The Antichrist

More seriously, if you take the letters T,E,S,C and O, convert them to binary code, reverse the digits and add them up cumulatively you get the number 666. (In Albanian.)

But who can save us????? Well, if you take the letters A, L, D and I...
I can tell you what the antichrist is, and quite specifically. So far, no one has stated it accurately on this particular thread, or at least, that I've noticed.

The antichrist is not a specific individual, for this is the same kind of ignorant, superstitious scapegoating that leads some to falsely assume that "the devil" is a force entirely separate from themselves and external. Nothing could be further from the truth. The greatest battle of all fought within the individual is that between his or her own spiritual Presence (identical with `God' for it is the immanent presence of God within every human heart) ... and the lower, "animal" nature, aka the human ego. In this battle, which precipitates fully in some particular lifetime or another, the Angel of the Presence - a definite Individuality - must defeat the sum-total of "evil" that has accumulated throughout the long series of incarnations that each of us has undergone. Most of us are quite a ways yet from that final battle, thus we face lesser conflicts in our present lifetime, though some of these can be substantial battles in & of themselves.

Notice that nowhere in this have I suggested that there is no such thing as external evil, or an external antichrist. Most certainly there are forces which represent both of these (they are not synonymous - the latter is a subset of the former), yet even on a planetary scale, what I said above applies. Collectively, in terms of Humanity, there is also an antichrist, and this is the same force relative to the whole of Humanity as that within each individual which opposes the Christ Presence. Thus, anything that tends toward separativeness as against Unity ... is of the antichrist. Fear, hatred, antipathy and exclusivity - are all examples of this type of force. Cooperation, Forgiveness, Compassion and the Will-to-Good/Goodwill ... are those qualities which are of the Christ and which can & will OVERCOME the antichrist when developed both within the individual, and within the Group - and within collective Humanity.

Perhaps this is not clear. But I fail to see how we could state it any more directly. Not a person, but rather, human attitudes, and the spirit of resistance to the princples of the New Era (of the Aquarian Christ) ... THIS is antichrist.

And as for a quick note about Benjamin Creme and Share International, as pertinent to the OP from Pico ... NEITHER of these represents IN ANY FORM OR FASHION the antichrist. Creme is a disciple or a world server of a certain status, and is most certainly someone guided by and acting according to the spirit of Christ and the Masters. IMHO, he is certainly not "the official spokeperson for" the Christ, or any of that - and in this respect, he is somewhat entangled in the glamours and illusion that affect all world disciples along the Way. We know that Christ needs no spokesperson, so anyone setting him or herself up as such - has already given us the indication we need to be wary. BUT - Creme plays an important and valuable role, inasmuch as he helps to familiarize the intelligent, thinking public with the fact that Christ and the Masters do exist, that their return is imminent, and that They come according to the Divine Plan ... FOR ALL. In this, Creme and Share International (and numerous other groups stemming from the tradition of Alice Bailey) do us all a Service ... and for that, we should be grateful! :)

Love and Light,


Hi taijasi,

After reading your post I'm sure you will enjoy this very well presented biblical exposure that comes to a conclusion similiar to you.

L. Ray Smith - THE LAKE OF FIRE - Part 13

Love in Christ,