intentions, whether or not a physical incarnation might be possible, necessary, or advisable. We must be willing to try and fathom that Christ Himself acts according to Humanity's own karma and is limited by various world circumstances, as well as astrological factors ... though it is also both of these same sets of circumstances, or factors, which ENABLE Him, or empower Him, to act! For some, this will come as a new idea, or will seem strange. But it should make good, intuitive sense, if we will but ponder ... :)

I will drive my point home by pointing to another, similar indication, quite related ... and pertaining directly to the most concrete method by which the Christ will Reappear. These passages are taken from Reappearance of the Christ (pp.47-48), which was written in the late 1940s, AFTER WWII:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Many years ago, I indicated that the Christ would come in three ways, or rather, that the fact of His Presence could be proved in three distinctive phases.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]It was pointed out then that the first move which the Christ would make would be the stimulation of the spiritual consciousness in man, the evocation of humanity's spiritual demands on a large scale and the nurturing - on a worldwide scale - of the Christ consciousness in the human heart. This has already been done and with most effective results.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The second indicated move of the Hierarchy would be the impressing of the minds of enlightened men everywhere by spiritual ideas embodying the new truths, by the "descent" (if I may so call it) of the new concepts which will govern human living and by the over-shadowing of all world disciples and the New Group of World Servers by the Christ Himself. This planned move of the Hierarchy is progressing well; men and women everywhere and in every department of life are enunciating those new truths which should in the future guide human living; they are building those new organizations, movements and groups - large or small - which will familiarize the mass of men with the reality of the need and the mode of meeting it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Thirdly, we are told that Christ might come in Person and walk among men as He did before. This has not yet taken place but plans are being laid which will enable Him to do so. Those plans do not involve the birth of some nice child in some nice home on Earth; they will not produce the wild claims and the credulous recognition of the well-meaning and the unintelligent as is so frequently the case today, nor will someone appear and say: "This is the Christ. He is here or He is there." I would point out to you, however, that the widespread appearance of such tales and claims, though undesirable, misleading and wrong, nevertheless demonstrates human expectancy of the imminence of His coming. Belief in His coming is basic in the human consciousness. How He will come and in what manner is not yet stated. The exact moment has not yet arrived nor has the method of His appearance been determined. [underscoring emphasis is mine][/FONT]

And I will add to that a good summary, also from Reappearance of the Christ (pp. 46-7), regarding Christ's return:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Perhaps one of the major messages for all of us who read these words is this great truth and fact of the physical Presence on Earth at this time of the Christ, of His group of disciples and executives, of Their representative activities on behalf of mankind and of Their close relationship.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]It is these physical happenings which are of moment and not the vague hopes and promises of the theological faiths.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The vague belief in Their existence, the dreamy speculations as to Their work and Their interest in human welfare, and the unconvinced, yet hopeful, wishful thinking of believers (and also unbelievers), will soon give place to certain knowledge, to visual recognition, to provable signs of executive work and to the reorganization (by men of unusual potency) of the political, religious, economic and social life of humanity.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]All this will not come as the result of some proclamation or some stupendous planetary event which will force human beings everywhere to say: "Lo: He is there! Lo: Here are the signs of His divinity!" for that would evoke only antagonism and laughter, resistance or fanatical credulity.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]It will come as a recognition of potency in leadership, through dynamic but logical changes in world affairs, and through action taken by the masses of the people from the depths of their own consciousness. (emphasis mine)[/FONT]

I know I have quoted extensively, but I have confined my source to the writings of Alice Bailey, as dictated by the Tibetan Master - one Who is close to the Christ, and cooperates with Him most intimately in Preparation for His Reappearance. These are not speculations or fanciful ideas meant to fire our imagination. These are indications given by someone Who knows and meets with the Christ in the Council of the Masters, and Whose entire Purpose and focus of Service has been the Reappearance, since His 5th Initiation in 1875.

I could provide many other sources for the same truths, provided since the late 19th Century, and all throughout the 20th, continuing into the present via online discussion forums, and as published by various students of the Ageless Wisdom. All point us toward the first quarter of the 21st Century, and affirm the same basic prophecy: Christ will return (or Reappear), for the preparations have gone forward. Ever since the closing of WWII, the Decision was made by the Christ, and a phyiscal Reappearance is expected. But to allow our thinking, our inspiration, and our raison d'etre to center on a phyiscal body, an OUTWARD presence - instead of the Inner Christ, the Spirit of Christ which is already being stimulated in EVERY Human heart - is to risk missing the point entirely. For then we make the same error as those who can only see the image of Jesus of Nazareth, and take His name - whether in prayer or in vain - yet never penetrate beyond appearance alone, or glimpse the Mystery.

I will not quote again, at such length, but I would refer the earnest seeker, or Aspirant, to the brief chapter, from Reappearance of the Christ, entitled, `The Work of the Christ Today and in the Future.' This chapeter, especially, maybe quite sobering, as well as rather insightful, for many a Christian. The entire book, I might add, is written for the Christian Aspirant, and if approached with an open mind and an open heart, will certainly lead one closer to the Lord of Love, the Prince of Peace ... and the Great Avatar of the New, Aquarian Era. May all find Him and enter into Service, by whatever path they choose to tread. :)

Love and Light,

According to the bible, Jesus is using a faithful slave class, to feed people in a spiritual way ,this is because they have proved themselves faithful , so Jesus is giving them great responsibility in this time of the end .matthew 24;45-47 this class of people have been given insight and understanding about the prophecies in the bible , and it is all happening in the time of the end. thrilling times indeed , yes Jesus is directing his attention to them , to feed others in a spiritual way . we dont need to see Jesus with our litral eyes. the understanding is now being revealed .(Daniel 12:9) And he went on to say: "Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end.
"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant." Daniel 12;4 yes many things are being revealed that were at one time sealed up . we are living in thrillling times . Jesus is revealing many things to his faithful ones.
Somewhere in posting to CR I think I have mentioned that esotericists in the tradition of Alice Bailey have long anticipated that Christ’s Reappearance will be accompanied by two additional changes of tremendous significance and worldwide impact.

I'll take a look at this later. Definitely worth comparing with Emanuel Swedenborg's teachings.