What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? starring Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, introducing Victor Buono.

It was creepy (to say the least.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I was sh*t scared for a week when I first saw that! Especially that covered plate, dead rat bit! :eek:

I believe it was supposed to be the older sister's pet parakeet (but don't quote me.)

Bette Davis' portrayal of a slow descent into pure madness scares the helloandhowdoyoudo out of me, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I believe it was supposed to be the older sister's pet parakeet (but don't quote me.)
That's right. If memory serves, in one scene the handicapped sister finds a rat under the covered plate. In the next she tentatively lifts the cover fearing another rat and instead finds her beloved pet 'keet. Gave me nightmares... and I'm from Australia. Land of Witchetty Grubs and Snags!:D
Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp, Cristina Ricci, Christopher Walken and several others. They forgot that they showed it before and the movie hadn't improved imho.

I'm hoping that I can bring in some of the movies that I enjoy (both "live-action" and anime.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just got back from seeing The Ancient Magus' Bride, a special presentation sponsored by Crunchyroll. I didn't realize that the anime was over until one of the staff started cleaning the theater (no, I didn't fall asleep; it was that good-for-something!) They had a preview of a Crunchyroll exclusive Children of Ether, which is a post-apocalyptic world where the characters have to distill water before drinking or using it because there isn't any potable water otherwise (the water's highly toxic in this "universe of discourse".)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Not really a movie but a presentation by upperclassmen from the Astronomy department. It was a presentation about the history, mythology and folklore associated with solar eclipses (it's tied to the upcoming solar eclipse that's going to occur on the 21st of August this year.) It was worth the five-spot that I paid (except for all of the little kids who should've been in bed and asleep at 1900 hours [7:00 pm] imho.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I walked out of Lucy earlier (it was a turkey imho.) They wasted the talents with a plot that I can sum up in two sentences, and it couldn't suspend my disbelief any more than a first-time "magician" with the instructions for the trick right in front of him/her, reading them out loud.

I ended up watching a live :kitty: show (far more entertaining...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Blew the dust off my old DVD copy of "Animal House" from 1978, starring, John Belushi, Tim Matheson, Tim Hulce and Stephen Furst. Even better than I remembered it. Then again, it was the first time I ever saw it on a big screen TV! Last time I watched it was on an old 25" analog.
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Apparently, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis didn't get along...
That and some, apparently ...

And I do like the comments about how frightening a psycho-drama can be, without resorting to CGI wizardry and visceral displays of bloody violence.

In that vein :)rolleyes:) one of my memories is the 1963 The Haunting, all about what's happening on the other side of the door.
And I do like the comments about how frightening a psycho-drama can be, without resorting to CGI wizardry and visceral displays of bloody violence.
Indeed. Anthony Perkins performance in "Psycho" from 1960 comes to mind. Especially the infamous shower scene where not one stab wound was shown. Only blood running down the tub drain. Which was shot in B&W enhancing the affect immensely!:eek:
Indeed. Anthony Perkins performance in "Psycho" from 1960 comes to mind. Especially the infamous shower scene where not one stab wound was shown. Only blood running down the tub drain. Which was shot in B&W enhancing the affect immensely!:eek:

A-Men! I still cannot watch that version of Psycho, yet I have no problem with the remake from 1998 (which took away what really made the original horrifying, relegating the story to "camp" status.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Indeed. Anthony Perkins performance in "Psycho" from 1960 comes to mind. Especially the infamous shower scene where not one stab wound was shown. Only blood running down the tub drain. Which was shot in B&W enhancing the affect immensely!:eek:
I think they used chocolate syrup for the blood, too, to make it even more intense.
I just finished watching Howl's Moving Castle, and I'm going to return it to the school's library as soon as I log out (along with Kiki's Delivery Service.) They're both slightly overdue, but I had to avoid going because I had trouble with dog dander (neighbors: can't live with them and there's no decent exchange rate. :rolleyes: )

I hope that I can purchase DVD copies of both movies, along with Miyazaki's Spirited Away someday. :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine