Does Somebody Have To Be Wrong?

Choice is somethings that most of western society takes in its stride and for granted. There are many countries where 'choice' is not available either through educational or cultural ignorance.

Today, even in some western countries there are people's choices being eroded by the removal of educational material and narrow minded teaching.
There really is just one truth. But is is like a faceted gemstone - it depends where you are relative to the gemstone as to how you see it. Try it yourself - take any object & look at it - really look. Turn it over & about - how many different aspects can you see?
And don't forget the political aspect of religion either. Oh does that colour it! Religions rise as the people need them. Truth stays true. 'First unto thine own self be true' and the rest can go hang.
I am 'not a witch' by the way, though I was one for many years - but that's another story.
There really is just one truth. But is is like a faceted gemstone - it depends where you are relative to the gemstone as to how you see it. Try it yourself - take any object & look at it - really look. Turn it over & about - how many different aspects can you see?
And don't forget the political aspect of religion either. Oh does that colour it! Religions rise as the people need them. Truth stays true. 'First unto thine own self be true' and the rest can go hang.
I am 'not a witch' by the way, though I was one for many years - but that's another story.

From a soft polytheistic viewpoint this is "true", but from a hard polytheistic viewpoint it's not.

Therefore I think it's a bit presumtuous to say "there really is just one truth."

I'm just posting to ask your opinions on this: does there have to be only one true faith? Can't a few of us be right? Can we all be right? Perhaps we've just got a few things mixed up, or misread a few signals along the way...?

Yes there is only one true way... My way, no! A few cannot be right! No we can't all be right! I am the gate I am the key.... :D
RubySera_Martin;63848So what said:
for those who believe the bible as the inspired word of God , God gives the understanding of his truths in his own time, and in his own way. (Dan. 12:9) but this is not a bible thread so me quoting the bible is maybe wrong . but true knowledge is now abundant (Dan 12;4)
Your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Sometimes I [the Buddha] spoke of myself, sometimes of others; sometimes I presented myself, sometimes others; sometimes I showed my own actions, sometimes those of others. All my doctrines are true and none are false.
- Buddhism. Lotus Sutra 16

As men approach Me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to Me.
- Hinduism. Bhagavad Gita 4.11

Confucius said... "In the world there are many different roads but the destination is the same. There are a hundred deliberations but the result iis one."
- Confucianism. I Ching, Appended Remarks 2.5

At any time, in any form and accepted name, if one is shorn of all attachment, that one is you alone. My Lord! You are one although variously appearing.
- Jainism. Hemachandra, Dvatrimshika 29

They have called him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and the divine fine-winged Garuda; They speak of Indra, Yama, Matrarisvan: the One Being sages call by many names.
- Hinduism. Rig Veda 1.164.46

There is more in this vein at World Scripture - The Truth in Many Paths Christianity is hardly the only religion that claims its deity is the One True God, and that its teachings are Absolute Truth.
Christianity is hardly the only religion that claims its deity is the One True God, and that its teachings are Absolute Truth.

He'd be a bad salesmen if he didn't however..... "What this, naaah load of tottenham.... But still, tis a laugh.... So.... Can I interest you in a bible study?"
He'd be a bad salesmen if he didn't however..... "What this, naaah load of tottenham.... But still, tis a laugh.... So.... Can I interest you in a bible study?"

Perhaps some salespeople need to rely on their customers not knowing there are alternatives... but I've seen many good salespeople who actually rely on the quality of their product rather than trying to win customers over with false claims.

I'm just posting to ask your opinions on this: does there have to be only one true faith? Can't a few of us be right? Can we all be right? Perhaps we've just got a few things mixed up, or misread a few signals along the way...?

Now, I'm asking this in the neopaganism forum because pagans, while (in general) sharing a few basic philosophical links, have an incredibly vast range theologically. Yet, most pagan religions do not claim they are the sole path.

My current thought is that perhaps many of us are right. The deities/pantheons all exist, keeping seperate of other systems, and each deity/pantheon helps, guides, listens to their followers. They work in the system they/He/she wish(es).

I am in no way trying to proselytize, so I suppose I'm just throwing this out hypothetically. Any comments?

Thank you! :)

Greetings AT,
A friend of mine was once reading a book when an idea flew out of it.
It was about the four ways of truth.

For every truth you can find a truth opposite in nature.
These truths in turn have their untrue shadows.

For example, honesty is the best policy but it is equally true that sometimes it is best to hold our tongues.

Or as Karl Popper said, any theory must be falsifiable to have a chance of validity or advancing our knowledge.

That is the simple way to look at it, but I have taken it to twelve views- which is the Rosicrucian method.

I bring you this poem from T.L. Harris:
No two men in creation think alike;
No two men in creation love alike;
No two men in creation are alike.

No worlds, or suns, or heavens, but are distinct,
And wear a separate beauty. Not a star
But differs from the star that nearest seems
And most congenial to its own pure state,
And this unlikeness grows with all their growth.
Manhood is individuality
Of thought.
No two men ever saw the world
Alike through outward eyes, nor ever heard
Just the same music in the wild birds' hymn
Or the deep moaning of the wakeful sea.
Were all men just alike, then there would be
One stagnant ocean, one lethargic swamp
Of fetid and corrupting life, and men
Tired of the sameness of the universe
Unvarying and permanent, grow like
Ghastly and empty shells of heart and brain.

Best Wishes,